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Monday, November 15, 2010

Picture Books Remembered

(Firstly...yeah, I had a facelift. Trying to be more MG as well as YA. Just a trial-run. It may change. Still working on the website. lol) Now down to business.

There's something about me you don't know. Okay, lots. But I'm only sharing this right now.

I love picture books!! 

And I've been participating in Tara Lazar's PiBoIdMo for the month of November. All I have to do is come up with one new PB story idea a day - just one. I don't have to outline or map it out - just come up with an idea. (I'll share them with you in a later post.)

Anytime anyone asks me when I started writing I usually give them some spew about how I loved to write short stories/poetry in junior high and high school. But, alas, I was successfully trekking toward a dancing career so I let it fly by the waste side. I would then finish by saying that I decided somewhere in 2008 to become a serious writer.

But I'd forgotten...while my first two children were really young, I used to tell them stories--stories I'd make up. We lived in the sticks--for those who aren't Mainers, that's among the moose and deer, don'tcha' know?? We only had one car, so when hubby left for work I was stranded...with two little, energetic balls of testosterone bent on driving me insane!

Thus, my land of imagination was born.

The hubs and I did have an ancient computer back then. But our house flooded and we lost everything--including the computer with all my stories on it. I had forgotten all about that until a few months back, when--while on YAlitchat--someone asked me why I don't write picture books. I thought about it and said, "Hey, I think I do."

Despite that old computer being in some landfill in a thousand pieces, I still have my memory somewhat intact. The kids and I started brainstorming about the old stories, and we actually remembered a few. In between readying Marked Beauty for submission, mapping out a sequel, and working on my new YA project Disorderly Compact, I've been retracing these PB stories. I'm really excited!! I think some of them are good.

Now all I have to do is write them.

Have you ever had a story you'd completely forgotten about? Did you find it?


  1. Jeepers I had HEAPS. And they all disappeared when I moved out of home, because when I moved out of home I didn't seem to give a crap what happened to them. Of course, now I DO! I remember I wrote some really weird sci-fi thing inspired by William Gibson's Neuromancer. The only piece of sci-fi I EVER wrote. Wish so much I could find it ... but that would be impossible seeing as I live on the other side of the world now!

    PS: I really like this new blog look better!

  2. Good luck with PiBoldMo! I tried picture books when I first came back to writing as an adult, but my heart really lies with YA. It's so cool that you do YA, MG, and picture books! I don't think I've ever lost a story and then come back to it, usually I just spend some time on them and then decide they're not going to amount to anything so I move on to the next one.

  3. Wow! That's cool that you can write picture books too. I always admire PB authors because they have to think of so many ideas and be so precise with their words. Love your new blog design too. It's brighter.

  4. Good luck with your project. That's so great that you write picture books as well. Love the new look of your blog by the way!

  5. Love the new look. That's awesome with the picture book thing. I've had too many ideas disappear. Since most of them are linked to a song, I usually can revive the idea when I hear it.
    Have a great day!

  6. I love the new layout!! Consider this my vote for you keeping it.

    Actually, Gemini Cursed (the story I'm querying now) was one of those ideas that started when I was but a wee eighteen year old who then proceeded to get distracted by everything other than writing.

    Good luck on the memory bringing back as many as possible.

  7. I also love making up stories for the heck of it (with my kids). It's a great imagination exercise.
    I love the new background! Very MG and YA!

  8. Hi Sheri,
    I like the new background! So fun!

  9. Sadly, everything I've ever lost is lost for good.

  10. I don't think so... I can't remember. *snort* :D

    But I think it would be fantastic to write PBs. I love them, too--mostly b/c they're so beautiful. To this day, my fave that I read w/my girls is The Hello Goodbye Window. Check it out~ :o) <3

    love the new look! Can't wait to read your PiBoIdMo ideas~

  11. Love the new look! And I'm also doing PiBo. It's so much fun. What I love most about writing picture books is that my sons are actually on the young side for them so hopefully I can get one or two published. Nothing would be greater than sitting them down to read a book that I wrote!

    Anyhow, yes. I have lots of stories that I've forgotten about. I keep everything on my computer though, even just a line or two as a story idea. It's fun to go through them every so often. That's usually how I figure out what story to write for Nano.

  12. The new layout looks great! I have a 3-year-old daughter and since she loves books and I spend most of my day reading picture books, writing them seemed like the natural thing to do. Now my first PB, MAY THE BEST DOG WIN, is currently under contract with an independent publisher. I couldn't be happier about it.

  13. I love that you're trying to remember the old stories with your kids. That is so sweet, and I look forward to seeing them.

    I get and forget numerous ideas every day. My brains a sieve not a vault. Ha-ha!

  14. How fun to rediscovery those old stories! I'm not sure that I do have one I've forgotten about. I'll have to think on it...

  15. I'm so glad you remembered those old stories. Best of luck to your picture book career as well as your ya books.

  16. @Kelly - Yay!! I can't wait to see it!

    @Heather - thank you. It's been fun.

  17. An idea every day? Dude, that is some serious idea generation. Good luck with it!

    And I love the mesh background. I might need to steal that or something. :)

  18. Branching out is good for the mind and the soul. Sounds like you're on a great adventure, Sheri. Love the new look.

  19. WOW! cool new look! it got me on a surprise when i got here. i said yikes! am i at miss sheris blog or did i get lost on the way. picture books are neat. i still got some from when i was ust real little that i like looking at sometimes even now (shhhh dont tell anyone). i like that you made up lots of stories for your kids. thats the best kind. no im hoping you could remember them so you could do some really cool pbs.
    ...hugs from lenny

  20. I LOVE the new look of your blog! Excellent.

    That's so cool that you're doing the picture book idea month. I've heard about it. It seems to me that you're bound to find lots of nuggets while you go through the process. Good luck!

  21. I love the new digs! Very cool with the MG scene!! :)

  22. @Julie - thanks for your opinion. Means a ton.

    @Susan - you too, and to know you think it resembles MG...nice.

    Lenny - could you get any sweeter?? Thank you.

  23. cool beans--good luck with the stories!

    And I like your new facelift!!

  24. Your site banner is great! Good luck with the PB a day thing. When my boys were young, they liked PBs that were scary or had gross elements.


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