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Friday, October 12, 2012


Write from your HEART ... always, no matter from the light or the dark, the warmth or the cold, the full or the empty. Just find it and release it. For others to know, too.

I'm still recovering from surgery, so I decided to leave you with a choice for the weekend. 
Which emotion will you choose to explore?


  1. Hope your recovery is speedy!
    Of those listed... loyalty.

    1. Thanks so much, Alex. Recovery is going well, just freaking slow. I know it's only been a week, but I'm going nuts! Doctor said 5 more weeks. She has got to be joking. Argh....

      Have a great weekend. Looking forward to the blogfest next week!

  2. Hope your recovery is painless and swift. I'll be exploring many emotions this weekend in my WIP. Love is at the top, I think.

  3. Ditto on a safe and speedy recovery. Does revision count as an emotion :)

  4. Hope you have a speedy recovery, Sheri! I'm not sure what emotions I'll be covering this weekend. Probably frustration because I won't have much time to edit my WIP.

  5. Wishing you well. I like to write from a dark corner with a hint of humor.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  6. I hope you're recovering quickly and well. Emotions are my favorite things ... I don't know why I enjoy exploring the intensely negative ones so much, but it's quite satisfying. I'm busy editing over the next few weeks, though, not writing anything new, so frustration is probably the emotional state that's most relevant :)

    1. Probably because of the business you're in. lol

      Seriously, I lean toward exploring negative emotions too, finding out what makes them tick and what possibles could cure them. Kind of like self therapy.

  7. Well wishes to you.

    Loyalty is one I like to explore. I learn the most about it from my dog. Seriously.

  8. Thank you. I'll choose loyalty and love. Hope you have a speedy recovery. :)

  9. Continue getting better as you recover.

    When it comes to my writing, I have a tendency to explore defeatism, and the overcoming of it...because darned if you must give in to defeat.

  10. Well my power cord snapped for my laptop, so I don't think I will get to write this weekend, but I just finished a ahort story where I dealt with sadness, grief and fear of responsibility.

    Get well soon, thanks for keeping us updated :)

  11. Hope you get to feeling better soon!

    As for emotions in my story...Well, I've never fallen in love with a murderous ghost, but I assume there's got to be some fear, excitement and guilt in there, right?

  12. What a lovely pic! Happiness is my emotion for the weekend:-)
    Hope you are recovering just fine. XO

  13. I hope you're feeling tons better, my friend! Lately it seems I've been exploring the "loyalty" emotion a lot. Not sure which I'll delve into next, but it's probably going to be betrayal. Hmm... we'll see. ((hugs)) <3


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