Alleyway Stats

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's All Fun & Games Until Someone Pokes Out An Eye!!

Writing is all about FUN & GAMES today. Over 100 bloggers ~ including yours truly ~ are racking our brains, digging in our archived memories, and pulling out old ghosts all for the sake of FUN & GAMES. 

CAUTION: humor may abound.

Seeing how I write Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Picture Books, I'm going to highlight one game from each era of my life. (ERA ~ makes me sound old.)

I can't imagine my elementary school days without Pick Up Sticks. Anyone remember those? At age six, I was the champion. Well, at least I thought I was. My dad was really the deal, but he let me think I was. We'd play for hours. #simplegames But we had a ton of fun with it.

Now for my tween years, I could have chosen a ton of games. But I decided to share with you one of the dumbest games I ever played: Spin the Bottle. #hangsheadandslapsself Yes, I really did....and I HATED EVERY STINKING MINUTE OF IT. Boys were GUR-ROSS! I didn't find them the least bit interesting until later on in high school--like not until my senior year. At age 13, sitting in a circle with a bunch of other secretly terrified tweens, waiting for the bottle to stop its spin, hoping and praying that it did not stop on the dude across from me who picks his nose in art class. UGH!! Oh, the horror!

I'm a guy's girl, a sport's freak. So for my teen torture chamber years in high school, you name the sport and I liked it...except catch and release fly fishing. Sorry. I can not watch that. :D But if I was to give you my ultimate sport, the one that gets me all hot and bothered and contorts my face alien-like while I watch it, then I'd say ICE HOCKEY. Major fan here!! #pointingfingeratself The game is grit and spit and rough and tough. It's fast paced--which fits my ADHD persona to perfection. And it doesn't care if I yell and scream or accidentally spill my beer on the guy next to me because my team scored. #thatneverhappened

WANT to watch a hockey game with me now?? Come on. YOU know you do... #winkswithabitofgleam

Thanks, Alex, for hosting such a fun blogfest. Peek HERE at other participants.
What's your favorite game??


  1. Pick up Sticks was fun. I loved board games like Monopoly too. I mostly read as a kid.

    FYI I'm interviewing Elana Johnson today and doing a big giveaway to support the debut of her book tomorrow at Literary Rambles. I hope you'll stop by.

  2. I remember being wildly excited to get a game called Green Ghost. A few years ago, I tried to see if I could acquire one on e-bay, only to discover that intact games were pretty rare and hideously expensive. Turns out Green Ghost was the very first glow-in-the-dark game! Who knew?

  3. Nothing like a good hockey game!
    Thanks for participating in the blogfest.

  4. I played spin the bottle and you're right, it can be really gross sometimes. Or sometimes you just make out with your boyfriend in the closet for a long time... whoa, did I just say that out loud?

  5. Loved this! Fabulous post!!! I loved pick-up sticks as a child. I also think you haven't lived until you've played spin the bottle whether boys are gross or not. Along with watching someone do 7 embarassing minutes in 'heaven'.

    I'm crazy for roller derby. It's so much fun with all the adrenaline. Not to mention watching the girls skate is nuts! Count me in on the fun.

    PS - Marked Beauty sounds delicious and I love the cover art you chose ;)

  6. I remember Spin the Bottle. My best friend and I sat in the kitchen wishing we were brave enough to face the circle.

  7. WRITING CONTEST....My blog Amish Stories is having its first ever contest this week. The First prize winner will win 2 tickets to tour the farm where the 1985 move "Witness" staring Harrison Ford and Kelly Mcgillis was made in Strasburg,Pa . This farm is now Amish owned, and the family has given permission for folks to tour their farm. This may be the last time anyone will be able to walk and see the same things that Harrison Ford and the other actors saw during the making of "Witness". The Witness tour should last about 2.5 hours. In addition to the Witness farm tour tickets, 1st prize winner will also receive 2 tickets for Jacobs choice. There will also be a 2nd place prize, which will be 2 tickets for the Amish Homestead. Please go to My blog for contest details, and more information on the prizes. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon county.

  8. We played marbles in Primary School. I must have won and lost hundreds of them!

    Spin the Bottle. Yuck. Detested it, like you!

  9. Yep you're a total guy's girl. My friend used to work for the Tampa Bay Lightening and we'd go to free games every weekend... so great.
    Spin the Bottle I only played when there was a cute guy in the mix. lol. And I made sure the bottle landed on him.... you know, those dreadfully obvious slow turns where everyone knows you're cheating but it doesn't matter because you're ballsy enough to do it. lol ;)

  10. I never played spin the bottle. I'm not sure we even knew about it in Canada (thank God!) because I'd never heard of it until I started reading YA.

  11. Pick up sticks! Ah! You've just brought back so many memories... And Stina, I played Spin the Bottle on the east coast of Canada. Not sure I should be admitting that, though!

  12. The never ending game called Monopoly occupied a lot of my time and drove my mom nuts because whenever she needed the card table my board game couldn't be disturbed.

    And pick up sticks--I'd almost forgotten those. That was our front porch game and my memories of that is somehow tied in with grape popsicles.

    Just realized that I didn't follow your blog, Sheri! How did I miss that? Good grief. Remedied!

  13. I seriously played Spin the Bottle only once in my life the summer before 8th grade!! But I remember it vividly!
    Fun pics, Sheri!

  14. Wow. What a list of deadly games. =D

  15. I liked pick up sticks, but I remember some kid in my class threw the whole lot up into the air and got in trouble, because the teacher told us our eyes might get poked if we all looked up into the air at the same time...

  16. Thanks for the smile after reading so many serious posts this morning - mine included. :P Love how you described spin the bottle. LOL! I remember that!

  17. YES!! HOCKEY!! MANLY-CHEST-BUMP+HIGH-FIVE! GRRRRR. Even the word "Hockey" get's me pumped. Sorry. Got excited. Awesome choices!

  18. I loved pick-up sticks when I was a kid!!! For my dad's birthday last year, I got him a vintage game set that included a yoyo, marbles, cards, jacks, dominoes, and pick-up sticks! We had too much playing with these old childhood favorites, and pick-up sticks is always a favorite!

  19. Yeah, fly fishing even makes Brad Pitt look bad. Remember that hideously boring something about a River movie? Bleh. I've NEVER been to a professional ice hockey game. I hear Jaeger shots are the thing to do at Blackhawks games though. Gotta get there.

  20. Hockey is an awesome game. One of the few I will watch all the way through.

  21. I forgot all about pick up sticks, have never once played Spin the Bottle, and do not understand ice hockey at all. But I WANT to understand hockey. I really do.

  22. YES--We have pick up sticks (my 6 yo plays it)!!! I have a spin the bottle scene in my second YA book--oh the horror!!

  23. Pick up Sticks!!! I haven't thought about that game in years. I used to love it.
    Being on the other side of the bottle, I used to love that game also...

  24. I totally love hockey, let's play! LOL! I remember pick up sticks, vaguely. And spin the bottle, oh I'm not EVEN going to tell that story!

  25. I remember pick up sticks!! I was pretty good at that one, too. Steady hands ~ :)

    Yeah, spin the bottle was more fun when I was older...

  26. Great pics. Gotta love Hockey!

  27. I've never played Spin the Bottle; I'm kinda glad about that, though! :P

    Pick Up Sticks--cool!

  28. I was a major hockey fan. My favorite all-time player recently died. :-( My grandparents had pickup sticks and we'd play with the cousins all the time.

  29. Oohhh fun! Pick Up Sticks were tons of fun. Never played Spin the Bottle. And, well, hockey - HELLO! So glad I meandered over here today because I signed up as well!

  30. I forgot about pick up sticks.... When I was really little we had linking logs and of course legos...

  31. Great sense of humor!

    Gotta ask, though. Have you used the spin the bottle thingy in any of your work? I can see you putting out a picture book...instruction manual.."what NOT to do"

    That would be a riot!

  32. Eeek! Spin the bottle! Always wishing it would land on the hot guy you really did want to smooch, but only ever landing on the nose-picker. Yep, been there, too!

  33. My favorite from my younger years was probably Life or Monopoly. Then Trivial Pursuit when I got a little older. But alas, I've never played Spin the Bottle. :)

  34. Never played Spin the Bottle. Don't think I missed the boat with that one, what's the fun in kissing someone who doesn't know how to?

  35. Sadly - I don't know that I ever played spin the bottle - but there was plenty of Truth or Dare. I don't know which would be the lesser of two evils. :)

    I'm a soccer and football fanatic, but I can watch some hockey!

  36. pick up sticks, did you know there's an app for that?

  37. YAY!! So many hockey fans!! Go Bruins!

    @baygirl32 - there is?? findy.

  38. Pick up sticks! I played this a lot in grade school. :)

  39. I actually picked up real sticks, not the game brand of sticks. That's because we lived near the woods and sticks were easy to come by.

  40. I never played spin the bottle, but I probably wouldn't have had fun with it either. Thanks for sharing your picks!


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