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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Book Spotlight: AWAITED

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Today my spotlight and YATT meme takes us beyond the normal alleyways of Writers Ally. Have you heard of the literary category New Adult? The term has been tossed around recently, but apparently is not an official or recognized industry term. But for me--and with this story--it works. It's like upper YA, with the protagonist of older young adult age, and in my opinion totally appropriate for young adult readers.

Title: AWAITED (Wasteland #2)
Author: Lynn Rush
Genre: Paranormal ~ New Adult
Publisher: Crescent Moon Press
Release Date: Expected May 2012
Pages: 271

I'd like to thank the publisher for supplying me with an e-copy of this book.

Favorite Passage/Line: I held her close. Soft lips moved against mine, gently exploring, tasting.

Description: The voice is a powerful thing… 

Russell Leonard is a centuries-old Guardian who’s lost faith in his purpose. So when he’s charged with procuring the first female Guardian in over two centuries, he can only hope it’s the red-headed beauty who’s been haunting his dreams for months. And if it is, he intends to claim her as his. But when he finds his dream woman, Annabelle is mute and bears no Guardian’s Mark. 

He soon realizes she’s been tainted by an ancient evil. Russell must somehow release the secrets trapped within this delicate soul to help her tap into the only weapon powerful enough to silence a millennia-old demon—her voice.


MY SPLATS: action-packed from the onset ~ a story of trust, hope, and inner discovery mingled with twists and otherworldly turns.

The opening scene immediately pulled me into the story. I was there with the characters, feeling and wondering. From a writer's perspective, it's right where a story should start. As the story moved forward, I found myself anticipating the possible roads the story might take. The writer truly engaged my imagination. At some points, the story rolled so quickly that I merely had to keep reading. With saying that, there were much needed breaks in that flow - a breather for the reader to consider what was just read about the characters. This made me wonder even more. ~Great hooking tacit!~

The writing was fluent and structured in an easy-to-follow manner. Word choices were appropriate and clever, adding spice to the paranormal feel. The romantic interaction between any characters was tasteful, sweet, and age-appropriate. I also felt an underlining maturity to those relationships or budding relationships. It was a refreshing change from some of the works I've read recently. 

Plot and arc twists were also fresh and intriguing. Corners masked characters' true intentions at every turn, pinning good verse evil but in a unique way. Without giving any spoilers, there were issues of a mysterious handicap which intertwined with a new threat as the story progressed. This was a nice ingredient. I could tell you where this apparent handicap took the story, but it'd be more fun if you read it for yourself!

AND.................... NATALIE AGUIRRE can! You are the winner of a copy of Lynn's book!! Congratulations. 

For more YA, visit these YATT Meme Supporters:
Margo Berendsen
The Write Game
Julie Musil (not every wk)
Rosewood Pencil Box
Misha Gericke (not every wk)
Fairbetty's World 
Concrete Pieces of Soul 
The B.L.O.G (The Bizzare Life of One Girl)  
A Day into the Writer
Want to take part in spotlighting young adult literature? Join our team. For more information, go HERE.


  1. Thanks Sheri! I'm excited to win. And I hadn't heard of the new adult category for books but I guess it's like upper middle grade where the storyline is more mature. Thanks for sharing another good book.

    1. Congrats on winning a copy of AWAITED. I hope you enjoy the story!!! :)

  2. Bloggers introduced me to the YA genre. I thought it was fun but a little too young. This sounds really interesting as the fun remains but with older characters for deeper appeal.

  3. Congratulations, Natalie! I'm looking forward to reading this book. Lynn is an amazing author and person. I really like the possibilities with this category, Sheri. Before I was hooked on YA I wanted to write for adults and now I can use my old ideas.

    Hope you're having a fabulous week! :)

    1. That's fabulous, Jamie! Sounds like a plan. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  4. Never too old for YA! Let's hear it for the New Adult fiction.

  5. New Adult fiction huh? That's interesting!

    Awaited sounds so great! Love to read it! =D

  6. Thanks Sheri!!! New Adult is an exciting new space that has been a long time coming. Hopefully we'll make our mark:).

    Thanks for this review and feature!!!

  7. New Adult Fiction--I kind of like that!
    What a fun meme, Sheri. I may have to jump into this one at the end of the blog tour :-)

  8. Ooooh sounds good. Nice line too (swoon)!

  9. Sounds like a great read! I need to pick this up. Thanks for the spotlight.

  10. The blurb makes it sound quite splat-worthy and your review is extra-intriguing. Will have to add this to my TBR.

  11. Oooh. I like the cover, the title, and the concept! :)

  12. Thank you, everyone!!!! It's an exciting time! CMP did a GREAT job on the covers, didn't they? Thank you so much for your support. :)

  13. New Adult. Yes, I've heard that a lot recently. Always interesting to see what new direction the industry is taking in regards to "labels." Great post, Sher!

  14. AWAITED sounds like a great book! :D

  15. Congratulations to Natalie! I'm so glad she won.

  16. Sounds like a interesting book! I might have to look into reading it.

  17. This one sounds good! And I've been wanting to read some of the New Adult genre. I may just have to start with this one. Thanks!

    1. Thanks. I hope you enjoy the story!! :) I think New Adult is really going to start making some noise!!! I'm super excited about that!!!

  18. Sounds like a wonderful read. I'm also starting to think that my WiP is more New Adult than Young Adult. :-)

  19. Nice review! I enjoyed this book. Can't wait for the third.


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