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Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween!!!

I HEART Halloween with all my might. It's my favorite holiday. Granted, I adore Christmas and Easter for very personal reasons. And Thanksgiving is just yummy. But I am a creepy, gory, spooky--and sometimes a bit witchy--girl at my core. I'm all about the goth look, minus too many piercings. A few I can do. 

Today I'm excited to be a part of a fab book blog tour, celebrating the release of DARKSPELL: Elizabeth Mueller's debut novel.

Winter Sky believes she is everything ordinary . . .until she is kissed by Alex Stormhold.
As seer of Stormhold Coven, Alex is sworn to be Winter’s protector against the darkness that hunts her. Violently thrust into a magical realm she always thought impossible, she stumbles upon a disturbing secret of her own.

Will love prove thicker than magic?

A question was posed to each participant: If I had all the magic in the world, I'd... 

As I pondered what I would do, obvious world cures came to mind: peace on Earth, end famine, eliminate discrimination, and obliterate bullying. But I've decided to keep my answer true to a book release, true to our literary world.

If I had all the magic in the world, I'd make enough room for all books--makes, shapes, colors, ideas, and ideals. I'd devise a formula, where the querying system was less hectic/stressful for both writer and agent. Creating a system where publishers could take one glance at a manuscript or pitch idea and magically pull from it what works for them and why, leaving the writer with solid reasons for editing and a stronger published book in the end. With the blink of my eye, libraries would be available to each child. AND I mean real, tangible libraries that one can touch and be consumed by the scent of old books. The thoughts and stories of every author would permeate in the air, slowly drifting into our subconscious.

So there you have it. My literary magic.

For more on DARKSPELL, head over to Amazon, Elizabeth's Blog, & her Website - where you can order your very own SIGNED copy of DARKSPELL!


  1. Love your answer. Wish you could wave a wand and make it happen. Happy Halloween!

  2. I'm rooting for Elizabeth's book! Halloween is a perfect launch day for it!! :)

  3. Nothing wrong with a little literary magic!

  4. Love this idea. Seems like with tax cuts that library hours and staff are shrinking.

  5. Whoa! I LOVE your magical wish! I was stumped at guessing what I'd do with mine. *sigh*

    Thanks for participating! :)


  6. Ooh, I like your plan. If only you had real magic powers, the publishing industry would be a much happier place! lol

  7. Love your wish!!!Awesome.
    Happy Halloween!

  8. Hey there, visiting you from Elizabeth's site. Happy Halloween! Hope you're dressing up in something cool. I love what you'd do with your magic. That would solve all our queryng problems. :)

  9. Visiting from Elizabeth's blog. I love your literary magic!

  10. Ahh... I hereby grant you all the magic in the world!!! LOL! Good stuff. Those would all be wonderful gifts for everyone. And I love Halloween, too! Here's to dressing up! And best to Elizabeth~ :o) <3

  11. Can I petition somewhere for you to get magic? Because that sounds awesome to me. Maybe president?

  12. Hooray for Elizabeth! What a perfect day for her book to be all over the blogosphere!

  13. That is an awesome answer!!! LOVE it!! :-)

    Congratulations, Elizabeth!

  14. I love the idea of literary magic; it would improve the world ;D

    Cheers to Elizabeth!
    Happy Halloween~

  15. Love your answer, Sheri.

    I still like Katie's answer (on her blog) about being able to mute her kids. I'm all over that idea for my threesome. :D

  16. Ha! Love the literary magic idea!
    Congrats to Elizabeth!


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