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Wednesday, May 6, 2015


The purpose of the IWSG is to share and encourage, posting on the first Wednesday of each month. You'll find writer doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Support and a common understanding spread throughout the group as many fellow writers can relate. Feel free to JOIN in anytime.

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An online presence has become a way of life. I honestly don't know of anyone who isn't online in some way, either by paying bills, communication via email, or through the ever-expanding highway of social media. There are a bazillion advantages to being online. But there are dangers, too. Keeping our identities our own is one of them.

As writers, our identities are part of our marketing platform, part of what will attract readers. It shows who we are and what we care about. But when you peel those writing layers away, we are people living in the world like everyone else. We are individuals. The fear of having that violated, for whatever reasons, scares the daylights out of me. It's happened to me once, and my identity has been threatened a few other times. Thank the cyber powers that the safeguards set in place worked. I may not have a lot. I might not be much in this world, but what I have and am are mine. 

Have any of you had your identities compromised? Do you fear being taken advantage of through your writing identity? 
 photo Sheri2.png


  1. I have to admit identity theft is something I crave for in books and movies! (But not in real life.) It fascinates me that people can take over someone's life. Our digital footprints are everywhere...

    1. Haha! I hear you on the writing front. But yeah, in real life ... not so much.

  2. Oh, that's really scary. I've had my Twitter account hacked an that made me feel incredibly violated and nervous about what else people could do with all the online things I've got going.

    1. So sorry you had to go through that. It's a total violation, like you mentioned. And it's hard to keep track of all you have out there. Another great point!

  3. I haven't had much experience with identity theft but it does worry me. I think what worries me more is someone "stalking" or using my children's identities. We have to play it safe even when we are so present online.

  4. That is scary, and something that worries me too. I'm glad that they weren't successful in stealing your identity. I agree with Kristin that I'm more scared of someone stalking me because of what they see. We all need to be aware of these things and be cautious.

  5. I've not had my accounts hacked or anything. I'm more concerned with the weirdos finding me in the real world.

  6. It can be quite scary indeed, and one should always strive to be extra aware when online.

    1. Agreed. We've all been taught to be cautious of those around us. 'Be aware at the mall' or 'Don't go for a jog alone.' But today's world is so different. The cautions must change as well.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. Not yet, but I'm always mindful and fearful of this. I like to be open and available to readers and other writers, but it is scary how people can abuse that.

  8. I purchased identity theft protection years ago, but that is only for my finances. Never thought about someone stealing my writerly identity.

  9. Wow, Sheri... good point here. Luckily I have no writer identity yet. LOL. But at some point I may and I will keep this in mind. How terrible.

    Glad to hear your barriers are working. Take care...

  10. I've been hacked in more ways than one. Bank account. Email. Twitter...yep. Yep. Yepper.

    1. OMGosh! Seriously??? What is wrong with people. So sorry you've had to endure that.

  11. I had my identity stolen, that's why I write under a pen name. I couldn't imagine signing books with the same signature I use on my bank account. Not after someone used that signature to (try) and bilk food stamps from the government. I pressed charges, sat in front of a grand jury, she was convicted and I've written under a pen name ever since. :)

  12. I've seen it happen but somehow feel like I'm not a big enough target? I guess I am also a person more comfortable with a little risk than I am about obsessing about blocking it. And I'm not sure anybody could quite pull off being me. I am an odd fish.

    1. Haha! I love how 'no one could pull off you.' That's awesome. Very true that worrying about it won't do much good. But I think it's a good topic to think about, especially in today's world.

  13. I haven't had any such experiences as yet and I'm thankful. A few porno pic's on FB saying they were me, blew my gourd!!! Other than that nothing. Sorry that had to happen to you Sheri.

  14. I'm sorry that happened to you, Sheri. Hugs! As of yet, I haven't had anything like that happen, but it does worry me at times, because I've heard so many horror stories. I try to be careful not to share anything too personal online, but you can't completely protect yourself from these things.

  15. My husband had his identity stolen. I fear it too. I write under my maiden name for a reason. I feel it adds some protection. My youngest brother recently passed away and his tax return was already stolen- one of the fastest growing areas of identity theft. Even though we are public personas in many ways, I think we also have to keep part of ourselves and our lives private.

    1. OMgosh, Mary! That is awful. How sad that someone would do that to your brother. Very sorry for his passing. :( And for your husband, it really is scary to have your identity hacked. We were on a cruise out of the country when it happened to me. Can you image if they wouldn't have let me back in???? AUGH! Lucky, my SS# wasn't tapped into. But I had to get a new driver's license and other such stuff.

  16. It could happen. I just do what I can for security and try not to worry about it. Think it would bother me more if the IWSG site was snatched.

    1. That would be awful. And the thing is, it can be difficult to prove that it was yours in the first place. These people who commit these crimes are getting smarter and wiser, and faster than technology can flag them. I hear you, though. Can't go around worrying about it all the time.

  17. I've never had my identity stolen, but I worry about people taking my pen name or maybe trying to plagiarize my books. There's already someone else called "Lexa Cain" on FB. She posts risque photos of tattoo-ed women. *sigh* But at least using pen names protects the "real" me. Have a great week!

    1. Oh really, L. I didn't know someone else used LC. As if. Luck of the draw, right? I know there's another person with my full legal name, who is an illustrator and an painter. The same thought has crossed my mind. That was one of the things I considered when I decided to write under my initials.

  18. People used to be afraid to share too much online about themselves and their families and then Facebook happened.

    1. Very true. Sometimes we blur the line between socializing and our online safety.

  19. This is a terrible danger, which unfortunately we all face. Not much to do other than pray it won't happen to you... Great post.

  20. You never know what could be lurking online, unfortunately. I've been lucky thus far w/no hacks or nasty surprises!

    1. Good, I'm glad you've been able to steer clear of any hackers. Most of us are pretty diligent, but those peeps are getting smarter. I saw a show the other day where hackers are getting through to personal laptops/computers via fake ads on websites. Scary...

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