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Monday, May 2, 2011

The Renaissance of Writing: Part 2

I had an amazing weekend. As most of you know, I'm a former dancer who still takes adult lessons and dances with the most amazing group of ladies ~ my dancing angels, the Monday Night Hotties.

My daughter Kate & ME
We are woman ranging in ages from 23 to 61, from all walks of life and occupations. There's nurses and massage therapists--yes, for those inevitable boo-boos we incur as we age and it becomes a bit more difficult to 'hit our marks'. *winks and grins*

 Medical/legal transcriptionists, who are there with advice (see previous sentence.) Then, we have educators and even a US Senator's assistant to keep us in line. Waitresses, office clerks, secretaries, writers (well, just me), and more add to the well as daughters, mothers, wives, grandmothers, and friends.   

Being backstage brought many different post ideas to mind, ways in which we can explore our writing from choreography to music choice to line selection and configuration. But for today ~ (seeing how I am totally spent and will have to spend most of today recovering) ~ I'd like to encourage you to think about what extra-curricular activities enhance you as a person: THE WRITER. What other parts of your life have molded you to be a better writer and given you more to offer within your stories and your character's lives.

I started PART 1 of this thought over on Oasis for YA, this morning, and encourage you to comment here as well as to take a gander over there and answer that question. Inquire minds want to know. :)

*I will be taking today off from blogging and concentrate on resting. I'll also try and rewrite my next chapter of MARKED BEAUTY, which I've been dying to share with you all but have waited until the A-Z challenge was over. I have so much to tell you. :)*


  1. That's awesome that you continued with your passion and are sharing it with your daughter. Can't wait to hear your news. You've got me curious.

  2. I didn't know you still danced! I thought you said you 'used to' dance. Wow. Good on you! I guess being a musician makes my writing stronger. As much as I keep saying I'm not as passionate about music as I am with writing, I don't think my writing would exist if it weren't for music. Gorgeous photo!!! XOXO

  3. I can't wait to hear your big news.

    Photography, my educational background (Kinesiology and MSc), and running have all helped my writing. :D

  4. I've found an incredible amount of parallel between writing and dancing... I love how compatible the two are, and how they can inspire each other!

    And I have to say, I also love that dancing forces me to get off the computer and MOVE... great for those moments of writer's block: Creating choreography opens up the creative veins in a different way, and often leads to new paths in whatever writing I'm working on!

  5. It's great that you still dance and have a great group of women to do it with.

    I find that exercising helps me write. I get my best ideas that way.

  6. I didn't know you were a dancer! How awesome! Can't wait to hear your tiny type news and see a little of Marked Beauty. Great title!

  7. I wish I had a group like that to dance with! Congrats to you! It is so important to have other things to help inspire our writing and keep ourselves fresh. I guess that's crochet for me.

  8. I think everything I do molds and builds and lifts me as a writer. Life teaches a LOT! I love that you are still dancing. My daughter dances, too. Your daughter is beautiful. It's a lovely picture.

  9. What a sweet photo! My daughter loves to dance, too. And like everybody else, I'm curious about your news...

  10. What a lovely pic. How great you and your daughter both enjoy dance. And looking forward to your big news!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  11. LOVE!!! What a great shot of you & your Kate! I'm so jealous of your dance group! Fun stuff~

    Good writer vibes to you!!! :o)

  12. That photo is priceless! I love it that you dance with your daughter. :-)

  13. Wow. I love that you dance with your daughter.

    And looking forward to your news :)

  14. Rest up! What a cool "extra curricular" to have! I love it when we can integrate all the pieces of our whole self together - for me, writing really does that. See you tomorrow!!

  15. Gorgeous photo! I love the pink edges - so girly!

    I find that going for long walks really seems to get my mind into that creative mode. I just wish the weather would cooperate!

  16. I love the picture of you and your daughter. It's great that you are still dancing! WTG!

  17. Very cool you still dance! My bff still takes adult dance classes at her old studio. I wish there were adult gymnastics classes somewhere near me because I'd love to still be doing gymnastics!


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