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Thursday, September 23, 2010

2 Teens Answer Your Questions

Hi everyone!! Firstly, I want to give a major splat shout-out to my new Alleywalkers. Awesomesaucesome to have you here.

Everyone say 'Hi'.

'Hi!' The crowd rips out their spray cans and gives the new Alleywalkers a full body painting initiation. 

Welcome to today's edition of Q & A with a YA!! Although today it should read Q & A with 2 YAers!!

As you know, Jacob Milhouse is the lead teen who answers your questions. Today he's invited a guest to help him out. Please give Riv Re a warm Alleywalker welcome. Hi, Riv Re.

Hey guys! As you so far gathered, I'm Riv Re; writer, reader, high-schooler and blogger extraordinaire. And I'm also a teenager. So, out of the goodness of my big-and humble!-heart, I'm meandering over to help Jacob with Q and A with a YA!

Lisa Gibson asks: What do you see in YA literature that bothers you? Or do you see anything that just doesn't ring true to you?

Jacob: I don’t see enough strong-minded/strong-willed characters. That really bothers me. Growing up, it’s nice to see characters that have it together to some degree and aren’t all about being the victim. I also would want to see more flawed characters. I never buy a book if I feel like I’ve read something like it before. Give me something new, something fresh. I don’t like recycled. I guess I just am bothered when MC’s are the chasers in the romance game and they don’t own up to their own sexuality in a sense. Be the one to be chased sometimes. It’s a little more fun that way.

RR: One thing in particular that gets on my nerves is coincidences. When stuff is happening right now, when the protag is doing just this. Take Voices of Dragons by Carrie Vaughn. It's a great book, but there just happens to be a war on the horizon at the same time as a human and dragon become friends. And of course, Jacob is right about needing flawed characters. And no, being clumsy and biting your lip does not count, Bella. And of course, vampires are so last year. Fortunately, we seem to be witnessing a Fey take-over.

Susan Kaye Quinn (love her name) asks: Would you read a book with a female protag, even if it didn't have the compensatory mega-action of a Hunger Games type book?

Jacob: Absolutely. I don’t discriminate. Maybe it’s me, but I feel boys don’t really care if the character is male or female, as long as they’re hooked. However, what draws me away from female characters is when they chase after broody guys who always seem to hate them and then like them and they fall in love within two days. It’s repetitive and annoying. I’m use to female characters like Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She kicks ass and can take care of herself. I think that’s something I’d like to see more of.

RR: Well, I don't feel competent to answer that, being a girl and all (minor detail, of course) so I'll say my opinion on male protags with action but no romance. I love to get a different perspective, and sometimes I see writers who can do the view tastefully and well, bringing the reader into the boy's head without any awkwardness or girliness. And about the action...I'm the type that appreciates fighting scenes. I love to write 'em, I love to read 'em. So personally, if a book is all about the action, I'm thrilled. All though, if the character has no depth is just some mindless killer, that's another story... Of course, many girls will beg to differ (often with a squeal as they reapply their lipstick.) 

~ Upcoming Events to Make Note Of ~

~ a different book review in a totally new ballgame
~ guest bloggers visit
~ a hauntingly sophisticated book review *wink*
~ an emergency post next Friday
~ the hubs adventures in S. Korea revealed
~some awesome author interviews from a few of your favorite YA legends-in-the-making
~ introduction to Grammar Ginger
~ my synopsis series with Paula B.
~ a series of insight from Agent Natalie Fischer
~ the official announcement of my Freaky-Fright Writing Fest!! loaded with prizes and staring eyeballs <3
~ Oh, and probably a few surprises in between


Let me ask you YA writers out there: what is your most favorite YA scenes to write and why? And don't forget to leave more questions.


  1. I love the idea to actually check in with teen readers. I couldn't agree more with Jacob. I get very frustrated with helpless, passive MCs. I want to scream, "Try SOMETHING!!!" Even if it turns out disastrous, I feel like too many novels these days don't put the protag in the driver's seat of their own lives. Thanks so much for this post!

    Marissa :)

  2. I love that you give us feedback from real live teens! And I couldn't agree more with Jacob...I like an MC that takes chances and does the unexpected.

  3. There's so much stuff on YA out there, maybe I should read more of it. ;-) But I'm a romance gal. Hardcore. LoL.


  4. This is great.
    Questions: What are your thoughts on a female writer writing a male teen? What do you expect?

    Also, your thoughts on a story written from two points of view (male and female)?

  5. Awesome answers! Love the bit about strong characters. So need that

  6. Hey thanks for posting my question. They did a fabulous job answering it too! :) You guys rock!

    -Hey new question: How do you young adults feel about the banning of books? ;)

    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  7. You guys are awesome! I love that we get to probe the minds of real teens. (It sounds like we weren't there just a few years ago.) So cool!

  8. This is great stuff!! I visited your blog, Riv Re and am a new follower - you rock! :-)

  9. awesome Q&A Sheri! Thanks--and looking forward to our upcoming events... Paula B! And the Hubs adventures in Korea... What was the gift??? ;p

  10. Fantastic post! Can't wait to see more of these.

  11. Yay! Surprises from South Korea! Can't wait to hear about it!


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