Alleyway Stats

Friday, September 17, 2010

Drunkin Kool-Aid

Happy Friday, my precious Alleywalkers!! Good to see Friday, it is. At the end of this post I'll be announcing the winners of my I Got You Blogfest. 

But first: My hubs left for S. Korea last Saturday, and let me tell you being completely ALONE with four kids all week makes for one heck of a LONG week. ...and lots of wine drinking under the sheets to go nite-nite...

Don't hear me wrong: I'm normally the caregiver of the four spawndlings by myself. The hubs works long, grueling hours in marketing and financing the car industry. BUT he does sleep home every night, and his office is a short half hour away....NOT a fourteen hour flight to a foreign country where he's apparently avoiding like a good daddy enjoying their Korean Kool-Aid. lol.


Ooh ... he said the President of Hyundai gave me a gift. Sweet!! He won't tell me what it is, though. Said 'You'll see' when I get home. Bull-pucky.

It better be good.

I had a guest post all set for you from an awesome chicky, Sophie, but I thought it would be more fun--just for today--if I shared one day from this HELLISH wonderfully peaceful week with you. (Come back next Friday when Sophie unveils her discoveries about research in writing.)

~~ Yesterday ~~
A day in the life of this mother/writer

  • Each spawdling missed the rooster's B'cawk!! They all got up LATE. The spastic positive  energy generated led to many blood-curdling serene moments of me belting like a lunatic coddling them with care. 

  • The battle over the shower was a thing of horror beauty. I'd just finished sweating like mommies shouldn't working out. No one had gotten into the shower like I'd said, so I decided to shower first but shoved nudged Jake (the 13yr-old) with my demonic gentile voice telling him I was heading into the shower. For some teenage reason, that lit a flame under his butt and he leaped out of bed and bolted to the kid's bathroom where he proceeded to LOCK-EE THE DOOR-EE and argue with  me that he was showering first. Ooh...was I ticked calm, and no, I didn't have time to have him give me thirty!! Finally, coaxed by my  horns growing out of my head sweetness, he caved and I bathed first.

  • Then Josh (the 17yr-old), who lay on his mattress (which resides on the floor because we're fearful of what he'd allow to grow underneath it), started moaning about how he needed to wash, while Kate (11yr-old) taunted him from the shower.

  • After Josh peeled inched his car out of the driveway with Jake, I raced the other two to school.

  • I rushed home, blogged for a half, and then raced to my parent's house who suddenly wanted to take me out to breakfast.

  • Ate, guzzled hot coffee, and then sped in my Charger drive like a law abiding citizen to my 11:30 hair appointment. Seeing the day I'd already encountered, I told my hairdresser to make it happen. Um...sure, if you keep reading this I just may give you a glimpse into my new exotic licorice locks normal mommy look.

  • Now home, I write for a WHOLE hour!! Whew-hoo, except...I was too wound to sit still. Ugg.

  • Once CJ (the 6yr-old) got off the bus and gorged on food, we raced drove like a Sunday driver two towns over to Jake's football game. Yay!! First few moments were awesome. Jake scored the first TOUCHDOWN!! But wait! Then....



I glanced at him, now on the bench, which brought him to his feet and over to me. 

With his big green eyes poking through the grate of his helmet he said, "Yeah my Achilles heel is still sore and now I have busted fingers to match." Holding up his now taped hand, "This is really just a great day." 

And he walked back to the bench with his shoulders peeling downward, hovering his ankles. 

Seriously, that was the most genuine thing he'd said in months. Remember, he's an 8th grader. They lose their brains and ability to speak normally around 6th grade and I've been told they get them back about halfway through their freshman year in college. 

Parenthood is such a cruel joke wonderful experience. 

Now I have a dilemma. I didn't want to leave Jake, but Kate was at her soccer game back in our hometown. I was going to do half Jake's game and then half of hers. 

I made a bunch of frantic placid phone calls, got someone to pick up Kate, and then headed to the junior high to pick Jake up off the bus from the game. I nabbed Asian food--Jake loves Pad Tie and Drunkin Noodles--and then drove really I did to my parents house. 

(My dad's a former hockey and baseball coach who's taped up and set enough fingers.) 

So, while we ate, my dad set Jake's finger.

Then I practically crawled pushed my exhausted car home, kids did homework and went to bed. I think I  literally passed out. 


Okay, so I suppose I need to fess up about the hair color, huh??

Scroll down....

Yeah, that's not me but the color is semi-there...
That's DEFINITELY not it or me...
Not it either, but this one is the closest...


...the hubs has the good camera with him so we used a crappy camera. I'm sure Stina will want to cringe when she sees this. It really doesn't show the color well or focus for that matter, but it will have to do for now. I'll take a new pic when he gets home. 


Um, horsepucky...enough about Moi. I have some WINNERS to announce. 

AND now, the winner of the first annual I Got U Blogfest, the coveted I Got U award 2010 for their blog, 2 YA books from the list I provided, and a scrumptious box of Hotheads is....

....firstly, I just want to say this was truly a hard choice. You all wrote from your hearts. That's what I was hoping for. I've been involved in a lot of different organizations in my short lifetime, and I can honestly say I've never felt the affection, guidance, and true friendships that I've felt since I started blogging with all you amazing writers. I am humbled that you've chosen to follow my journey and join in on it. 

Thank you.

Now...the WINNER is.............Leigh Moore of That's Write for her awesome compilation of blogger appreciation. 

First runner-up goes to Shannon O'Donnell of Book Dreaming and our Second runner-up is Sharon Mayhew of Random Thoughts. Both receive a YA book from the list I provided.  

I will email you the list of books to choose from. First come first serve. And then I'll get them right out to you. Thanks for participating and Have an Awesome Weekend, Everyone! 
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  1. Yeah,life is definitely crazy, especially once school and sports start. I had a 16 hour day yesterday and again today. Then, thank god it's the weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to writing.

  2. I wish I hadn't missed this blogfest, not only because of the awesome prizes, but because it's nice to thank the people in our lives. I e-mailed the person I would've chosen to let her know how much I appreciate her comments and posts.

    Love the picture and the hair!

    I remember being with my little ones when my husband was away. The hardest part was no break at night. Now they're older, and I get the TV to myself when my husband is out of town. Sweet!

  3. Are you kidding? I love the picture. :D

    My hubby's in Europe and I'm with my three kids. Somehow I seem to manage better when he's away than he does when I'm away. Fortunately for him, I don't go away very often.

    Wow, you did have a busy day. Your house must be crazy with so many teens. I'm not there yet. Just over two more years before the first one hits teenhood. ;)

  4. Whoa--now that's what I call one crazy day! But hey, your hair looks fabulous!

    Have great weekend--and try to chilax. ;-)


  5. awesomeness! LOVE the hair and WHOOT! more books to read--yay! :D Thankyouverymuch (in best Elvis voice). I couldn't have done it w/out all my bleeps. (blogging peeps)

    sigh. I hate it when JRM's out of town, so I feel your pain. And I have no little boys, but I have friends who do. And they all say the same thing about the 6th grade "change." Hang in there, Mommy. Your hair looks great and you got a secret present coming--you have to share! :o) <3

  6. I was exhausted just reading about that day you had. Whew! Moms are truly awesome people.

    From what I can tell, your hair looks fantastic!

  7. What a wacky day! The hair turned out well, though! With good hair, most everything else can be managed. :) LOL

  8. Yay, yay, yay! Thank you so much, Sheri! I think your blogfest topic was brilliant! I loved reading so many tributes to so many fellow bloggers.

    Your hair looks great, btw! :-)

  9. Wow - crazy day but gorgeous hair! I'm glad I picked today to stumble onto your blog... I loved your description of your day. And thanks for the head's up on the sixth grade change - I've two boys (5 and 3 - almost). Anyhow, nice to meet you... and hopefully your weekend will hold nothing but peace, love, and joy ~flowers fall and dancing fairy lights fill the air~ ;)

  10. Your hair looks great.

    Congrats to the winners.

    Awww, you'll do okay without your husband.


!SPLAT Your Awesomeness! I'd love to hear from you!