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Friday, June 24, 2011

"Who Am I," cries my MC!! June 24th

When I first saw this blogfest announcement on my amazing author-friend Kris Yankee's Adventures That Score site, I knew participation was a must for me. I'm somewhat indifferent to blogfests. If one catches my interest I'll join in; if not, I won't. The ones I really take advantage of are those that make me think as a writer, hone my craft, explore who I am and even better explore my characters.

That's why I am so excited for today's blogfest. I want to thank the host of said fest, Elizabeth Mueller. She's a peach and so talented!

Our job is basically to become one with our main character and answer three vital questions, delving into the essence of who he/she truly is. As a former theater/dance junkie, I just love this stuff!!

*Pause while downloading Main Character....bleep, bleep...bleep....*

Hi everyone!! I'm Anastasia Tate, but my friends call me Ana--which, by the way, I would advise. (I'm grinning. No worries.) The long name is too sophisticated for me, a girl who'd rather climb a tree or shoot hockey pucks at my best friend, Josh, than wear a gown to some gala where I get chased in the woods by entities unknown and end up in my lead counterpart's arms. (Hint, hint: Sheri makes me go to a gala. #stickstongueoutatcreator.)

What is my greatest fear? Love and abandonment. After my mom disappeared when I was six years old, I gradually learned that people are fallible and fickle, changing with the wind or a snippet of influence from others. Trusting them can be risky. Watching my dad slowly melt over these past ten years has only added to my fear and also to my confusion about relationships. You'd think with as young-looking as he still is he'd be out there, dating. Good gosh, most of the girls my age coo when they see him. #waygrosstobeachildofahotparent

What is my biggest accomplishment? Finally embracing my secret empathic ability to see auras and sense the emotions of others. Yeah, read that again: ...feel the emotions of others... That's a charmed ability to have in high school. The mishmash of emotions ramrodding just one teenager is bad enough. Picture a whole school of them.

But that part of my ability only started a year ago during my freshman year. As my luck would have it, I accidentally strolled into the guys' locker room while the senior football players where having a meeting. The crass and vile emotional sentiments coming from them would have probably knocked me over if I hadn't passed-out from my own embarrassment. #feltreallystupid

What is my biggest regret? I'd have to say, not listening to my gut or in my case--my sticky note: the place inside my head where I keep info or thoughts I'd rather avoid. Down deep, I knew my empathic ability was a gift not a curse because it's who I am. We all have certain gifts for a reason--or so my new friend Sara tells me. At first I wasn't buying that gibberish. But now, I'm starting to understand. I've always seen the world through others' glasses, too busy running from the real me. Accepting myself has given me the inner peace I longed for, not to mention a cool pair of Ana eyeglasses. #bewhoyouaremeanttobe

Now, how long that will last is up for grabs. Sheri's giving me another ride in a sequel to Marked Beauty. I might need a pair of binoculars for this journey. #thinkscreaterisoddbutloveheranyway

Make sure to hustle over to see the other MCs who are getting their due, today!! So, what's your MC's biggest regret?? 


  1. Love learning about Ana and her special talents. She sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing about her and your story.

  2. Great to hear more about Ana. Fantastic idea for a blogfest!

  3. Cool hashtags, actually I'd say they're genius. They helped me to really know Ana. I love how she admits she's been running from the real her. Great one, Sheri. :-)

  4. Interesting character! Love the hashtags! And what an intriguing ability - to be able to feel the emotions of others. Sounds like the making of a great story!

  5. OH fun! Thanks for introducing us to Ana- you did a great job of integrating some of the story through her auto descriptions. Great job!

  6. You've really delved deep into Ana's character, great entry.

  7. Cool character! She's got a terrific voice; very distinctive!

  8. So nice to meet Ana and learn about her! I have an Ana in my story, but she is a side character and quite different from your.

    By the way, thanks for the Twitter follow. I'm following back. :)

  9. Oh, that was so much fun! Loved the hashtags. :)

  10. Love this! What a great idea! I'm like you, unless it helps me develop my craft in some way I usually don't participate because I don't have time. This one is full of awesome though.

  11. OOOH this was a good one---so interesting (and great for character development)!

  12. Sheri! Love it, love it, love it! Ana sounds soo cool. I bet she would be a great babysitter for Nick - they could shoot pucks together! Thanks for the shout-out. #writerfriendsareawesome

  13. Cute! Yes, it does sound like our characters might have some things in common. I love the empathic sense. My MC has a little of that, though it's not everyone, and she doesn't know it yet. (Is this where I add a hashtag like #creatorknowsmyfuturesoistickoutmytongue?)

    East for Green Eyes

  14. Thank you for your sweet comments! Wow, Winter and Ana would be great together! :) I hope things work out for Ana in the end. <3

    Thanks for participating!

    Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
    YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

  15. Ana has a great personality, well drawn character. She sounds interesting.

  16. awesome post & blogfest. I love Ana already!

  17. A fantastic voice. I also enjoyed the hashtags. Nicely done, Sheri.

  18. Accidentally strolled into the locker room? Very interesting...

  19. Love the voice here! And the hashtags!

  20. Ana is sassy, and aware. Loss and love, acceptance--all big themes.

  21. Nicely done. The twitter hashtags were a great touch.

  22. I love this peek into your MC! Thanks for sharing (and the hashtags are awesome). :)


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