Alleyway Stats

Monday, June 14, 2010


Winners for my 'RANDOM 10 YA BOOK GIVEAWAY' were chosen by using a random generator from RANDOM.ORG.

True Random Number Generator  
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

HERE'S HOW IT WORKED: all contestants had a number of entries contingent on their participation in the contest. I typed up an alphabetical list of the contestants. The first contestant received the number 1 to however many entries they had accumulated. (ex. 6 entries would have gained u the numbers 1 through 6. The next name in line may have had 10 entries. They would have been assigned numbers 7 through 16 and so on.)

After that, I simply plugged the beginning number of 1 and the ending number of entries into the generator and hit 'GENERATE' 10 different times. easy-peasy!! 

WINNERS of randomly chosen YA book titles are:
#46 - Candyland -- DREAMING ANASTASIA
#300 - Throuthehaze -- BURNED
#170 - Lydia -- THE DEMON'S LEXICON
#259 - Sherrie P. -- IMMORTALS
#285 -- Taffy -- SHIVER
#73 - Creepy Query Girl -- WINTERGIRLS
#155 - Joanne B. -- SPIDER'S BITE
#224 - Nicole D. -- THE HUNTER GAMES: Catching Fire
#9 - Ann Marie -- IF I STAY
~~major congrats!! to the winners~~
(& my condolences to those who didn't win. u r all winners in my book)
(you have 5 days to email me your mailing addies. Thanks.)

WINNERS of the 'PSYCHIC' CONTEST were a little more difficult. Man we got some funny entries. And after three of my humanoids--sorry, the sixteen year old was too busy for you just as he's too busy for me now--here's our results: remember, they picked'em for whatever reason, mostly if you made them laugh.

6th Runner-up Signed THE FIRE STONE by Riley Carney -- Adventures in Children's Publishing
5th Runner-up signed BOOK PLATE for BEFORE I FALL by Lauren Oliver -- Susan Kaye Quinn
4th Runner-up signed THE PACK & EXPLORER X-ALPHA by Lm Preston -- Dianne Salerni
3rd Runner-up 1st Chapter Critique by Riley Carney -- Jessie Harrell
2nd Runner-up 20min Skype conversation with Elana Johnson -- Joanne B.
1st Runner-up Synopsis & Query Critique by AE Rought --MBW aka Olleymae
GRAND PRIZE WINNER First Chapter Critique by Caroline Starr Rose --Candyland
(i'll be emailing you with the specifics soon.)
congrats!! to all the winners and thank you all for participating. Gut me some new ideas for more fabulous contests this summer including a major blogfest I hope you'll all join...


  1. Woo hoo!!! We love Riley and this prize is awesome :) Thanks S.A.! Congrats to all the lucky winners!

    Martina & Marissa

  2. Congrats to all the winners. And thanks Sheri for the awesome contest.

  3. Congrats t oall the winners! Contests are so great!

  4. I'm so freakin' excited I won something!!!Wooo!!!!Thanks so so so much!

  5. YaHoo! This is a great way to start a Monday morning! Thank you Sheri! I am so pumped!

  6. Candace, looking forward to reading your work!

  7. Congrats to everyone and thanks so much for playing and commenting! Your visits keep me going. *hugs*

  8. Fantastic!! Congrats everyone! Yay!!!!!

  9. YAY us (winners)!! :) Thank you Sheri!!

  10. Congrats to all the winners!! Yay!

  11. woo hoo! congrats to everyone!! :D

  12. Holy Crap!! *Creepy runs around squeeling* I've never won ANYTHING on a blogging contest before! Thanks Sheri!

  13. Wow! What a fabulous contest!!! Congrats to all the winners.

  14. What an amazing contest! Thanks, Sheri.
    BTW, have I mentioned what a great name you have? :)

  15. Thanks for the great contest! I LOVE winning books!

  16. Yay! Yay! I never win anything in contests. Woo Hoo!

    But knowing Candyland's sense of humor, I really want to see her winning psychic entry!

  17. I was going to say the same thing as Dianne - what was the winning psychic entry??
    And thanks for the fab prize!

  18. Yay! This contest was awesome. Thanks so much!!

  19. Thanks so much! Congrats to the other winners too!



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