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Thursday, April 7, 2011

The FOLLIES of Writerhood

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Over on Oasis for YA--the other place where I chew on words--Thursday is the day we celebrate our Thankful Meme. I'm posting today, instead of tomorrow so that I can participate. Feel free to snatch our badge, link to us, and play along, too. We'd love to have you.
So what to be thankful for? I'm grateful for what sets us writers apart--from relatives, closest friends, the butcher at the meat market... (Visuals are  great thing, eh?)

While sometimes misunderstood, we are a special group that holds strong convictions about who we are and our writing skills. Or when all else fails, we poke fun at ourselves.
For the sake of being thankful and the letter F, I'm creating a Folly-ship of Writerhood--become a member whenever in need of a laugh. Membership is easy. Think of some of the silly things you do as a writer.  

Folly: craziness, madness, vice, irrationality, lunacy. (Must I go on, really?) Every feel any of these while writing?

A few FOLLIES of Writerhood

1. You play Zumba music to give your fingers a workout.

2. You heat the same cup of coffee five times.

3. You still drink that cup of coffee despite the thin film that has formed on top. 
(yeah, just spoon it off.)

4. You chew on more words than food, forgetting to eat...often.......or feed the kids.

5. You begin speaking in hashtags. (...and your family looks at you like you need a straight jacket.)

6. Your kids aren't bothered that you're having a private conversation with your make believe friends.

7. Notebooks are strategically stashed all over your house, car, and office.

8. You're at a wedding ceremony and some lady with the ugliest hat sitting in front of you inspires a new character; you rush off to the bathroom with said secret notebook on your person.

9. You return from your bathroom tete-tete, and your spouse doesn't have to ask; just knows.

10. You tell your laptop that your sorry and beg forgiveness...and a bit of mercy.

BONUS: You find a story in this: 

Any follies you can think of?

Heck, we all could use a good laugh or cry after the submission process. It's as nerve-racking as dating--not that I really remember. (That process ended ages ago for me.)

SPLATTAGE: Don't forget to ENTER my giveaway to win the YA novel PRINCESS of Las PULGAS and/or a 1st Five Page Critique both offered by the fabulous C.Lee McKenzie!!

Happy Weekend, A-Z Challengers!! 
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  1. LOL! I think you covered alot of the folleys, but here is another one. Spaced out at the dinner table (or elsewhere) you suddenly burst into laughter while thinking of your character and everyone looks at you like you are crazy. Great post!

  2. I love the speaking in hashtags! :)

  3. Hi, great to meet you through A to Z. I love these follies. #5 had me howling. I speak in hashtags too. The rest of the family just raise an eyebrow and ignore me now.

  4. My kids are used to my "book look". Apparently it's a kind of stare I get when I'm thinking about my characters. I know I've got the look when my 11 yo says, "You're thinking about your characters again, aren't you?"

    This week, while my family was in the line up at the airport to check in, I was standing there scribbling notes for an idea I had for my WIP. :D

  5. LOL! I think you hit them all! I especially like the thinking in hastags one. I do that all the time.

  6. lol- wait. How do you speak in hashtags? LOL

  7. I'm definitely guilty of some of these follies, lol!

  8. I'm with Katie. How do you speak in hashtags? I really like number 8 too.

  9. I am forever reheating my tea! And my house is overflowing with notebooks, then I have to search for where I wrote something!

  10. LOL! You are AWESOME!! Thanks for a laugh this morning. :-)

  11. LOL. I love it! So so true. I drink cold coffee all the time so I don't have to get up from laptop and reheat!

  12. These are fabulous! I am a tea drinker, but I do the same thing. I am on my third reheating this morning already.

  13. How funny! I space out or start talking in mid-thought and always get the "what the heck?" looks from my family. Great post!

  14. OMG yes - the hashtags! we need an audible sounds for the hashtag so when I say something like face-palm or queryfail, the twitter hashtag is understood!

  15. oh, and by the way, I take notes on my iPhone. hubby understood (sort of) when I whipped out my phone in the middle of an O.A.R. concert and started typing notes for a date scene in BTS. hey - I was surrounded by teens and inspired. can't let those moments pass you by.

  16. How about checking emails every few seconds between writing sentences. You can't miss one.... We MUST keep the connection to our fellow writers.

    Carrying your laptop into EVERY room of your house.... minus one.


  17. That was awesome great job on the follies. I especially liked the one about the hat.

  18. HAhaha your list of follies made me laugh out loud :) I can unfortunately relate.

  19. This list is perfect (except I'm not sure i've ever forgotten to eat - I should try it).

  20. oh, god. 2, 3, 4... 6, 7, 8.. does forgetting which day of the week it is count? It does if it involves school projects or homework. *BAD MOM*

    my kids can't wait til THEY'RE writers so they can dish to a sympathetic audience. ;o) xoxo

  21. I may never drink coffee again...


  22. Oh, you have to make a regular thing of this writing follies list! I identified with every one of them! I am sure we can all think of at least one new folly every week or so.

    My latest folly was conjuring a character off the poor deceased Elizabeth Taylor.

  23. I think you've pretty much got it covered. Except that I find myself in the kitchen searching for cookies when I'm stuck on something. Not good.

  24. LOVE these follies! Oh, there are many follies as a writer in which I partake. Like eating a whole package of Twizzlers in ten minutes to avoid writing a difficult scene. That one I won't do again!

  25. I love #6, though maybe our kids do think we're kind of strange. And maybe your family has to beg you to get off the computer for a bit and cook dinner.

  26. Yup number 7 is my number! I actually spilt hot chocolate over two of them on the floor this morning!

  27. I've been teaching my kids how to cook for themselves. Gets me out of the whole "what's for dinner" dilemma every so often :)

  28. Great follies! Mine is simply distraction.

  29. Yup I recognise quite a lot of those - especially notebooks everywhere and drinking cold coffee!

  30. I do #10 daily. Don't do coffee, but drink plenty of warm, flat pop and burn a lot of dinners.

  31. CM :) (chuckling mirthfully)I drink ice tea. I just keep adding ice cubes to keep it cold, and eventually it turns into tan water.

  32. I love it! But how did you know all that about me??? *shifty eyes* He he he.

  33. I'm guilty of more than one of the follies. Especially the speaking in hashtags! Great post.

  34. This is beyond awesome! I laughed so hard! Especially about the coffee, I do that ALL the time. One of my biggest follies of writerhood would have to be the crazy looks I get when I stare off into space~which is often. ;)

  35. That was funny. The coffee thing got me. So great to find your blog. =)
    Edge of Your Seat Romance


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