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Monday, November 24, 2014

A Time to Reflect

Another season of holiday festivities is upon us. Despite all the hustle and bustle, all the shopping lines and gift wrapping, all the cooking and baking, we just remember what a gift this time of the year truly is - 
It's the time to reflect on all we've been given and accomplished.
image credit
We are creatures of habit. Whether we like to admit it or not, we crave order and structure. Stepping out of our boxes is fun, exciting, and necessary at times. But, a society must keep some sort of order or chaos will destroy all future growth. That same philosophy applies to family, work, and other parts of life. So, this time to reflect is also something we've been given, something to be thankful for, and to not take for granted. This season, handle it with care.

  Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action. ~W.J. Cameron

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder

A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. ~Cicero

I'm thankful for each one of you. Have a wonderful week! 

Lastly, I'll be putting together another Writer's Pledge for 2015, and this year I'll be incorporating a Twitter list of participants with a hashtag to support each other throughout 2015. What are your thoughts on that? (Feel free to share the idea and invite others to leave their suggestions/comments below.)

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  1. Gratitude does spur a lot of positive attributes.
    Like the idea of a hashtag.

  2. I've been reflecting a lot too and realizing that even though it's been a year of ups and downs, I have so much to be thankful for. Feeling very lucky!

  3. Those quotes are perfect. Thanks for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Great quotes. Thanks for sharing! I think the hashtag is a great idea.

  5. Reflecting on what we have is a beautiful thing. We take so many things for granted that taking a moment to give thanks for what we do have weill remind us just how blessed we are.

  6. That cartoon made me laugh. This time of year makes me reflect too.

    I look forward to another pledge from you! Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. Thanksgiving always makes me extra grateful for my family, foibles and all :)

  8. We don't have thanksgiving here in Oz, but I sometimes wish we did. It's a wonderful time for reflection.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, Sheri! Love your twitter idea :0)

  10. Ooh, I LOVE your idea of the twitter hashtag! I need all the support I can get. :)

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! :)

  11. We totally are creatures of routine. I've been struggling to establish a new one since we moved, but you have to be patient with yourself and allow time for long-term changes, eh?

    I'm not as diligent about tweeting as I should be, but I would totally get behind a support hashtag.

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  12. Have a Happy & Safe Thanksgiving, Sheri and everyone :)

  13. and I am thankful for you, too, Sheri. You're an absolute sparkle!

  14. This post is so refreshing to pause and soak in during busy preparations for the holidays. I loving stoping to acknowledge that thanksgiving is an action word, it is not just a day of the year or conept... it involves deliberate steps to achieve. I am thinking on this during the next couple days. Have a wonderful thanksgiving and thank you for a lovely post.

  15. Your twitter idea sounds amazing! I'm all for it. And have a very peaceful Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for this online community of wonderful peeps.

  16. Hi Sheri, I saw your Writers' Rebel Creed 2014 on Kelly's blog and am looking forward to the one for 2015. Support through Twitter sounds great. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. I like your Twitter idea. It sounds motivating. Happy Thanksgiving.

  18. Well, my month off is now officially over, so I'm back to bug you again! Hope you had a splendid Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to your new Writers' Rebel Creed.

  19. Looking forward to the new Creed! Love the quote about Thanksgiving being an action. It definitely should be, but I'm not sure it always is.

  20. I think that sounds like a fabulous idea, kind of a way to keep connected throughout the year. Perhaps a FB group as well wouldn't be a bad idea! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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