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Friday, September 16, 2011

Featherbrained Friday!!

I decided that it was time to dip into my silly side, show you that I can be the life of the party. It's been long enough--almost a year and a half of blogging our courtship. So I've come up with a new regular post, where I'll highlight anything silly, outrageous, or just plain stupid that I come across~~yes, probably exposing my deep, dark, family secrets; but it's all in fun, right? Might find some silly in my town, on television, or floating within the blogosphere--can't imagine that one. ;D

I'm sure most of you guys won't give two chips about this, but ladies...really?
I wonder how many cotton balls it takes to fill up this suit?

Close your eyes....
I warned you....
(How stupid!)

And for my favorite one....

QUICK!! Someone run and get a True Blood vampire!
Looks like bambis' going to need some!
(Note to store clerks: change the display when you change the movie!!)

Any featherbrained events happen in your neck of the woods this week? Observe something really foolish? Share!!


  1. I thought the sign said that about blood b/c Bambi's mother gets shot - duh - it's from a different movie. B/c if they did intend that for Bambi - poor kids.

  2. bwahahaha! That third one totally cracked me up!

  3. That last one did me in. I'm still laughing. Oh poor Bambi. I guess there won't be a Bambi III.

  4. Very funny! Poor Bambi. Good to meet you. I knew your name sounded familiar...Oasis, I believe. Have a good weekend.

  5. Oh, that Superman costume was dire! And I loved that sign - how pointless. Thanks for the laugh.

  6. That last one is awesome! I've not seen that version of Bambi.

  7. Hi. I followed you over from Creepy Query Girl's blog. Great post. The Bambi II display almost made me snort coffee.

  8. I can't think of any as good as these!

  9. #1 - Yikes!
    #2 - I concur: very stupid
    #3 - way too funny :)

  10. Hee hee hee, I love these. Had to show my daughter that Bambi one. Yikes! lol.

  11. Ahahaha, too funny! Everyone is cashing in on the vampire craze, LoL.

  12. Don't know if this counts, but Elana Johnson's monster cookies picture made me CRACK UP!!!! the other day. I HAD to repost it on my Facebook. I still giggle when I see that picture :)

    Love the concept of Featherbrained Friday!

  13. LOL! Those are awesome! I love this new feature, what a great idea. Cringing at the Bambi thing though... *shudders*

  14. Sheri, I don't think there's enough cotton balls, but socks? Yah.

    I saw a Elk in a tree, does that count?

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  15. ROFL about Bambi!!! And cottonballs *snert* LOVE this edition!

  16. The third one made me gasp out loud. Are you serious? Geez!

  17. LOL, love the True Blood display. :)

  18. Thanks for making me giggle this Friday :-D

  19. ROFL! Those are great. Still giggling at the cottonball comment. ;D

  20. You've been tagged! Visit my blog to see what you have to do!
    Hope everything is calming down, good luck with your class!

  21. Great pictures. I remember in one town seeing a sign that had a question mark above an arrow. Looked like they didn't know what was that way. Of course, now I know it meant for information follow the arrow. But it looked odd and always made me chuckled.

  22. Bambi II -- There WILL be Blood!?!? What the ...?

    Okay, Bambi must have changed a lot since back in the day.

  23. OMGoodness! Some poor child is going to be traumatized for life after seeing that Bambi display.

  24. Adrienne - thanks!! I'll head over. :)

  25. Poor Bambi II! Wasn't he traumatized enough in the first one?? :)

  26. Oh my word, how awful and hilarious! I can't image some poor kid coming across that display of Bambi movies!


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