Alleyway Stats

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So today's the day we reach out and give out fellow bloggers some heart. I'd like to thank those bloggers who are participating and for those who visit and read the articles posted today!
HERE are the participating websites.

Participants, please remember to visit at least three other participating bloggers and leave a comment for them. 
HERE'S a recap of what's up for grabs:

The most ingenious post will receive: 

- the coveted I GOT U! Blogfest award for 2010 for their blog
- 2 YA books from the list HERE.
- a scrumptious box of HOTHEADS - my signature snack.

1st and 2nd runners-up will each receive one YA book of their 
choice from the list HERE.
Winners will be announce Friday, Sept. 17th. 

Good Luck!

My Side Splatter 

1) I'm blogging over on Oasis for YA, today, exploring how NASCAR is like writing. I'd love for you to pay me a visit over there. Thanks.

2) And...the WINNER of a copy of Susan Kaye Quinn's book, Life, Liberty, and Pursuit is: 

Leigh Moore!!
(Send me your mailing addy, and I'll forward it to Susan.)
Congrats and ((cyberhugs))


  1. Wow. Leigh's having a lucky week! How come you're not writing a post for the blogfest???

  2. CRAP!!! I forgot this was today. Can I do mine tomorrow? PLEASE!?!

  3. How did I miss this? I'm such a bad blogger! I did just read your post and loved it!

  4. Okay, have to laugh at Matthew's comment. :D

    I'm off to check out your YA Oasis post.

  5. This is such a sweet idea. I'm going to hop around and check out all the links.

  6. This was so much fun! I really enjoyed reading everyone's posts and writing my post. I could have written it about a lot of bloggers...choosing one person was hard. I did a post about Lenny before I signed up for the fact he's the one who got me to sign up...I wonder where he is??? It's not like him to be quiet for more than a couple days? (Hugs to Lenny...)

    Thanks for the fun, Sheri!

    Thanks for the shout out, Shannon! (I was overwhelmed...)

  7. Yay Leigh! I'm excited to see what everyone posts.

  8. Whew! I ran around to everyone's posts, commented, following, etc.

    Thank you so much for hosting! I really appreciate it. Newbie me was sitting here all bloggery and sad because I have only a few followers. THEN I saw your blogfest post. A-HA! (I knew I was missing something obvious!) So, new homework project for me is to find more blogfests and cool people to follow. :)

  9. CRAPPITY CRAP CRAP!!!! I freakin FORGOT today was bloghop day. I'm w/Matt---please let me do it tomorrow! I've been buried doing interviews all a.m. and getting ready to be gone next week...

    DANG IT! But WOO HOO!!! I need to send a query today or something. I'm totally psyched about winning Susan's book. It's been on my "to read" list for a while. I'm very interested in this "New Adult" category... And I've heard it's awesome.

    So yay! Scatterbrains wins again! :D Thanks Sher, and man, I'm sorry. Act will be gotten together.... NOW!

  10. Great idea. Makes me wish I had a blog.


!SPLAT Your Awesomeness! I'd love to hear from you!