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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

YATT Spotlight ~ an INTANGIBLE Giveaway!

For today's YATT meme, I've got TWO--count'em, TWO--special YA books. Firstly, head over to Oasis for YA, where I've highlighted Author Sarah Fine's book SANCTUM. It's expected release date is in October of this year, and I can't wait to get my hands on it.

And secondly, but quite happily, I bring you another young adult story which features a bit of the paranormal, the normal, and the abnormal.

Author: J. Meyers
Genre: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Release Date: January 2012
Format: ebook
Pages: 264

I'd like to thank the author for supplying me with a copy of her story for review.

Favorite Line/Passage: Tears spiked behind her eyes, hot and sharp. She wanted to stop him. Wanted him to turn and smile and say that he'd stay, that they'd all be friends. That maybe he loved her. That she was worth it.

Description: Twins Sera and Luke Raine have a well-kept secret—she heals with a touch of her hand, he sees the future. All their lives they’ve helped those in need on the sly. They’ve always thought of their abilities as being a gift.

Then Luke has a vision that Sera is killed. That gift they’ve always cherished begins to feel an awful lot like a curse. Because the thing about Luke’s ability? He’s always right. And he can’t do anything about it.


My Splats: intrigue and mystery bring a set of twins to the brink of what it truly means to be siblings.

The suspenseful beginning drew me in. What's going to happen? Who's this guy? And what is his deal? These were the first questions I had, all of which urged me to keep reading. Luke opened up with a sense of urgency and heartfelt warmth and concern, giving me an emotional connection to him from the get-go. 

Sera gave me the same sense of innocence and need to do what is right. I felt an understanding of her from the onset, though different from with Luke. I realized I'd have to worry about her - just like Luke does. Their sibling relationship was genuine and honest. 

It was interesting to me that Meyer was able to get me to join in with one character's feelings about another. If I would have been in the story, I would so have been on Luke's side, urging Sera to be more cautious with what she can do. To me, my reaction is a win-win for the author and the story. I could see myself in the story.
One of my favorite aspects of this tale was structure. Meyer told the story from multiple point-of-views--more then just two--which truly worked in this case. At first, I wasn't sure if I'd get confused or lost midst the inner thoughts of those characters but I didn't. Meyer did a great job sharing each character with just enough details to keep the story moving forward. And move forward it did.

As more characters are brought into the story, an intricate web begins threading between them. The world building gets bigger and more intimate. Numerous sub-plots begin to unfold, and I couldn't help but wonder how they were connected. 

An event with Luke (which I don't want to share because of spoilers) was the ledge Meyer decided to use to plunge the reader into the story. The more Luke searches for a way to prevent this event from growing and coming to fruition, the more danger he lures closer. But at the same time, Sera is desperate to exist as a 'normal' teen, giving into her feelings for a new boy and then pushing those feelings away. This unexpected romance adds urgency and drama to the plot, complicating the heck out of the emotional arcs. Not to mention making Luke's job to keep his sister safe even harder. 

When the inner struggles of the twins are mixed with outside threats and then mingled with the inner and outer motivations of the other characters, the plot quickly explodes into a unique paranormal setting and plausible elements. And with the end leading to new, mysterious beginnings, I'm sure there is much more to come from this set of twins.

On a personal note, I have to give the author--a fellow mother of four--major Kudos for writing this book. 

Find J. Meyer on Goodreads and her Site & Blog. AND enter my giveaway below to win a copy of her book!! Giveaway ends June 14th. Winner will be announced on the 15th!

For more YA, visit these YATT Meme Supporters:
Julie Musil (not every wk)
Misha Gericke (not every wk)
Want to take part in spotlighting young adult literature? Join our team. For more information, go HERE.
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  1. These books look awesome! Wow... so many things I want to read. But also wanted to let you know you won the free ebook yesterday! I'm assuming you want Altercation? :) Hop over to my blog and let me know!

  2. This sounds really interesting Sheri. Thanks for sharing about it.

  3. This is going on my TBR list. Sounds lovely. Thanks.

  4. Wow, I love the two pov's ( but there's more in the story, so intrigued), plus the brother/sister aspect!!

  5. Two great books and two great giveaways! You rock!

  6. Sounds completely awesome! THanks for the tip - off to add it to my list!

  7. wow, this does sound like an awesome book - nice review, too :)

  8. Good luck to J. Meyers and the success of Intangible!


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