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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The YA Mind: readers, writers, thinkers

Whether you're of young adult age or years beyond, if you read or write or think about topics that affect the tweens, teens, and young adults of today, then you have a YA Mind.

And what better way to explore that then by asking questions of ourselves and others? So I'm here today to recruit your help. I want to accumulate a mountain of questions to send to our YA Expert Board to keep them busy for the summer. It's been a while since I've sent them any, so I believe it's time.

You may ask any question that you feel is pertinent to the YA world. It can be about reading, writing, or living the tween/teen life of today.

Here's a few suggestions:
  • Relationships - parent/teen, teen/teen, teen/teacher or other
  • Romance - age, behavior, seriousness, fickleness, etc...
  • Tween/Teen outer appearances vs. inner conflicts
  • Settings
  • Plots & subplots
  • Tween/Teen emotions & emotional gauges
  • Contemporary vs. Paranormal
  • Action vs. Literary
  • Fashion, music, television, technology, sports, activities, the arts, etc...
I'm sure you can come up with more to explore.

Now, when I say I want a mountain of questions, I do mean a mountain. So to help perpetuate this and simply because you all totally ROCK, I'm offering prizes. Yes, prizes, with 5 lucky winners. 
Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below to be included in the giveaway!!  The only requirement is that you leave a question for our panel. (Don't leave your question in the comments or you won't be entered. PLEASE leave your question in the Rafflecopter form, so you'll be entered with 2 chances to win.) I would, however, love it if you'd spread the word about this giveaway and challenge. Pwwease.... ;D Thanks so much!!  I'll compile the questions and send them to our board. Winners to be announced on July 17th so you have plenty of time.

And just an FYI: I will be having a massive, gaugantuan, bigger-than-a-shopping-mall giveaway with an announcement very soon, probably after I take my summer blogging break but not sure just yet. I'll need your help then too. ;D (So if you'd be willing to offer up any prizes like critiques, a book, or anything, please let me know with your comment or feel free to email me. I'm willing to return the favor.)


  1. Great idea! And can't wait to hear the announcement!!
    Here's a question for the panel: in teen life, how many of them (girls especially) run everything past their BFFs all the time? I mean, when something happens do they text/call their BFF right that minute, or does it just depend?

    tweeting the post! tweet tweet ;)

  2. How about problems/conflicts at home? How many of them face serious problems in their living or family situations and how does it affect their behavior at school?

  3. That's a great idea, and I can't wait to hear your announcement!

    Um... my brain is blank right now, but I may pop by later if something comes to mind!

  4. Do preppies still exist? How do you tell them apart from how they dress?

  5. What YA books can you suggest for a teenage boy who doesn't want to read about dating or general teenage-girl drama?

    1. I read a lot of YA and one series I'd highly recommend is The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series. There's magic, mythology and a fantasy element set in present day with no dating or teen drama. Lots of action and adventure.

  6. Thanks everyone! Awesome questions. Can you make sure to add your questions to the form so you get 2 chances in the giveaway. Thanks so much!

  7. Great contest and a wonderful opportunity to ask questions.

    How important is technology in a story. Do teens expect to have the MC use computers, cells, etc? Or is it ok if this is excluded if not relevant to the story?

    What are the most common things for teens to do after school? Are they hanging out together at local places or mostly heading home to chat with each other online?

    What is the typical curfew time these days?

  8. Another super idea, Sheri. I've entered, and if you want a contribution to your giveaway I can offer two copies of Princess if you're interested.

    1. Yes, yes, yes!! So interested. I'll be in touch. ;D

  9. Great idea! I'm asking about the importance of parents in YA since I recently blogged about this.

    Sheri, I'll offer up Touch of Death SWAG for your giveaway.

    1. Wow! That is so generous, Kelly. Thank you. I'll be in touch!

  10. In the YA realm a lot of agents/editors seem to look for unique aspects to characters something quirky or defining about them. I'm curious to know how much is too much in terms of characterization? How do you know when you have a complete character that isn't too bogged down with hobbies and details? Or on the flip side how do you know when you've given your characters too little and they might need more too them?

  11. I added my questions above but I have all these books in my library so if my name is chosen, you can pass it on to someone else! :) Great questions. Can't wait to see all the answers!

    1. Aw...thank you. Laura. But if you win, you can get a YA/MG book of your choice. You're too awesome to pass up!

  12. This is very awesome! Thanks for doing this. I added my question in the Rafflecopter.

  13. I love this, such a great idea. I'm looking forward to hearing the Q&A.

  14. WOWEE! *thinking thinking thinking*

  15. Oh, there should be lots of good questions. Thanks for the giveaway.

  16. I'd also like to know about hubbies. do you have time for them? what are they?
    do you volunteer? b/c school makes you? you want to? it will look good on college apps? where? why?

  17. I'm wondering about teenagers of divorced and re-married parents. Is the relationship with the "step" as toxic as it seems?

    1. This is a fabulous question. Love it! Thanks so much.

  18. what a great idea! I'm putting my thinking cap on...

  19. Great idea for a post.
    I wonder if teen girls think the hero & heroine should be "in love" or just crushing (within the framework of the novel)?
    Do they believe in love-at-first-sight, or is that really just lust-at-first-sight?

  20. I have to wake my brain up. *thinking* I'm still caught up in what you said about a big announcement.

  21. I can't wait to read the answers! I love stuff like this--thanks, Sheri! :o)

  22. I love the idea of this board and what a great giveaway. I have a copy of my debut novel to contribute for your after-break giveaway.

  23. I'd love to know if teens prefer to read contemporary or paranormal. I noticed one publisher had many obviously paranormal ARCs slated to come out this fall. Is that the kind of cover/story that draws them in to read the book?

  24. I would love to know what their favorite rock (not pop or rap) bands are.
    Great idea, Sheri!! Thanks!

  25. I've heard different answers and perspectives to this question, so I'd like to ask it again here. Since I write (20th century) historical, my teen and preteen characters go through a lot of experiences that were considered normal for people of their age 50+ years ago, but not so much by modern standards. For example, a number of my characters are married by the time they're out of their teens, helping to run a household, taking care of younger siblings after losing their parents, becoming parents, and serving in the military. Even if they're depicted as young people coming of age at the most basic level, does the average modern teen really relate to something like a married 17-year-old, an 18-year-old parent, or a 15-year-old who's been made adult before his time because of what he's lived through? For these reasons, I'm no longer so sure some of my historicals really quality as real YA in today's market.


!SPLAT Your Awesomeness! I'd love to hear from you!