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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Young Adult Teen Tuesday & Giveaway!

Today is our first official Young Adult Teen Tuesday post. To honor our guidelines and chat about anything YA, I'm giving my thoughts and the opportunity to WIN a copy of a novella I recently read!

Title: Love's Long Shadow
Author: Ciara Knight
Genre: Young Adult/Novella
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press
Release Date: October 2011
Pages: 35

I'd like to thank the author for an e-copy of this book to read for review.

Favorite Line/Passage:

Description: Sammy Lorre was cast from Heaven for conduct unbecoming an angel. Living in a demon-infested small town with no memory of her previous life, she faces never-ending purgatory until Boon saunters into her life with a promise of angelic love. But is he an angel from Heaven or a minion from the underworld preying on her human emotions? To discover his true identity, she must risk eternal damnation and her heart.


Although I was given an e-copy of this story to read on my Nook, the first image that gripped me was the cover. I think what I like most is the color pallet they chose. It really says something about the mood of the story. The blurb written for the story is also attractive--soft and alluring. 

The story is fast paced, which one would probably expect for  a novella, but also even enough to keep a teasing pace. The plot is quick to engage the reader into a seemingly ordinary mystery--angels lost, trying to fight evil, etc.... But then it switches. The AH-HA. At times, I thought the writer was going in one direction with the story, and then the story changed gears. That made me want to know more. (Great technique.)

The doubt the writer plants in the reader's head about Boon is a great tease, intriguing in itself. There's plenty of questioning as the plot moves forward and the story drops crumbs from each character's past. And then the reveal is genuine, leaving the reader cheering for a positive outcome--which, of course, I won't reveal here. 

Written in a structure that flows and threaded with the growing emotions of each character, I really enjoyed this quick read. If you're looking for a little romance and a little action wrapped up in a short read, this story is for you. 

Visit Ciara's Website, or places to purchase the story: Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, Bookstrand, All Romance Ebooks/OmniLit, TMP bookstore

To ENTER for a chance win an e-copy, leave a comment below. Of course, spreading the word gives you extra entries. Just tell me what you did. Good luck!!

For more YA, go visit these YATT Supporters:
Margo Berendsen
The Write Game
Julie Musil (not every wk)
Rosewood Pencil Box
Misha Gericke (not every wk)
Fairbetty's World

If you want to join our team of YATT supporters, blog on Tuesdays (some are posting on Wednesdays, which is fine) about anything Young Adult from interviews, book spotlights, teen issues, crafting teen literature, YA books, giveaways or whatever. EMAIL ME the link to your blog, and I'll add you to my list.


  1. OOOh I agree about the cover--there's something striking about it (and the description)! I've got my YATT up. Have a good day!

  2. Don't need to win it - I already have my copy!

  3. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review Love's Long Shadow, SA Larsen. You are so sweet! I'm glad you liked it.

    Christina ~ I was lucky to have such a great cover artist at TMP, Dawne Dominique. I'm excited that the blurb and cover caught your attention.

    Alex ~ Great! I hope you enjoy.

  4. Thanks, E. Arroyo! I hope you get a chance to read it.

  5. Sounds great! And yeah, the cover caught my eye. Very cool.

  6. I love the color scheme of the cover. Very eye-catching!

  7. Carolyn ~ Glad it sounds good to you. Good luck. :)

    Nicole ~ Thanks. I was in cover love when I saw it.

  8. Ooh that sounds like such an interesting read. I put up my YATT post too. :-)

  9. Misha ~ I'm glad it sounds interesting to you. I might have to think about this YATT. :)

    1. Ooh, Ciara, feel free to join in whenever you'd like. Just email me before so I can link you to my post. :)

  10. Hey Shari! Sent you an e-mail last night that I want to join, too... just not every week... and sometimes Monday nights or Wednesday mornings. Wow, am I inconsistent or what??? :)

  11. Hello! I finally put my YATT entry up for the day. :)

  12. Congrats on the wonderful review here, Ciara! Congrats on THE CURSE OF GREMDON also.

  13. This book sounds very interesting. Thanks for the giveaway.


  14. Suzanne ~ Thanks so much! Good luck on the giveaway.

  15. Sounds like a worthy read! Thanks for the review and you're right- The cover art is really engaging.

  16. Sounds like a great read. And I also love that cover!

  17. Creepy Query Girl ~ Glad you like the cover.

    Lynda R Young ~ Thanks! Good luck with the giveaway.


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