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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Book Spotlight & Giveaway: I'M NOT HER

Title: I'm Not Her
Author: Janet Gurtler
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Release Date: May 2011
Pages: 304

I'd like to thank the publisher for supplying me with a copy of this book for review.

Favorite Line/Passage: I hold my breath and have a tiny out-of-body experience.

Description: "For the first time in my life, I didn't feel envy..."
Tess is the exact opposite of her beautiful, athletic sister. And that's okay. Kristina is the sporty one, Tess is the smart one, and they each have their place. Until Kristina is diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly Tess is the center of the popular crowd, everyone eager for updates. There are senior boys flirting with her. Yet the smiles of her picture-perfect family are cracking and her sister could be dying. Now Tess has to fill a new role: the strong one. Because if she doesn't hold it together, who will?


My Splats: Firstly, I LOVE the cover! Some might think it's simple, but it fits. There's something about the image of broken petals on the grass that speaks to me. The color palette is also very inviting. 

I'M NOT HER gives the reader a real glimpse into the realities of cancer. The story is sincere and delicate at times, but deals with the harshness and fear a serious disease or illness can reek on a family. And utilizing the point of view from the youngest in this family was a thing of beauty.

Gurtler opens with a scene far away from any sickness. Well, that's as long as you don't categorize the ails of sibling differences as an infection. Tess is the younger of the sibling pair portrayed in this story. To her, her older sister, Kristina, is a beauty queen with the popularity, pose, and even athletic ability to match. Catching a ball let alone following in her footsteps is not even in Tess' realm of possibilities.

But when cancer hits her untouchable older sister, Tess finds more inside herself than she thought was there. She is strong, like an athlete, and can carry on conversations with the so-called populars. Slowly, she finds her own identity. 

It's a story about exploring what's inside each of us; for teens, that is paramount, but also very difficult at times. Conflicts and different views between family characters heightens the tension and moves the plot along nicely. The pace was very good, and frankly, I was surprised at how quickly Gurtler introduced the issue of cancer. That was a great choice, though.

I'm more of a paranormal junkie, but Gurtler has converted me into a contemporary reader. (I've just finished her second book, which I'll share with you shortly.) Any teen or adult who's dealt with illness of any kind will appreciate this book. Any teen or adult, who's had to grow up in a not-so-perfect world with a seemingly perfect sibling, relative, or friend shadowing their light, will enjoy this read.

To WIN copy of I'M NOT HER just leave a comment below. If you share via social media or blogging, let me know that too! Each will be worth an extra entry. The winner will be announced during my interview with Janet on the 19th!

Best of luck!!


  1. Wow, it sounds like an amazing book. One that can help kids going through similar situations. Great post, Sheri!

  2. Ooooh, I want! The cover's gorgeous, and the story sounds beautiful and heartbreaking and just like something I love to read!!! Putting it on my growing wish list...

  3. I thought I was a strictly fantasy/sci fi girl, but I've read some great contemporary YA lately that I really enjoyed. This book sounds like an awesome read!

  4. I would love to win a book!!

    I did tweet about the contest as well via @caramiaamore

  5. It's great to meet Janet. Best wishes for her and her book I'm Not Her.

  6. I've always wanted to read this book. and I love the cover too. Sometimes simple is best. :)

    Off to tweet!

    laurapauling at yahoo dot com

  7. Wow. It sounds great. Cancer is a tough subject to handle. It would be a great read. ;)

  8. I've entered to win this several times on Goodreads! Would LOVE to win it here. :-)

  9. This sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.


  10. awesome review - please enter me. I'm always amazed each time I read contemp. It's so good and I'm like, why don't I read this more often?

  11. I love the cover, too. This sounds to be a very interesting read! :)

  12. The title itself sounds like something that would have been hollered by my younger sister since she was oft compared to me...not a good feeling on either side of that statement.

  13. I'd love to enter! This book sounds awesome :)

  14. I've been really interested in this book. Thanks!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  15. Sounds intriguing...can't wait to read the interview!


  16. This sounds like a great novel. Very nice review. You convinced me I should read it. I tweeted it. Shared it on FaceBook and shared on Google +

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  17. Hello Janet! Lovely to see you here. Wassup?

  18. This sounds like a good one. Thanks for the opportunity. To win it.

  19. Just stopping by to wish you and yours a happy holiday season! As a step-mom to two kids who lost their mom to cancer, I am definitely interested in this book!

  20. WOW! Sounds like a powerful read. Thanks for sharing!

  21. This book sounds fantastic. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it. I'd love to enter the drawing, even though I just added this book to my Christmas list.


!SPLAT Your Awesomeness! I'd love to hear from you!