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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

IWSG~Getting Back On The Horse

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The purpose of the IWSG is to share and encourage, posting on the first Wednesday of each month. You'll find writer doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Support and a common understanding spread throughout the group as many fellow writers can relate. So, here's my monthly post.
Life is the measure with which most of us write our stories. Whether sci-fi, paranormal, or contemporary, the worlds we create are ever-changing, challenging, and active. At least we hope we accomplish those elements. 

So what do we do with a character who falls off the horse and begins to sink in his/her struggle within the plot or subplot we've created? We might add a scene of lowered tension, a breath of fresh air for the character to reevaluate the situation. But WE decide what's going to happen. Ultimately, it's in our control. Real life is not that defined.

Other Participants
2014 was a year of total and absolute GRRR.... for me, for many reasons. There was health issues, ailing parents with growing needs, and regular stuff like raising my four kids. I won't get into any of those right now. The one I'll briefly mention for this post is a writing related struggle. It's very hard for me to come clean about this, but here goes: I broke up with my agent right before Christmas. It had been coming for a while, for reasons I won't say here. 

Point being: I now feel like the rider who's been kicked off a her horse and is terrified to get back in the saddle. There's mud in my mouth, and I'm full of dirt and muck. My palms are blistered, and frankly, my attitude is a bit ornery. The luster that once drove my writing passion has evaporated somewhat. Now, I didn't say totally. It's taken me a little bit, but over the last two weeks I've been going over manuscripts that, unbeknownst to me, had been neglected. I've even been in touch with some amazing writer friends (you know who you are), and thrown myself back into the critiquing pool. I'm writing up possible submission logs for my various manuscripts. But the fear of going it alone again has me almost paralyzed. 

Has this ever happened to you? 

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  1. Sorry that you had to break up with your agent. Hopefully having to look at things differently and thinking about new manuscripts will reignite the passion for you. It can be scary but also exciting when things change.

    February IWSG Co-host

  2. So sorry you had to break up with your agent but good for you making the hard but right decision for you.

    I can so relate to going through a hard year. I'm still not through my challenges. Cannot wait until I get my job situation set. It's so hard staying positive sometimes. But we can do it. And I know writing will make you (and me) feel better.

  3. That sucks you and your agent had to part ways. But I'm glad you're plowing ahead. And if you need a reader you know I'm here :)

    1. Thanks for the support and offer to still read for me, Marcy. I just might take you up on that in the near future. Same here, too! And yes, it was difficult to make that decision. Once again, self-doubt came into play and I battled with myself over which decisions were right and wrong. Ultimately, it came down to beginning stagnant and the lack of communication. She's a great agent, so I would have stayed and trusted her. But being so out of touch made me question everything from her commitment to me to the quality of my work. It just wasn't a positive environment anymore.

  4. Sorry to hear about you and your agent parting ways - it can be tough to get back into writing after a change like that. Hoping that revisiting old manuscripts will help bring your writing passion back! :)

  5. I'm sorry you had to break up with your agent.
    You're feeling ornery? Then look that horse in the eye, kick him back, and then climb into the saddle. You can do it!

    1. Thanks for adding to my determination. I'm almost there, ready to fully dive in again. It's just been a long two months of self-reflection.

  6. Last year was a tough year for me too for many reasons, but that's why I'm determined to make this year better. I hope 2015 is a success for you!

    1. And to you, too! We can be encouraging buddies for 2015.

  7. Oh, man... I hear you so much. I have a recent agent breakup, too, and it can be so disheartening, flying in the winds again. Best of luck to you!

  8. This is SO wrong, but I want to shake you right now. Not hard. No head trauma - promise. But you are a completely amazing person who happens to be a talented writer. Writing tends to be a solitary experience, but if any of us has community support - it's you! You've done so much for us. KNOW that we return the favor. We are here for you. Now get your writing out there! <3

  9. Aw, Sheri, I'm so sorry to hear you and your agent parted ways. Just remember that you're a talented writer and you can do this, with or without an agent. I still need to email you because we HAVE to connect. Alright, as soon as I'm done writing this post, I'm composing an email to you. :)

    And I would LOVE to read/critique anything if you ever need it. I see you have a plethora of critique partners, but I'd be happy to be a part of that list. :)

    1. You are to sweet! All added, and I'll be in touch.

  10. I totally get it, but you are going to get out there and you are going to shine. You had a couple small presses interested as I recall. Methinks maybe approaching one of them might be a good idea, agent or no.

    1. Thanks for the advice, Crystal. I've just started diving back in. That YA manuscript had been through a few professional editors' hands, but I'm currently skimming it. Since all that, I came up with an idea that could make the novel a bit more unique. It wouldn't take a lot of revising, just a few nips and tucks. :)

  11. I see Kai speaking above... who also needs shaking... There will always be bumps in the writing journey. Find the love and realize there will be peaks again ahead.

    1. That phrase 'Realize there will be peaks again ahead' sounds perfect! I think it should be on a billboard. Just an idea... :)

  12. Hugs, Shari! You are very brave to make this move. It's hard to let go of something that's not working to make room for something better.
    Every time I've made a hard decision like this, I've been blessed by it, even though it's hard waiting and not knowing for awhile. Hang in there. I know good things are just around the corner!

  13. it's been so long since I wrote fiction, I feel like I've been kicked off the horse, too. It's been tough to get back on and keep going.

    1. Obviously most of us can relate. But, if it's something you want, I'm sure you'll find your way back. Look, you're here blogging all the time. I'm sure - as M.Pax just said - another peak is just ahead of you.

  14. Sorry to read that you and your agent have parted ways.
    I always say that change is inevitable... it's the one constant in life...but it is scary nevertheless...
    Remember, with the support of writerly buddies and the wonderful online writing community, you just can't lose!

  15. Sheri, I've never had an agent or been published, so the specific problem is something I can only emphathize with from a slightly distant place :( Still, I really feel for you. It's got to be awful---like a bad divorce. You WILL get back in the saddle again though :)

  16. You'll get back on the horse and find a better agent - or publisher. Hope 2015 is better than 2014!

  17. You'll get back on the horse and find a better agent - or publisher. Hope 2015 is better than 2014!

  18. I haven't had that happen to me, but I believe you can have a great 2015 and find both your writing groove and all the publisher/agent stuff you need!

  19. I haven't broken up with an agent, but I had to pull myself out of the mud after several devastating rejections, before and after I had representation. Yes, I know what this feels like. And you can do it!

    1. I knew you'd be able to relate. I think just being able to write this short post clues myself in that I'm ready to dive back in. I had to finally let the myth fog of agent-client relationship dissipate to see what was truly there. I'll be stronger, bolder, and much much smarter for it in the end.

  20. I've been there sweetheart and I'm so sorry to hear this has happened to you. :( Hang in there, you will find your dream agent. Most importantly, keep writing and never stop looking. Drop me an email, we'll chat.

  21. Sorry for the tough year, but hey! At least you're getting back in this world. As for me, man, it's been months since I typed even a a paragraph. Am I scared? Hm. Probably. Of not knowing where I want to take my story. I'm trying to do a lot of reading right now, too.
    We'll get through it:)

  22. So sorry for your yucky year. But you, my friend, are not one to let things bring you down. You will move forward and shine bright. I'm still trying not to get rejections. It's super frustrating but I'm this far into it, I can't stop now. If you need anything let me know. ((hugs))

    1. Thanks so much. And you too, don't let it get your down. You're super talented. Like you said: you've come this far!

  23. Sorry to hear about your breakup Sometimes we need to remember that it's ok to take a break. If writing is what you love then the break won't be long. I'm here too if you need anything. :)

    1. Thanks for the offer. Back at you! But as most things in life I've tried to view this as another stepping stone in who I'm supposed to become. :)

  24. Sheri, I know you and your family have been through a lot. I hope you get some good news. Great news. You need it. Thinking of you.

  25. Good for you getting back in the saddle. It hasn't happened to me with writing, first I need a saddle, but it's happened a lot in life. As the saying goes, Don't Quit!!

  26. Sheri, I've been thinking of you all this week. I second T. I hope you get some great news, my friend. You need it, you deserve it and you WILL get it. <3 (You KNOW I love the horse analogy.) :-) HUG HUG HUG!

  27. Yes, I know how you feel - from experience. But splitting from an agent is NOT the end of the world. There are plenty of successful writers who've had several agents over the years, and gone on to do bigger and better things. Embrace the freedom you now have to write what you want to write, the way you want to write it! Hugs!!

    1. I just recently figured that out, Lexa! I have freedom, instead of waiting on someone to send me notes back or respond to my emails. For the past year I felt like all I did was wait, wait, and wait, with no control. At least right now, I can write, submit, and keep writing what I want while I wait. Thanks for the blast of encouragement!

  28. I'm sorry to hear that but it's only a mere blip in your writing career. Of course it has no reflection on your quality as a writer, it just means you and this agent weren't the perfect match. You can go it alone, with an agent, pursue self-publishing - there's a myriad of options now. Good luck!

    1. You are so right that there's a myriad of options now for all of us. Thanks for the reminder that this is just a blip in my writing career. Hadn't looked at it like that. Thx!

  29. I'm sorry to hear you've been through so much. I hope 2015 is being kinder. I've broken up with several agents. It's important to get back on that saddle. I'm glad you are.

    1. See, I had no idea of your previous experiences. It really helps to know we're not alone. I think we know that, but when we encounter crappy stuff on our publication roads it helps to know others have 'been there' before. I'm so glad you kept getting back in the saddle. So thrilled for all your recent success! Much deserved.

  30. Screw that. Give me your hand woman!! Let's do this biznitch!!! Get em tiger!

    1. Your attitude highly RAWKS, my dear! I'm going to print this one out and hang it by my desk to keep my motivated. >_<

  31. There are lot of horses without riders in the writing world. You're in a fine group that "adjusts" their saddles when they have to. Good luck.


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