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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Causes, Blog Tours, YALITCHAT Oh'My!!

The possibilities within cyberspace are endless. The more we surf, the more we find. There are causes, contests, giveaways, tours, book name it. I'm highlighting a few that recently caught my attention.

Lisa Gail Green is hosting a contest to help her friend's drive to raise money for breast cancer. She's offering a choice books and a ten page critique. It's for a great cause, and Lisa's great!

YA Author Tamara Hartheiner's first book is due out November 16, 2010. She's hosting an amazing blog tour, which I happen to be a part of. My review of Perilous will be out mid-December and so will her interview and guest post!! I'm so excited. There's a ton of authors involved you probably recognize: Talli Roland, Jennifer Daiker, Elana Johnson - just to name a few.

She's giving away two SIGNED copies of Perilous and then a KINDLE!! How cool. Enter by December 15th. Easy-peasy.

My final goodie for today is a favorite. As some of you read HERE, I was all signed and delivered as an author participating in NaNoWriMo. Then, life kicked in and I had to back out. However, some of my most awesomesaucesomest (yeah, I used it) writer friends have taken the pen by the might ink--more like keyboard by the fingertips, but who's really keeping track? They are hammering out more words than breaths each day of November.

As some of you know, I'm a member a of YAlitchat - a thriving online writing community--as well as their Middle Grade Lair moderator.

We're hosting a great contest for the month of November specifically directed at those NaNoWriMo participants. Here are the deets:

~ A KINDLE if first prize.
~ A 20 page critique by a leading industry Agent or Editor (We have wonderful agents/editors who have joined our YAlitchat family!!)
~ A bookpack of Rampant by Diana Peterfreund plus 2 books from Harper

CONTEST DETAIL: (Taken directly from YAlitchat forum.) 

The winner meets their 50K goal or has the highest count of all contestants. As well as posting a snippet of writing daily (25 words of your writing for the day) and the word count for the day that you post. The winner would have posted at least 10 times during the month of November their word count and snippet for that day. Please provide your screen name and buddy all of the contestants.

So here is the steps to enter:
-  Be a member of Yalitchat
-  Join Contest Forum
-  Post Introduction to include (nanowrimo login name, title of nanowork, current words completed, 5 sentence synopsis of book you are writing)
-   Post Daily or weekly (word count, 25 word snippet of what your wrote during the recent session)
-   Winner is the highest recorded word count from all contestants (be warned, you may be asked to present draft to prove word count.)

What are you waiting for NaNoWri peeps!! Have at it!!


  1. The book Perilous sounds interesting.

    Sorry you couldn't participate in NaNo this year. I'm not participating either, but it sounds like a great contest.

  2. Thanks for the links! Perilous sounds great, and those are some great blog tour stops lined up!

  3. I will be posting my review of Perilous tomorrow. :) Thanks for the links. I'm a YALitChat member too. I'm not doing NaNo, though.

  4. Thanks for posting all the links. There's just too much out there to keep up with. I'm not doing NaNo so can't enter the contest. Oh well.

  5. Lots of good stuff here! PS, did I forget to email you re: a prize from scary story contest? My brain is so full I honestly don't remember.

  6. Lots of great contests! I had to sit out of NaNo myself this year.

  7. I too fell off the NaNo train, I'm still walking behind it but I'm way too far behind to catch up I'm afraid! Love YALitChat...their contest sounds cool :)

  8. Thanks for the links! I'm heading over to check out Perilous right now.

  9. wow- lots of cool stuff going on this month. Thanks for the links! I wish I could be a part of more of this kind of stuff but as it is, reality has me in it's vice like grip. i feel like I'm sitting out of dodge ball:(

  10. Awesome links! Perilous sounds great.

  11. Yeah, I'm excited to chat about Perilous, too!

  12. Look at all the awesome contests and links! So great!

  13. Perilous! What a great title. It sure lures me to the book shelves.

  14. Wow. There's a ton of great info here today, Sheri. And suddenly, I wish I was a novelist doing NaNo! :-)

  15. lots of great contests to keep me busy busy! Now I am going to go write for NaNo and sign up for some of those: )

  16. Lots of great stuff going on, thanks for the links and details!

  17. YAlitchat really is all kinds of coolness. I need to post and talk them up here, right soon! :)

  18. Wow...awesome contest! But I'm going to bow out. It's enough just to pump out 1667 per day. I'm only just keeping my head above water.

  19. There is always something amazing going on around the blogosphere. I'm constantly amazed.

  20. hey thanks for the shout out! I really appreciate it. ;D

  21. I've ordered my copy of Perilous! Can't wait!

  22. Thanks for these links. I'm off to check them now. Not doing NaNo. Don't care for the pressure.

  23. Hey cutie - the contest sounds fun. I'm totally late to the party. Can I still play or am I out of it?

  24. Yeah this blogosphere is amazing!!! So proud to be a part of it. YALITCHAT always has great stuff too --hadnt seen that one but I'm also not doing nano ;--)

  25. Always a ton of awesome in this place!


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