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Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I'm not a surgeon nor am I trained in any surgical procedures, so I know very little about how the fix or cure the inner workings of the body other than for any personal aliments/issues I've experienced or witnessed from caring for my four children. Thus, I wouldn't be a choice when you're looking for a surgeon.

The same applies to writing. 

To no fault of their own, many people have no idea the ins and outs of writing a manuscript with the intent of publication. A writer does, though. From the bright beginnings of an idea to the damp, darkness of revisions, a fellow writer understands what it takes to achieve one's goal of publication. And it takes a special writer who can take another writer's work, edit it for content, structure, and grammar to make it shine.

This is the reason I'm here today. I'm beyond thrilled to share this news with you.

S.K. Mayhew
Blog | Twitter 
Sharon Mayhew aka S.K. Mayhew has recently launched her own editing and writer coaching business. She is not simply a talented writer, but also a dear friend and critique partner to me. My interactions with Sharon have always been positive and led me down a road of growth. Her efforts have gone above and beyond what was necessary as one of my CPs. And she has an uplifting way of sharing her suggestions and edits.

Here's her mission statement, which can be found on her new website The Manuscript Maven:
The Manuscript Maven believes that every writer has potential and she will do her best to help writers improve their writing, while still keeping true to their stories and their "voices."
So to all you authors out there, whether you're looking to join the amazing band of Indie authors or you're agented and just need an extra peek at your work before submitting, contact THE MANUSCRIPT MAVEN for some wonderful advice to bring out the best in your work. 

To celebrate her kick-off, Sharon is offering up one FREE critique of either the first 250 words of a picture book, the first seven pages of a novel, or a query critique/line edit to one winner! To enter, just leave a comment below and I will randomly choose a winner. 

Have you every worked with a private editor or writing coach before? What was your experience? 
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  1. Congratulations, Sharon!
    I've just worked with critique partners on my own, and of course with my publisher's editor.
    Great interview today at Dianne's, Sheri!

    1. Sharon is one of my CPs. She does a wonderful job, very thorough.

      Thanks about the interview!

  2. I highly recommend Sharon. She's been a wonderful critique partner over many years.

  3. I love being an editor, so I definitely believe writers should have editors. ;)

  4. Yay for the fabulous Sharon!

    I don't know what I'd do without my two amazing editors, critique partners and beta readers. They are seriously fantastic. Anyone who can really analyze a book on a deeper level deserves a badge of honor--like a cheese badge.

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  5. That's a wonderful mission statement and a generous kick-off offer.
    A private coach must be very costly?

  6. She sounds like a fantastic editor. I definitely need some good editors and CP's in my writing life. Thank you for the interview Sheri!

  7. How great that you know Sharon and can give her a first-hand testimonial and recommendation - that means a lot to your bloggy buddies. Wishing Sharon good luck! :)

  8. I have worked with some very skilled private editors before. I've had the luxury of excellent experiences. Query letters, however, are the bane of my existence. If I win, I know that's what I'll be using!

  9. I worked with an editor for my first book, and it was a great experience. I also learned a lot.

  10. Hi Sheri and Sharon - what a great shout out ... I imagine editors are an essential in life .. as there's lots to learn along the publishing route ... good luck to entrants and to Sharon on her new path ... cheers Hilary

  11. It's great to be turned on to another good editor. Following Sharon now on Twitter. I would love to get a critique of the first bunch of pages of my paranormal historical romance.

  12. That's wonderful. I have some private editors in my critique group, but I haven't worked one on one with them. I can tell you, their input in the group is amazing.

    Congrats to Sharon.

  13. Wonderful news and thanks for the intro.


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