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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Want FREE Books?

Well, here's your opportunity to scratch off a few of those 'need to buys' from your Christmas shopping list.

Hop over to my team blog, OASIS FOR YA, and add your name to the list of over 200+ bloggers!! 

Oasis for YA is teaming up with I Am A Reader, Not A Writer, and The Daily Harrell (Jessie's blog) to host the second annual Mid-Winters Eve Blog Hop. The dates for the hop are December 21st through December 27th. What better way to keep your blog occupied while you celebrate the holidays with your family than to have an opportunity to win books posted on your blog?

Each participating blog can give away whatever they'd like and there's no minimum requirements. You do whatever you'd like and link to all the other participating bloggers!! Easy as that! We'd be very grateful if you'd spread the word. TY!!

BTW - I designed that logo. Do you like it??

Click HERE to ENTER.

Splatter: Today's the last day to ENTER my Holiday Book Giveaway!! And if you need an instructional writing book, I'm giving away one HERE!


  1. Yes - I love that logo! I feel cold just looking at it. :)

    Thanks for letting us know about the blog hop - that's a fabulous idea!

  2. I'm not going to participate because I'll be taking a break for the holidays. But the Holiday Giveaway hop was SO awesome for my blog.

  3. This really is a busy month for book give aways! Good luck with yours.

  4. Awww. I'd love to participate, but I am not going to be around. In fact, I am going to be without internet. It sounds like a blast, though.

  5. That's an awesome logo. Wonderful job :-)

  6. Nice logo. You did a great job!

  7. Sounds great, but all my posts are done for the next month and I've got a lot going on. But darn I like getting free books! However I've got so many books to read now that I don't know when I'll ever get them read.

    Coming soon: Your A to Z stories and the official A to Z Badge is now revealed
    Blogging from A to Z

  8. Very cool! I love free books... although currently, I'm so behind on my Kindle! What will I do with them all??? Thanks, ladies~ <3

  9. Love the logo! And what a great idea! I'll have to check it out. =)

  10. I love the blogfest design you made. I'm hoping over to check it out....


!SPLAT Your Awesomeness! I'd love to hear from you!