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Monday, January 23, 2012

Rebel Writer's Pledge for 2012

The Rebel Writer's Pledge is all about reflecting on successes and failures of last year, and then forging ahead and recommitting to life and writing goals with a new verve. 

Today, each participant is posting their goals for the year 2012 and highlighting at least one general goal to add to our pledge. I'll compile each highlighted goal into a list, linking back to this post. We'll leave the badge on our sites throughout 2012, reminding and encouraging us about our pledge.

Devising goals, whether out-right action goals or ones to develop a new mindset, will bring success.

  • Be easier on myself
  • Take healthy writing breaks for family and pleasure
  • Finalize edits on YA novel and sub
  • Finish a different YA novel, my MG series already started, & work on more picture books.
  • Continue to market myself and build my platform/more hands-on work, raising awareness for Apraxia of Speech, and the importance of reading, with an emphasis on writing in children
  • Publish more community interest stories, short fiction stories, and seek out more anthologies
  • Improve my craft by reading, studying, and taking at least two classes or workshops
There are my goals for 2012. I've highlighted the one I'm going to add to the official Rebel Writer's Pledge 2012.

Visit the other participants and see what inspiration they have for you!!
Samantha Verant
Kris Yankee
April Plummer
Carolyn V
Heather McCorkle
Shannon O'Donnell
Susan Oloier
Sharon Mayhew
Leigh Moore
Melissa Sugar
Sophia Chang
DL Hammons
Kelly Hashway
Stephen Tremp
PK Hrezo
Yelena Casale


  1. I'm sure you'll accomplish everything on that list.

  2. Sounds like you have some great goals - you can do it!

  3. I love the enthusiasm! These are wonderful goals~I'm sure you can make them all happen!

  4. Sounds like you've got some great goals and knowing you, you'll accomplish them.

  5. I'm already loving reading everyone's pledges :) Great idea, Sheri!

  6. Great goals, Sheri! I love how this holds us all accountable. :) Are we going to have an end of the year check in to see how we did? That would be great.

  7. Like yourself, its the healthy family time that I'll focus on. Thanks for sponsoring the Blogfest!

    1. You're welcome! Can't wait to write them all up together.

  8. #2 is what I'm working on and I love doing your last one. Great goals!!!

    (pssst. Remember I'm not participating due to a guest post. You should probably remove me off the list.)

  9. Excellent goals! Especially the one about family. We can't write all the time.

  10. Very worthy goals! And I'm with Stina--Goal #2 is the one I probably struggle with the most, and that's where my focus needs to be.

  11. Ahh, I thought we were supposed to do just one. Argh. Well, I'm going to agree with the two lovely friends above about #2 being so important! That'll be one of yours I'll steal. Great hop, Sheri! Here's to meeting our goals~ <3

    1. You did perfectly, LTM! I'll use the one you highlighted for our writer's pledge! Thanks.

  12. Great goals, Sheri! I'm sure you'll do most excellently.

  13. You totally stole my most important one! I'm glad it'll be on our pledge! I think that's so important. It's easy to push your family aside and put your self-imposed (at least mine are all self-imposed) deadlines first. I don't want to do that. I need to focus on my family first. I do most of the time, but it always needs to be my #1 priority, no matter what.

  14. I like that highlighted one especially. It's why my blogging has slowed a bit. Great idea, Sheri! Mine is linked at the icon on my sidebar. :)

  15. Sounds like you're set for a great year ahead!

  16. Great goals, Sheri! I also made that "take breaks" one my resolution for this year. I really was too hard on myself last year -- pushed to much. It doesn't help creativity one bit, does it?

  17. Hi Sheri, Thanks for hosting the blog hop! I included family in my highlighted goal, as well. This is such a great idea!

  18. Awesome goals! I'm sure this year will be a great one for you. :)

  19. I'm especially supportive of the HEALTY BREAKS goal! Good for you.

    I've left a little gift for you at the Write Game. You probably have one already, but then so did I. I guess you can't have enough of some things.

  20. Good luck! I hope you reach all of your goals!

  21. Ack! I'm a little late posting, but mine is up! And I agree with healthy breaks, too. Good for the mind, the spirit...and the page.

  22. Some great goals, especially the writing breaks. Sometimes I forget. =)

  23. Excellent goals, and I love the one you chose to highlight, so very important! I'm late this morning but I finally got my post up. :)

  24. Sensational goals.. I know you will meet them Sheri...

    I wish I knew about this hop .... Where was I? Spacing as usual. My goal is to try and be much more focused. I became a bit fuzzy by the end of 2011. It looks like the fog is finally clearing. LOL.

  25. My problem may be too many breaks!
    Great goals. I love your list. :)

  26. Those are fabulous goals. Wishing you success for all of them!

  27. I love your list of goals! Good luck with them and thank you for doing this Pledge Blog Hop!

  28. Love the goals! I'm still getting mine on paper, so I'll post for sure tomorrow. ;)

    Yay for all the awesome writers!

  29. Great list of goals. I especially like the one about taking more time for family. That is so important.

  30. Ahhh! I love this rebel writers pledge you all did! I think I will write down mine, too :) Awesome goals. I think I'm like Lydia - my problem is I have a lot of writing breaks! :)

  31. fabulous list! I have one of my own--working out everyday, submitting a book, getting one published and several book signings including a book launch along with a few author appearances. It's going to be one busy year!


  32. Wish I would have known about this blog hop. *sigh* It sounds to me like you are ready for 2012. Taking breaks is absolutely necessary, my friend. :-)

  33. Great goals, Sheri! Thanks for organizing this...

  34. You are a rebel with many wonderful causes, and other writers who are goal-set and bound for some great accomplishment.

    With each goal listed, I hope your success is more than expected.

  35. I definitely need to take some more breaks too. :-)

  36. This was a GREAT idea! Thank you for this! :)

  37. What superb goals. I'll get started on mine today.


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