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Monday, November 19, 2012


"A grateful attitude can cleanse the woes of today and bring about unforeseen blessings tomorrow."

The world is full of problems. Personal heartache, struggles, economic challenges are only a few. And although I truly believe it's necessary to be our brother's keeper, focusing on the needs of the world can be depressing.

That's why I'm joining an amazing group of authors in thanksgiving, concentrating on the positives that have touched my life over this past year. I'm blessed with an amazing family--a husband of just under twenty years and four children who stun me on a daily basis with their zest for life and passion to explore and grow.

CLICK the IMAGE for more giveaways!!
My life gained a new fullness, when I made to choice to forge ahead as an author and not just a weekend, amateur writer with no sense of confidence or direction. In do so, more colors entered this life I call ME, flavoring it with wisdom and special friendships I can now call my Cyber-Family of Authors and Just Cool Peeps. (Yes, that is YOU. I so HEART YOU.)

Thank you for being a part of my world and allowing me into yours.

As most of you know, signing with my agent Paula Munier was one of my biggest blessings this year. But also was the outpouring of support from each of you, whether through heartfelt congratulations or one of the many donations given as a part of my celebration giveaway. You all ASTOUND me.

Lastly, I am thankful for GOD, that he's never given up on me and always seems to show up at just the perfect moment. Thank you.

In return for the wonders that each of you are, I'm giving away a few goodies for this holiday. Just enter. Just do it. You deserve it. Of course, spreading the word and/or following Writer's Alley would be yet another thing to add to my grateful list, but that is not necessary.

Thank you, and I will be taking the rest of the week to spend time with my family - YAY! our college freshman is coming home for the long weekend! I will, however, be posting on Friday as a part of an awesome blog tour. Hope you join me.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love this community I've gotten to know in the past couple years. Wish we could all get together for a bit party sometimes! :) So much to be thankful for.

  2. Laura's idea is a great one. And you're both right. There is so much to be thankful for. Enjoy your week and having your college kid home for the holidays. I'll be thankful for that too in a few years.

  3. I'm thankful for so many things this year. Mostly though, I'm thankful I can follow my dreams.

  4. I also love our community! I couldn't survive without it.

    Enjoy your holiday with the family, Sheri!

    1. I don't know what I'd do without our writing community either, Stina. We really are so blessed to have each other.

  5. Amen! God never lets us down.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  6. What a beautiful post, Sheri. There is so much to be thankful for. And what a neat giveaway--I already have Rouge and The Emotion Thesaurus, and am honored to be included in that bunch!

    1. You are quite deserving, Sarah. I really mean that. :)

  7. I ma thankful to God too for all the abundance and provision he has given! There is so much to be thankful for if we just take the time to meditate and reflect on all His goodness.

  8. Excellent Thanksgiving post, Sheri! I couldn't agree with you more--I pray probably more than I do anything now that I'm a FT writer, and I have been so blessed as a result. The biggest blessing is you guys! What a wonderful, supportive group that I would've given up again and again if I didn't have! ((hugs))

    I'm not entering the contest b/c I have all the books! LOL! But good luck to everyone, and have a super holiday~ <3 :o)

  9. I am thankful for my family, for health, and for knowing that we are blessed abundantly.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and enjoy that college freshman's return.

    1. Wonderful things to be thankful for. And thanks about my college freshman. He surprised us and showed up today! We just took him out to dinner. Poor kid...he hasn't had a decent thing to eat in a while. lol I remember those days....

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. The writing community is so awesome, I don't know what I would do without it.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  11. I'm thankful for you, my amazing Oasis Sister and all-round beautiful person!

    1. Wow, Jessie. That is so nice of you! I feel the same about you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your hubby and beautiful girls!

  12. I love that you're giving away books by your fellow writer pals. Great idea.

    This year I'm thankful that Sandy did not do massive damage to our house and all my family and friends out here, stayed safe.

  13. So many good things to win! going to tweet this. :)

  14. I am thankful for my family and friends especially my son and a special person in my life that recently came back into it.

    Rafflecopter Name: Dawna Newman

    1. Thanks so much for visiting! Have a fabulous week.

  15. thankful for good food that i can gorge on once out of the month in the fall... great blog!!! new follower...hi!

  16. HOPE you have a good one, you lovely lady!

  17. This is a great idea to give away books by author-friends!

  18. What a cool thing to do! But that doesn't surprise me, you're pretty cool. ;D Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

  19. What a wonderful blogfest, and I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Have a great holiday, Sheri! You're the best.

    1. are too sweet. Thank you.

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  21. As always, I am grateful for my family and all of the time I get to spend with them.

  22. I love this giveaway hop! Thanks for the international giveaway.

  23. It's always good to focus on the positives. Have a wonderful thanksgiving.


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