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Monday, April 9, 2012

I-Toe-Mized 4 Ice-Cream

I-ce cream.
U scream.
We all scream for Ice cream.
Want some? Well, take a gander through my teeny maze, while I share my Itemized list of Incredibly Insightful books. (I know today was for the letter H, but I was having a brain cramp and wrote on I.) In the comments, tell me what flavor Ice cream you found.
  • Save the Cat!: Blake Snyder
  • The Art of War for Writers: J.S.Bell
  • Writing the Breakout Novel: Donald Maass
  • Characters/Ems/VP: N. Kress
  • Hooked: Les Edgerton
  • Elements of Style: Shrunk/White
  • Word Power Made Easy: N. Lewis
  • Oxford Dictionary & Thesaurus
  • Plot & Structure: J.S. Bell
  • Bird by Bird: Anne Lamott
  • The Grammar Devotional: Mignon Fogarty
  • 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary: Funk & Lewis
  • Stein on Writing: Sol Stein
  • How to Write Attention Grabbing Query & Cover Letters: John Wood
  • Self-Editing for Fiction Writers: Renni Browne/Dave King 
  • Reading Like a Writer: Francine Prose
Feel free to add to my list! I'd love to learn about more books on the craft of writing! Ooh, and what flavor did you find?

WAIT! Before you go... I must announce some winners. 
A Copy of Catherine Stine's FIRESEED ONE:
Larissa Hardesty!
The three lucky Alleywalkers to win an e-copy of Patti Larsen's FAMILY MAGIC:
Michael D.
Theresa Milstein
April P.
And the grand prize - all four books in the FAMILY MAGIC collection goes to:
PK Hrezo!
CLICK to access the
other A to Z participants.
And don't forget to ENTER my two giveaways: Chance to win books: either MG or YA, & my BROKEN Challenge for Author AE Rought - a book tote and your choice of a YA book!

(Psst...There will be NO YATT tomorrow. I wrote six posts last week, and must catch up on writing. See you on Friday!!)


  1. I've heard a lot of fantastic things about these books but am ashamed to report I haven't read most of them. Okay, fine. Any of them. A lot of my craft crafting has come from online resources or interaction with much more experienced and complex writers than yours truly. Congrats to the winners!

  2. I've read a number of these. My favorite is Plot & Structure.

  3. I used to love mazes--drawing and making them.

    Hooked by Les Edgerton is an excellent book.

    I'm so excited about winning the book. Thank you!

  4. You have to add Elements of Writing Fiction: Conflict and Suspense by James Scott Bell. It seriously rocks!!!

    I've read a number of books from the list. I'm such a writing craft book junkie.

    1. I'll add it to the list and I'll buy it for myself. Thanks!! JSB is a master at craft and explaining it.

  5. Nice choices. I'd add Word Painting by Rebecca McClanahan. Great book on writing descriptively.

  6. Congrats to all the winners! I haven't read a craft book in a while. I've decided I'm a definite rule breaker though. :)

  7. When I was younger there was a man screaming on the street about ice cream. But the way he broke it down, it sounded more like "I scream!" Me and my siblings were so confused until we saw that he had ice cream he was trying to sell.

  8. Yum, ice cream! One of my favorite foods. And I live in a state where the people eat more ice cream per capita than any other one in the U.S. lol

  9. Congrats to all the winners! My favorite writing book is Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook by Donald Maass. I also loved Hooked and Save the Cat!

  10. Great list. I'd add Stein on Writing. It's a no nonsense, here's a way to do it kind of book.

  11. Great list! I didn't see On Writing on there though... I love that one. :D Congrats to the winners! And I don't care what flavor it is - I'll take some! LOL

  12. I would add, The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman, a must have book on the craft of writing. And congrats to the winners!

    1. Ooh, good one! I'll add it. Looks like I'll be writing up another post on this.

  13. I only hear about books on the craft from others, so thank you for your list! (And I found coffee ice cream). :-D

  14. I'm not adding to your list but I will announce my Favorite flavor of ice cream. It's between two I love Half Baked by B and J and I anything strawberry cheesecake.

  15. Congratulations to the winners! And my favorite book is first on your list.

  16. Sorry, I got distracted by ice cream. Hehe! And Hooked by Les Edgerton was awesome.

  17. Congrats to the winners. Nothing to add, but I love Hooked by Les Edgerton.

  18. I never could get through Bird by Bird. I think I picked it up at the wrong time in life. Perhaps one day. I purchased Save the Cat! last week.

  19. I own four of those books! Some great great reads! :)

  20. Oh shucks! If only I read more writing, I'd have some picks from that list. The only one that is familiar by title is "Save the Cat!" because it's in my field and seems to be quite popular, yet I still haven't bought it. I'm partial to VANILLA ice cream today *wink* :)


    Blog: The Madlab Post
    @MadlabPost on Twitter

  21. Oooh congrats, great list! Right about now I'd like some salted caramel ice cream!

  22. That's a great list of resource books.

    Congratulations to the winners....

  23. One that I've started on recently is: Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting, by Robert McKee.

  24. Loved your list, I like vanilla because you can add so many other things to it.


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