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Friday, January 6, 2012

New Literary Journal Released!!

Haven't heard of Vine Leaves Literary Journal?

Well, today is the day the creators of VLLJ released their first collection of vignette pieces.

What's a vignette, you ask?

By definition, a vignette is something that can be written on a vine leaf--a snapshot of a story. A vignette focuses on one element setting or mood, character or object, not on structure or plot. Now, this is not a form of writing that is often recognized by most in the literary world; however, there are those who view it as an art form and want to give it the limelight it deserves.

The journal is the brain child of Authors Jessica Bell and Dawn  Ius. Both are experienced in the field of publishing, editing, and of course, writing. These woman are passionate about what they do and seek to find the best writing out there. THIS  is Issue #1, Vine Leaves Literary Journal, and I'm sure there will be more to come. Click above or HERE to read the journal.

You'll also find a list of their Contributors. If you look closely, you might even find my name there. Haha...yes you will! Granted, this was my first stab at writing a vignette. But with a little editing, my submission was accepted! Writing in this form made me think out of my traditional box and view writing in an altered way. It made me more sensitive, which is a plus in my book.

Please visit their Blog, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter (@VineLeavesLJ) for all upcoming news, submissions, and releases.

Ooh, and have you signed up for my Rebel Writer's Blogfest, yet?? I'd love to have you. SIGN UP HERE!!


  1. The Journal is such a creative endeavor! Well worth the time to read. :)

  2. Congratulations! I know Jessica has put so much into this. I'm doing a shout-out for it on Monday.

  3. So excited for this . I will check it out.

  4. Thanks for the plug, Sheri! :o) Should go live in a few hours!

  5. This is so awesome! Yay! I can't wait to read and hopefully contribute soon. Thanks for the link! :o) <3

  6. Wow, those sound difficult to write. Congrats on yours, Sheri!

  7. Thanks for letting us know about this, Sheri! :-)

  8. Hooray for the new journal and Jess's hard work!

  9. This is awesome news. Glad you were accepted as contributor. Will have to check this out.

  10. I didn't know that's where vignette came from! How neat! I love the cover, too, love Amie's photography. Will definitely dig in and start reading.

  11. Congrats! Going to check it out now. =)


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