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Monday, December 3, 2012

Blog Lover's Holiday Giveaway & MG Book Spotlight: God Love You, Chester Blue

For the month of December, I'm hosting my very own Bookish Holiday Gift Ideas for 2012, offering up suggestions for you to share as presents with your family and friends.

'Tis the Season to be given, right? What better way to give than to participate in I Am a Reader, Not a Writer's giveaway fest co-hosted by Maryann of Chapter by Chapter?
You're correct. There is no better way for this writer/blogger. AND look at the surprise I have for you: a review of the sweet book I'm offering up! 

Bookish Holiday Gift Idea #2: 
Sweet, innocent, and kind are a few adjectives I'd use to describe my next MG feature.

Title: God Loves You, Chester Blue
Author: Suzanne Anderson
Genre: Contemporary
Publisher: Harry and George Press
Released: June 24, 2012
Pages: 132

I'd like to thank the author for providing me with a copy of her book for review.

Favorite Line/Passage: Miss Millie stretched out her arms and embraced all the beauty she saw in the sky above her head. She silently thanked God for creating such a beautiful universe where anything was possible even when it seemed impossible. 

Description: What if when you most needed help, a blue bear appeared with a note from God? One night, Miss Millie of Blossom, Ohio turns her face to the stars and asks God for help. The next day, a package arrives on her doorstep containing a blue teddy bear and a special note. Over the course of a year, this remarkable blue bear travels across the country, showing up just when he’s needed most. During his journey, Chester Blue helps a young girl trying to impress her big sisters; saves a sailor caught in a terrible storm; reunites two constantly fighting brothers; helps a cowboy become a rodeo clown; and aids a father and daughter in bonding after divorce. If you ever needed a message from God, it's here.


My Splats: A journey of miracles, hope, and trust that will stay with you long after.

This story is a chronicle of a special teddy bear, who unwittingly travels with family after family, person after person, and somehow finds all in need. He casts light on peoples' troubles, clearing their vision to see through their despair. 

Miss Millie is a sweet elderly woman able to reflect on past blessings, see a void in today, and hope, pray, wish, and dream for a better day. But her small town's hustle and bustle slowly moves away, leaving the town practically lifeless and her Fix It Teddy Bear Shop forced to close, she can't seem to see the light anymore.

Through the mystical appearance of a blue bear, Miss Millie and others are given hope and reason to keep forging ahead, striving for a new day. Chester Blue is a bear of miracles. He shares life lessons with the reader like perseverance, kindness, understanding, and patience.

The writing is simple yet holds a poetic quality - a great read-aloud for younger kids and a wonderful on-my-own read for MG fans. This story would make a wonderful Christmas present, and a perfect time to share Chester Blue!

For more, please visit Chester Blue and Author Suzanne Anderson on their Website

Simply ENTER for your chance to WIN a print copy of this wonderful book!! Winner will be announced Dec. 11th.
Good Luck, everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. AWW sounds special. And that line you shared was so lovely!

  2. God Loves You, Chester Blue sounds like a truly wonderful read!

  3. My favorite holiday tradition is going to look at Christmas lights with my family! Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway!

  4. Sounds like a really sweet read. :)

  5. This sounds so sweet! I think it's great that you're doing this for the holiday season.

    1. Thanks. I thought it would make a great gift for someone. :)

  6. I love reading the Christmas story with my kids on Christmas Eve.

  7. On Christmas eve my daughters and I take turns reading each page of the Polar Express

  8. i love the big holiday dinner! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com


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