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Friday, May 11, 2012

Pinterest Reflection

Yesterday I was up over on Oasis for YA. Mind taking a gander over there and sharing your thoughts about the latest, greatest social media time-sucker??

No. Serious. I think I made a few good points on how a writer can use Pinterest to reflect and find inspiration.

AND for all of you who are or know a woman like this ... 
... raise your hand and leave a comment, sharing something silly, funny, or downright weird about motherhood that you've experienced. 

~Happy Mother's Day!!~


  1. Thanks for sharing. See, the thing is, it looks like it would be so much fun, that I would give up writing totally altogether. I could just look at pictures all day.

    Maybe if I get some time this summer I might get on and see what's what. Because I could do so much with an author page. But only if I find the time.

    Happy Mother's Day.

  2. I'll have to pop over and check it out. I don't get Pinterest at all.

  3. What a great quote. Happy Mother's Day!

  4. I'm still holding off on Pinterest. I don't have time for everything online as it is!

    1. I totally hear you on that front. I opened an account to keep track of inspirations I stumble upon the web. I don't go searching for any, but it's nice to have a place to keep them other than my computer. Plus, there's a link attached to them so I can always go back to where I found them.

    2. I totally hear you on that front. I opened an account to keep track of inspirations I stumble upon the web. I don't go searching for any, but it's nice to have a place to keep them other than my computer. Plus, there's a link attached to them so I can always go back to where I found them.

  5. Hi, I've been wondering about Pinterest. Can a person join anytime or is there a catch? I'm not on facebook or twitter and I thought I read somewhere that you need to be in order to be on Pinterst?

    1. I don't think you need a Twitter/Facebook account. I believe you simply need an email. Try it out and see if it works.

  6. I did a blog last week on My Moronic Motherhood Adventures. Probably the most moronic thing I did was choosing a baby-daddy. Genetics can totally spoil the deal.

  7. Haha! Yes, mothers AND writers. I guess we have a double dose of nutty.

  8. I'm not a mom yet, but when I am, I hope my kids adore me as much as I adore my mother! Happy Mother's Day!

    And thanks for you comment on my blog!

  9. Pinterest is both a time-suck and a Godsend. It's possible to be both at once, right?

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, grandmas, aunts, guardians and the single dads doing double-duty!!!

  10. I haven't ventured onto Pinterest yet, no time at all. Happy mother's day!

  11. Have an awesome Mother's Day, Sheri :)

    My son gave me a card with a picture of a little boy drawing angry pictures on his walls, startled by a stork outside the window who says, "Excuse me, I have a return order for one Bobby Kramdon."


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