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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

MY Name In PRINT!!!

So the most exciting thing happened to me Saturday morning.

I picked up my Mom from her hair appointment and drove her home. On the way we chatted about this and then about that. You know. She asked me about my writing, the kids, blah... Exciting stuff, I told you. I helped her into the house and got her settled in the kitchen. (She has Multiple Sclerosis.)

As I was about to leave, I noticed a local publication on the table. I pinched it between my fingers and flipped over my other palm.

And that's when I saw it.

My first freelance article in print!! FOR REAL!! And it was on the FRONT PAGE!

by Sheri A. Larsen

OMGosh!! It was really my name. I had to look twice...Okay, I think I looked it over ten times. Then I thought, They really wouldn't use the words I weaved together, would they?

I looked again. YUP, they did...Word for word for word. I couldn't believe it. I mean, I knew what I'd written when I'd sent it in. But here's the thing: SOMEONE took my writing seriously. Serious enough to believe it could be shared with others. 

Now granted, it's a piece of nonfiction. I write fiction for middle graders and young adults. But this proved to me that I CAN write. (Yeah, I'll feel that tingling elation until the next time someone cuts up my manuscript and I want to hurl.) But I have something to fall back on.

This feels different to me then the time I won honorable mention in that writing contest. That was wonderful, and, yes, it encouraged me. But this was freelancing!!

Validation is so important for a writer. It gives us fuel to keep trucking forward, readies us for what's ahead, and gives us value. WOW. Someone valued my work...just a short article, but it was mine. Hee...

If you're interested in checking it out, you can read it HEREI'm also over on OASIS FOR YA, today, exploring the literary terms of Diction and Syntax.

I have one more important item I'd like to mention today.
You are a sweetie, and you make my heart smile.
For those of you who don't know Lenny, he's an amazing boy who has a BLOG that you just have to visit!

Have any successes lately, please share them with us!!


  1. Happy Dance!!!!! You rock Sheri! I'm so impressed you've figured out something I've known about you for some time - you are an Author!!! Talented at that. You go girl!

  2. Congratulations! And isn't Lenny awesome? It sounds like he's got a great day planned.

  3. Congrats. I know what you mean about validation. It is crucial. I will check it out.

  4. That's amazing Sheri. Congratulations!

  5. That is awesome news Sheri! Congrats! Loved your post over on Oasis for YA!

  6. Congratulations!!! Yay!!! That's so exciting!!!! I can't believe it! I would have jumped for joy, showed my neighbors, showed the dog and the cat, all while twirling around in utter bliss!

    Checking out Oasis for YA next!!

    Happy Birthday to Lenny the awesome!

  7. Wow, congrats, Sheri! It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? :D

  8. Thanks so much!! It really was validating. The article itself is not going to set the world on fire, but it did me. And I needed it.

  9. Great for you! That must be a fantastic feeling!! If you get a chance, swing by my blog for my Weekly Spotlight.... it's all about you! :)

  10. Wonderful news! Congratulations! throws fairy dust*****

  11. So cool! What a rush to see your own name in inky letters... I'm getting palpitations just thinking about your story. Go you!!

  12. AHHHHH! That is the best news ever!!! Congrats! =D

  13. Congrats on your accomplishment. I'd still be doing a happy dance.

  14. That's wonderful, Sheri! Yay!!! Congratulations! :-)

  15. CONGRATS Sheri!!☆∴*★∵∶✩♡✩☼。◦°✰*¨*•.¸.✩ WooHoo!

    (that's my celebration confetti made just for you!)

    And...yep, HAPPY Birthday to sweet Lenny! :)


  16. Congratulations Sheri, a well-written article, don't hurl, keep dancing!

  17. Congratulations, Sheri. Your validation is well-deserved and is but the tip of the iceberg as to more coming your way. You're a terrific writer!! (Hugs for your mom; she seems like a very strong person with a bright smile.)

  18. Congratulations to you! That must've been an amazing feeling.

    Happy birthday, Lenny!

  19. Holy cow! That's awesome!! I don't think there's a better feeling on this planet.

  20. Congrats to you! And yes, validation is important. It's wonderful to know that someone besides the people you share genes with love something you wrote, isn't it. I'm off to read the article now. :)
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  21. LM - you are the best and such an amazing writer friend. I truly appreciate you.
    Kittie - that is so nice of you to say. I surely hope so; that's what I'm striving to.
    Blueeyes - I'll try not to. Hah!!
    Lola - I freaking LOVE the confetti! Thanks.

  22. Congratulations!!!! How exciting!! :) Heading off to read the article now... :)

  23. Oh, That's so exciting! Congratulations!!!! Now quick write something else while you are on the I got something published high...

    Happy Birthday, Lenny!!!!!

  24. Congratulations, Sheri! Writing is writing -- in any genre -- and practice is practice! Hey, we all knew you could do it, because we keep coming back to read your blog -- which is also your name in print, by the way! :D

    How about a picture of the article?

  25. There's nothing better than seeing your work in print, is there? Nothing! Huge congrats, Sheri! So happy for you :D

  26. Congrats! Non-parental confirmation, like you say, is critical for a writer.

    Sweet surprise!

    I had a surprise like that many years ago. I sent out some short stories, got nothing back, and about six months later my sister-in-law googles my name and up pops a story by Eric W. Trant. She calls my bro, he calls me, I look at the site, and sure enough, some guy had ripped my story onto his site!

    So I know the feeling. Funny how they'll publish without notifying the author, eh. I would never have known.

    - Eric

  27. Yay!! So happy for you. What an exciting experience. Talk about validation! I hope there will be more to come!

    Happy birthday, Lenny!

  28. Awesome! Good for you, I'm so happy for you. You should frame the article. That's what I did with my first publication (a short story in my local teen newspaper).

  29. hi miss sheri! wow your name in print!!! thats sooooo exciting for sure. i want to say i told you so cause i already know your a really good writer. im real happy for you and i could hear how youre real happy. thanks for the nice balloons and the happy birthday. its more nice cause you thougt of putting me on that neat post about you. i got such special friends and youre one of the most special.
    ...hugs from lenny

  30. *jumping up and down for you* So happy for you, girl!

  31. "Author Sheri Larsen." Just the sound of it makes me grin from ear to ear!
    I am so very impressed by your writing, and not just the article, but everything you do. Well done and bravo! (Sound of hands clapping!)

  32. Way to go Sheri!!! That it an awesome article! And love the way you've ended with a punch about the challenges facing law enforcement. Be proud of your accomplishment!


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