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Monday, July 19, 2010

Shout-outs! Linkage, & Other Eerie Tales From The Alleyway

Between Writers' Ally and the GRAFFITI WALL, I feel I'm slowly developing a place of ultimate support for readers and writers alike. This is a place where the unpublished writer and the published author can mingle the splats of their life and writing experiences. I use daily posts to chat about writing techniques, inspire with the occasional writing exercise, and have a loaded Tool Box for the MG and YA Writer. I promote the success of writers/authors. I also have the Impetus Room, where anyone can jot down their goals for the week, and share their successes. *Can never have enough people sharing successes and encouraging one another.*

So now, I've decided to start another venture. Nothing too serious, but I hope to make it a regular event. Many bloggers share interesting links they've come upon throughout the week. I love that. So much information to feed on. In the coming weeks, every-so-often, you'll see a post called Shout-outs, which will cover links to helpful posts or sites, to contests I've stumbled upon, and just about any link to promote a fellow writer's success.

Here's a few I want to share with you. Have at 'em!!

Great middle grade book suggestions on From The Mixed Up Files of Middle Grade Authors. Check out the wonderful books this group of middle grade authors have suggested. You don't have to write MG to read it. Sometimes the plot lines and sub plots are easier to follow from an internal 'writers' perspective. (Yup, it's fairly impossible for me to read like a reader, anymore. I try like @#&*, but it's tough.) These are great books to dissect to see and learn how the author weaved it all together.

Become an email subscriber on Random Acts of Reading. Great site! A group of sales reps for Random House Children's Books have joined forces to chat about what we love most...BOOKS!!

A major MUST contest, giveaway, and great cause!! Check it out at Candyland.

Free downloads on books! I have a few. Awesome and major THANKS and boxes of invisible Hotheads goes out the the amazing authors! Check them out on The Book Butterfly's Blog.

On Ingrid's Notes, she shares different picture books and how they are developed. It's an interesting post, and can be related to the development of MG or YA material.

Tara, over on the Bodacious Pen, is have a 'Honkin' Giveaway!!

Happy hunting, everyone! *Monday grins*


  1. Thanks for sharing the links. That's a great idea.

  2. Happy Monday, Sherri! Thanks for the post and the links - and yes, the Alleyway is like a lovely watercooler where authors can all hang out.


  3. I'm having a Lisa Schroeder giveaway, and you don't even have to follow. :)

  4. Thanks for linksies! I needs me some more entries!

  5. Wow lots of new info to process! Where do you find the time?

  6. awesome lineup! thanks so much for the links!!

  7. oh la la.... i think I like this blog!!!

  8. Thank you so much for the links! These are fantastic

  9. Thanks the links. I'm always looking for more reviews to add to my TBR pile :)

  10. Sheesh. That was suppposed to say Thanks FOR the links ;)

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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