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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Does Land Trump Water or Does Water Wash out Land?

Spotlighting YA books is fun for me. I have a special book over on Oasis for YA that I'm all gushy over. Head over and check it out. But first...

I have a special book for you right here and it's the first book review posted during our YATT Meme! Thanks for joining me.

Title: Fireseed One
Author: Catherine Stine
Genre: YA, Sci-Fi
Publisher: Konjur Road Press
Released: December 2011 (initial publication - March 2010)
Pages: 296

Favorite Passage/Line: I look over at her. Her skin's lost a bit of that ruddy quality an looks delicate now, lace over blue veins. Her expression's doubtful...afraid of the possibility that I might turn her down this time. I imagine her feeling that way around her father, and how he must have continually disappointed her.

Description: Fireseed opens onto a near-future earth of floating island farms, people zipping around in amphibious boats, and 18 year-old Varik hanging out with his dolphin, Juko by the water’s edge. In a hot minute, things turn nasty and treacherous, when a beautiful and shrewd terrorist named Marisa, breaks into Varik’s father’s secret underwater vault that stores the world’s food supply.

Varik must take Marisa, who knows way, way too much about things that are none of her business, to scorching desert lands in search of a magical hybrid to try to save the food source. Problem is, the Fireseed plant Varik’s father envisioned may not have ever existed off the drawing board! Things get truly daunting, when Varik and Maria are captured by a cowled cult who worships Varik’s drowned father. Will the cult chop up Varik, the founder’s son and eat him to gain magical Fireseed powers? Will Varik and Marisa ever get back to Ocean Dominion?

There are more twists and turns, but no spoilers here. Fans of Divergent and Feed will likely enjoy this YA thriller, as well as those who like a dash of romance with their page-turners.
My Splats: A tale of a futuristic world, where land and water battle against the odds and each other in order to survive.

Despite being out of my regular scope of interest, I enjoyed this story. There was life and emotion throughout the plot, which melded nicely with the subplots. The writer's word choices were appropriate and flowed from one chapter to the next. I really liked how the information about the world, inhabitants, and conflicts were released to the reader. It made sense and was quite plausible.

My absolute favorite part of this story was the point of view--a male voice. The world-building is seen through Varik's eyes, which puts a unique spin on what and how the reader will ingest and relate to the story itself. I believe that is partly the reason this tale will be as attractive to teen boys and girls. The level of adventure is also a big plus. There is always something new happening, giving the author the opportunity to hone more of this world and reveal it to the reader.

Both Varik and Marisa have inner demons that keep them locked up in prejudices and preconceived notions. The mystery of the Fireseed and their struggle to find it is the road to their personal growth. This is a great parallel to real life, which most teens (as well as adults) can relate to.

Want to your own copy? Catherine has graciously offered up a copy!!! For a chance to win, just fill out the form below! Winner to be announce on Friday, March 24th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
For more YA, visit these YATT Meme Supporters:
Margo Berendsen
The Write Game
Julie Musil (not every wk)
Rosewood Pencil Box
Misha Gericke (not every wk)
Fairbetty's World 
Concrete Pieces of Soul 
The B.L.O.G (The Bizzare Life of One Girl) 
A Day into the Writer
Want to take part in spotlighting young adult literature? Join our team. For more information, go HERE.


  1. Oh I'm reading this now and totally feel the same way. I love scifi and this on wets my appetite for more.

  2. It's always si nice to be surprised by a book outside your preference. I felt the same when I read a sci fi - Cycles by Lois Browwn

    1. I completely agree. That's one reason I do it. I learn a ton.

  3. I really like this review, Sheri. I know it's not always marketable, but I think more books should be written from a male point-of-view.

  4. Hey, Sheri, I love your review. Who says guys can't be sensitive and sweet. I love it when I read a book that's not in my own typical genre, and I end up getting something out of it, so I appreciate you braving it too. And, yeah, Marisa and Varik definitely each have personal demons.
    Thanks again, Catherine

  5. Great review, Sheri. I like the male POV as well, enjoyed it immensely in Beautiful Creatures. Thanks!

    1. Ooh, I didn't read the first two, but the publisher sent me Beautiful Chaos. OMGosh! I loved it!

  6. Wonderful review! Sounds like a great book.

  7. Oh a male POV! *two thumbs way up* I like how you put a favorite line too--NICE!

  8. I've been reading a lot of great male POVs lately. It's so nice to see so many of them.

    1. I completely agree, Kelly! I really like the male POV. I think I even like writing it a bit more than the female POV.


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