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Monday, October 4, 2010

Freaky Fright Writers Fest!!

Put ME in your story!!
I want you to SCARE ME!  I mean Freaky Fear Flippin-out Fright!
(Say that ten times fast. I dare you.)

Most important elements of a writing contest first: said PRIZES!!

HALLOWEEN brings goblins, ghouls, bats, and cats. I see vampires (& no, not Edward or Jasper). I mean the real deal, and mangy werewolves--although, I do dig the sexy chested ones. 

There's zombies and witches, skeletons and skulls. A zombie wearing skeletons and skulls with a witch on the back of a bad@$$ motorcycle would be great! 

I want you to think about what truly makes your skin crawl. What makes the hairs on her arms salute, where fear turns your mouth into a waterless wasteland? 

Show me; Don't tell me. I want to SEE. 

And don't chicken out and use something like this: Greg Brady...oh, those were days.

Take me for a drive on a lonely abandoned road. We could share a candlelight dinner together. Show me that gravestone you've been meaning to share with me. Tell me about your crazed Uncle Zeek, who only visits when the fog comes out.

Put Moi in your story with you. Describe me however you choose. Where will we go? What will we do? Will be live or will be die?

Serenade me with a poem, essay, or short story. Please keep it under 700 words. Feel free to use humor, sarcasm, or any other element that will hook a reader. Top three entries will get posted on Writer's Ally. (with your permission, of course)

Leave a comment and any personal question you'd like to ask me about my feelings about Halloween and scary stuff to help you on your journey. I won't tell you what MOST terrifies me, but I'll give you clues. And if one of you gets it correct, I'll unveil a photo of the horrendous costume I wore my senior year in high school. 

CONTEST runs from October 4th to October 29th. Email your entries with FRIGHT FEST typed in the subject line to:

Feel free to resize, cut, and paste the contest logo for your site.

Just fill out the FORM to enter. 
I will announce the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place on November 5th. These three entries will have first come first serve on the prizes, but the top 7 entries will WIN! your chances are FANGTABULOUSLY STEAMING!!

P.S. SLAT: I'm blogging over on Oasis for YA today, too!!


  1. Oh, what a cool contest. I can't wait to read the winning entries. :D

    (Nope, I'm not entering. I'm not good at the short stuff).

  2. Hmmm I'll have to come up with something good. *puts thinking cap on

  3. hi miss sheri! wowee this sounds scary and fun! im gonna be in it but i dont know yet what im gonna write about or maybe do a poem about. i gotta think on something sooooooo scary you could jump right out of your chair. ha ha.
    ...hugs from lenny

  4. Great contest. You have the wheels of my mind turning.

  5. What a cool contest (and a little scary)!!! Know I have to think of something. =D

  6. Cool beans! Hmmm... what most terrifies YOU?

  7. What a great contest! I want to know what terrifies you too!

  8. Sheri--I'm not entering the contest...cause I'm not very good at being scary, but I posted a little blurb about it for you today. :-)

  9. I don't know why, but I get this image of you dressing as Carrie ala pigs blood for Halloween, but it seems too gory a costume to wear for HS...

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  10. Wow, ok this will be my first comp. So nervous.
    Only 700words??? I would be right as rain with 1000, but 700...eeek!
    *Chuckles* well I guess it should help practice being more succinct.

  11. how creepy - cool! And so fitting for my FAVORITE holiday - Halloween. People crawling on ceilings is what freaks me out the most - what about you?
    Are you selecting numerous winners based on the story or the points on the enry form - or both? BTW - do we get extra points for being a yalitchat member? :)

  12. I just sent my entry. ((((((fingers crossed))))))

  13. This sounds like fun. May the best spooky writer . . . er, make that the best writer of a spooky story win!

  14. Great contest, sounds like fun!!!



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