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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

IWSG~FB Sharing

The purpose of the IWSG is to share and encourage, posting on the first Wednesday of each month. You'll find writer doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Support and a common understanding spread throughout the group as many fellow writers can relate. Feel free to JOIN in anytime.

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So it seems like feeling insufficient comes naturally to most of us, at least at times. The other day, while surfing through status updates, posts, and shared articles on Facebook, I noticed something. Some of my amazing FB pals share. A lot. And I'm not just talking about I'm at Five Guys or Watching a Movie status updates. I mean wholesome posts and shared articles. 

My eyes brushed upon subjects of public education woes to five things you never knew about your teacher to marriage advice. Really good information. Of course I love to see meaningful sharing on social media instead of some of the hate-mongering we've all been subject to read or those horrific animal cruelty videos that now auto-play - which I think is so unfair, BTW. 

Whether writers or other work endeavors, I know the majority of those who share great material have children, families, and other responsibilities besides their day jobs. So how in the heck to they find, read, and share so much social media? I can hardly find the time to do what is necessary in my daily life to be able to find all that quality. Sometimes I feel like I owe those FB/Twitter/Tumbler/Pinterest friends a share in return.

Can you relate or am I nuts? 
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  1. I don't know how they have time to find meaning stuff. I do good to find one cute Minion photo a week.

  2. Especially reading articles. I wish I had more time for that, but I just don't. If I see one that captures my attention, I'll click the link so it opens in another window and I'll leave it there until I have time to skim. Sometimes they are there for days!

  3. Hi Sheri, I can completely relate. Even I am intimidated by all the sharing some writing pals do on Twitter and FB. I wonder how do they get the time? Makes me feel inadequate in comparision as I neither share nor read so much.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

    1. Hi Rachna! Thanks so much for stopping by. I know, right? I'm amazed at how some folks find the most intriguing articles and images to share. I sometimes feel like the non-giving friend. :(

  4. I wonder the exact same thing! How do people find time for all that?! I can totally relate, and your are not at all nuts! :)

  5. I schedule statuses and such for the month on FB. That way I don't have to worry about it while I'm doing everything I need to do.

  6. I can definitely relate! I feel that way about Twitter also. Keeping up with social media is hard! Especially when you have so many other things going on. I wish I knew the secret—if you figure it out, please share! :)

  7. That's why I don't really do Facebook, I never figured out what to post on there that wasn't on my blog. And finding that great stuff to share takes time. It's a conundrum!

    1. High-five! It really is. I sometimes get lost in all the info.

  8. I don't know how everyone finds the time to share all of those things, either! A lot of the things I see posted are silly, but there are some more meaningful things thrown in there, as well.

  9. I do good to find what I do for my blog.

    1. I feel the same way. It confounds me, sometimes. I guess the process is as easy or as hard as we make it. I'm a complicated person. 'Nuf said.

  10. I can barely keep up with social media even when I don't have deadlines! I wish I had time to find meaningful articles or even amusing gifs to share, but most of my brain power goes into my writing!

  11. I don't do nearly as much social media as I should and mostly it's just stuff I find fun or interesting. You're awesome. =D

  12. I can relate. Search helps a lot. I mark stuff to use later.

    1. Funny you just mentioned marking stuff. I just posed a question in #WS4U asking folks how they save research information they find online. I've collected the comments and I'm planning to share what I learned in an upcoming post. It's amazing the different methods people use.

  13. You're not one bit nuts! I often think I am because I'm always stealing an hour from here to put over there and it has a lot to do with social media.

  14. I feel like I rarely know what to say on social media. I do like reading what other people put up as well as what articles they share. I must admit the cute animal things almost always get a click for me.

  15. I agree!!! Even today I'm flying through blogs, editing, storytelling, and trying to get it all done. Social Media takes a huge chunk of my day, and I feel like I'm off my nut too!!!

  16. I've wondered about that as well. I have a fb friend that can share dozens of articles a day from all different kinds of topics, plus art and funny jokes, etc, and I always wonder how he does it all.... I just came to the conclusion that A, I'm a slow reader and B, I have kids, so time just isn't on my side for stuff like that.

  17. I can relate. I think that sometimes that articles fall into people's laps one after another from different sources, and they are so good that they want to share them. I also think that some people read primarily article writing and not fiction and so this gives them an opportunity to share what they love to read in a way that I would normally recommend a good book. :)
    Or, I'm just way behind . . . but, oh well. I'm okay with that. :)

  18. I usually try to have some kind of theme for the week.

  19. I see a lot of great articles pop up, but I don't have time to read them all. Yet I get great advice and tips from friends that post these. Mmmm... Five Guys. ;)

  20. It seems like I can only handle one thing at a time. I used to post more on FB, Twitter, and writer's forums before I had a blog. Now that I have a blog, I don't go to those sites and/or participate as much.
    I think especially when you have other responsibilities and you write, you just can't do it all.
    Blogging--both reading blogs and writing posts--is my favorite type of media, so I don't feel like I'm missing out if I can't get to the other things.

  21. I share on Twitter, mainly articles I find in the news about fresh happenings in the land of young-adult fiction :) I search for these articles, read them and, yes, the most interesting ones I also share. Because it's fun and often sparks off interesting conversations :) Great post!

  22. Facebook is a water cooler break for me as I write. I usually need a mental break after a couple paragraphs, to compose where to go next in my head. Meanwhile, my fingers walk me over to FB. A few seconds there -- and if I see something interesting, I'll share it -- then write back to writing the next paragraph, which by then is ready to hit the page.

  23. I think that some people are more organized than I am, but I am trying to get better. I usually feel I don't have the time to do the things I need to do, so I am trying to figure out how to use my time a little better. I have started taking my break to look at fb- which does cause me to look through things faster and I share what I like and want to come back to later. :) Good luck!


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