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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm a WOW: Writer On Writing!!

Short and sweet, today. I want to thank each of you Alleywalkers for being so patient with my lack of posts and visiting your sites over the last month or so. But the light is flickering at the end of the tunnel. Completed revisions are in my agent's trusty hands as of yesterday morning. Whoot! Now I'm catching up on emails and preparing loads of amazing author spotlights and book reviews to entertain you. I'll be back to regular posting and blogging on Monday.

But I do have a little more for you, today. I'm being spotlighted on the amazing site Adventures in YA & Children's Publishing. I am so excited about it!! Would you please hop over and help me celebrate?

For those who don't know, WOW Wednesday Posts are their regular author to writer feature. Authors share their most important pieces of advice from their writing journeys, how they made the leap from writer to author. Click HERE to check out what I had to share!! Psst....make sure to leave a comment and I'll comment back.


  1. I'm heading over now. Congrats on getting the edits done!

  2. Congrats, Sheri, on finishing your edits. Good luck! :D

  3. Wow (no pun intended) you have been busy. Congrats on finishing your edits!

  4. Woot for the editing! Heading to the other site now...

  5. On my way over....Congratulations on getting your edits finished. :)

  6. Congrats on finishing this step. I'll check out the link.


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