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Friday, January 13, 2012

Dear New Mom

Recently, I've been involved in discussions about blogging, the how to's and reasons.

When I began blogging, my full, God-honest intention was to put myself out there. My motivation was my decision to become a serious writer, published and beyond. I figured meeting other writers and learning more about our craft was the way to forge ahead.
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Over the last two years (come February, the two-year blogging birthday for Writers' Ally), I've grown as a writer. I've also grown as a blogger, a person. Writers' Ally was created for my publishing aspirations, but also to share my life and experiences through my 20 year marriage and motherhood of just over 18 years.

I'm finally making the leap to do both.

Writers' Ally will always be for writers, promotion, and such. But I'm also expanding to share the wisdom I've gained through the other aspects of my life. More details on this decision next Monday. So don't miss it! I'll be announcing a new Mem that I hope all you YA lovers will participate it.    

And to get a jumpstart on my expanded outlook, I've become a contributor to a fantastic new website for new mothers called Dear New Mom. It's the brain child of my fellow Oasis for YA sister, Nikki Katz. If you don't know Nikki, go HERE now! You won't regret it. And please follow Dear New Mom on Twitter and Facebook!

My first article is up on the site. Let me know what you think!! Dear New Mom


  1. One of the things I enjoy most is getting to know others on a more personal level. It brings more of a connection.

  2. Sounds like an awesome way to share even more. Love your blog. And you are so good at networking with other writers.

  3. Great idea! I wish I can do something like this, but I never know what to write. Apparently I spend so much time in my fantasy world of fiction, I can't write about the real world. LOL

  4. What a fab thing to do!! After I was a mom for a couple of years I'd include a list of things every new mom should know with baby shower gifts and it was alwasy a hit. It's such a scary and joyous time.... so glad you're taking this endeavor!

  5. Can't wait to see what happens next. =) Just read the story over at A fighter indeed.

  6. I love seeing the different directions friends are taking their blogs in the new year!

  7. Woohoo! Great idea. I can't wait until Monday!

  8. Can't wait to hear the news but good lord, girl, aren't you busy enough? And are you sure you haven't cloned yourself secretly?

  9. Oh, hey, this sounds great! I'm off the check out the article!

  10. Good for you! I AM following and would love to contribute some day (SUCH a great idea)!

  11. More new stuff for you. Yay! Can't wait to watch it unfold.

    1. Thanks, Elana! I'm attempting to organize my blogging. lol

  12. That's so exciting. Can't wait to see what you're going to do. :-)

    1. Ooh, then I hope you'll come back and join my new venture!! Love to have you.

  13. Embarking on new ventures is always exciting. I'm sure you'll be an excellent contributor for Dear New Mom.

  14. Sounds like some great additions to an already great blog. Can't wait.

  15. How great that you're stretching out even farther in your blogging career. Good for you.

  16. How exciting! Congrats on the new venture - I'm sure it will be fantastic.

  17. Very cool! Can't wait to read more about your experiences as a wife/mom, and can't wait to see how it goes with New Mom! Good luck to you guys! :o)


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