****confetti tosses, streamers waving****
I'm thrilled to bring her Adult Contemporary Romance novel to you and celebrate with her. It's so exciting that she's giving away an eCopy of the book right here on Writers Ally at the end of today!! Make sure to leave a comment below and she'll randomly choose a winner! So without further interruption from me, I introduce you to Recaptured Dreams.

The only obstacle that has kept Sophia from Xavier is a horrific car crash that erased her memory at seventeen. She’s spent the last ten years fighting to reclaim a sliver of her past that her mother refuses to help her remember. When Sophia meets Xavier at the London show, however, all her fantasies come to life in one night of passion. Discovering he is the missing link, she is determined to find all the pieces to their love story and her memory.
Xavier wants forever. Sophia wants her memory. If they take this chance, they’ll have to start over. How far are they willing to go get what they want? And when the past catches up to them, can they handle the truths it has hidden?
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Her publisher is giving away two paperback copies of the book through a Goodreads Giveaway.
Don't forget to check out Omnific Publishing. Romance ... without the rules.
And, here is Justine's favorite line from the book: Xavier had thought he was in paradise before. He’d been wrong. Sophia was more than paradise. She was the very reason he breathed.
Engagingly romantic, I know. Now, let's hear from the author herself.
Justine, what inspired you to write this story?
Several years back, a publisher was having an open first chapter contest. The winner's book would be published in their series line. As a fan of that particular series, I'd thought I'd give it a go...I just had to come up with an idea for a story that could be written in their word count requirements (which was far lower than standard books). I was at work and a good friend (and co-worker) brainstormed with me to come up with the idea for the story. Really we came up the idea for Xavier (the swoon-worthy hero) and I wrote the story around him. Thirty days later that story was done! (And far from *finished* might I add...lol)
That's awesome. Inspiration comes from all over.
Are you an avid reader, and if so were you always? What value do you put on introducing children to a variety of reading at a younger age?
I am an avid reader now, but in my childhood, all the way up to about three years ago, I hated to read. I only read books that were required in school and even then I only skimmed them. Time for an embarrassing fact: I wrote my first romance without actually reading one. I just had the story in my head and had to write it. Boy, if I only I knew what I was missing. Long story short, I picked up that first romance book (and several other genres) and now I'm like the Cookie Monster of book readers. Seriously. I love it! Books are beautifully, magical, inspirational. Now only if I could go back and tell my younger self that. ;-)
Even though I didn't read as a child, I wanted my own daughter to experience it. She's always been an avid reader. And I love talking to her about what she reads. I think it helps them grow, learn, separate the importance of fiction from real life, and yet it gives them the imagination to soar. Reading is a wonderful tool for youngin's and I'm SO glad my daughter loves it.
I couldn't agree more.
Briefly describe your writing process and tell us what you feel is the most important part of that process for you as well as other writers.
Briefly describe your writing process and tell us what you feel is the most important part of that process for you as well as other writers.
I'm totally a panster. I did my first *plotting* just this past November. And the only reason I did that was because it was a genre I don't normally write and the plot was complicated. I write by the seat of my pants because that's what makes me happy. I picked up writing as an escape from my own daily controlled life and I didn't want my writing to be controlled (not even by me!) I wanted to fly. That is the most important part of the process for me. If it's too controlled and step-by-step I wouldn't enjoy it. I wouldn't do it. I just love to write what comes weaves through my head in the moment. I love that moment when it comes together.
Not everyone is like this, so I think you have to find your own balance and what works for you.
Any future projects at hand?
YES! Aren't there always for us writers? Our brains done't have *off* switches, do they? If they do, I haven't found it yet. ;-) I'm in the beginning stages of working with my editor for another romance that will be released from Omnific in January 2013.
I'm putting the final touches on a recently finished romance novel that will so be spread among my wonderful crit partners. And I'm trying to nail down the next one I'm going to start writing. I've got so much floating through my head, I need to see which one will win out!
Could you share the most valuable piece of writing/publishing advice you've been given?
Could you share the most valuable piece of writing/publishing advice you've been given?
Two pieces: read the genre you write and do your homework (not just about writing, but about the publishing industry, agents, etc.)
Thanks so much for sharing yourself with us today, Justine!!

Make sure to leave a comment to enter to WIN an eCopy of RECAPTURED DREAMS! Justine will also be stopping by to giveaway two bookmarks!!
Thanks so much for sharing yourself with us today, Justine!!

Make sure to leave a comment to enter to WIN an eCopy of RECAPTURED DREAMS! Justine will also be stopping by to giveaway two bookmarks!!
Author Bio:

During the day she works
a normal job with college students who try their best to keep her young.
They’ve done a good job thus far. At
night, said teenage daughter and her horse require mounds of love and
attention. The weekends belong solely to her and her writing. That’s when she
morphs into a sticky bug, unable to leave the confines of her computer chair.
She started writing
three years ago after seeing a movie that set off a chain reaction she couldn’t
have stopped if she’d wanted. It’s not a hobby for her; it’s an obsession. One
she loves and one she loves to share. Contact Justine by email: dell.justine@gmail.com
Congratulations Justine!!
ReplyDeleteMust be different for guys. I definitely have an 'off' switch on my brain.
Congrats Justine! I loved how she came up with the idea for her story.
ReplyDeleteGood to know that inspiration can be found anywhere! Congrats again, Justine!
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone! And thanks for having me Sheri! <3
Congratulations! Love the trailer.
ReplyDeleteHugs and chocolate,
Congrats Justine! That's so cool that you finished your book in 30 days! Amazing!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You have given me new drive to keep writing!
ReplyDeleteSo awesome, M.R.
DeleteThat is awesome, MR! If you love to write, no matter the obstacles, you just keeping doing it!
DeleteI want to thank Justine for sharing her blog tour and time with Writer's Alley. She's an inspiration!!
ReplyDeleteI really can't wait to read this one! :-)
ReplyDeleteHow exciting! I hope I haven't missed the giveaway. Congratulations to Justine.
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Justine! The book sounds great (love how you got the inspiration for it!) and the cover art is awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for stopping by Sheri's blog and commenting! <3
ReplyDeleteHere are the winners:
Carolyn V has won the free ebook!
Shelly and Cherie have won the book marks! CONGRATS!
YAY for Carolyn, Shelly, and Cherie!! Thanks to everyone who visited and supported Justine!
ReplyDeleteYour book sounds awesome. Congrat's on the release and the blog tour!
ReplyDeleteSUPER congrats! How awesome the way you came up with the idea. So glad you did! See, some contests are meant to be entered. Nice to meet ya!
ReplyDeletecongrats and a happy book birthday!!!
I've been hearing about this book. Love the premise :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Justine! Very exciting for you!
ReplyDeleteThe cover looks great and the story idea sounds thrilling. Congrats Justine!
ReplyDeleteAwww big CONGRATS to Justine!!!!! And that fave line: *fans self*