Wednesday, January 6, 2016

HELLO 2016! ~ IWSG: Another Chance

I'm thrilled to be ringing in the new year as a co-host for the first IWSG post of 2016! Thank you to the creator (Alex Cavanaugh) & the administrators (J.L.Campbell, Susan Gourley, Joylene Nowel Butler, Michelle Wallace, L.Diane Wolf, Lynda R. Young) of this fabulous group and to my amazing co-hosts: L.G. Keltner, Denise CoveyJ.Q. Rose, Chemist KenMichelle WallaceMake sure you visit them all.  

New beginnings imply a rebirth, a do-over, or a chance to change. As I scrolled through social media on New Year's Day, I noticed there are two distinct schools of thought about the start of a new year. 
  • Group A see it as an opportunity to claim changes in their lives; it's like an excuse to say "Yes, I need to do this." 
  • Group B see new year self-reflection as unnecessary and the act of list-making as a waste of time. They claim to already live their lists daily and vow to continue doing so with a focus on improving in all areas of their lives. 
Whether you're a member of Group A or B doesn't matter. The fact that you want to grow is what does. 

For the past four years I've written up a Writer's Rebel Creed for us to follow. This year I decided to simplify. I designed this banner for you in support and encouragement as a reminder (not a resolution) that you can do anything as a writer. Feel free to copy and paste it on your site, your desktop, or anywhere that's visible to you, so you never forget the freedom you have in writing during 2016. And for your convenience, I've included a scaled down version.

This year will be huge for me. I'm debuting as an author in the young adult and middle grade worlds; both novels scheduled for release in late 2016. Sure, that's exciting. But it's also given birth to about a bazillion new fears and insecurities, one being to design a new website. I conquered that one, which felt great ~ my newly designed WEBSITE. Here's the insecurity I want to highlight today: writing up a newsletter

I know. Ridiculous. Sharing exciting news, highlights, and all sorts of fun writing and reading stuff shouldn't be stressful. But I have the hardest time believing anyone will care about my news or novel spoilers or games or giveaways. #sighs Yes, yes ... I need to get over it, so I'm here to say that I've at least designed a subscription form for a newsletter. (Still have to write up my first newsletter, though.) Won't you subscribe to be the first to receive late-breaking news, novel spoilers, giveaways, favorite reads, and fun writing facts to stay in touch with me? I'd be forever grateful. #smileyface  You can do so HERE or click in my right sidebar.

But fear-not! I'm only planning a by-yearly or quarterly newsletter, so I won't be blowing up your inbox. And guess what? If you sign up, in addition to being first to hear about all my juicy news and giveaways, you'll receive my writing aid FORMULATING CHARACTER & SETTING: Blending the Two - a 41-page booklet to help you create unique characters and insert them in dynamic settings made for each. 

Wishing this year is all you want and need it to be.... <3

The purpose of the IWSG is to share and encourage, posting on the first Wednesday of each month. You'll find writer doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Support and a common understanding spread throughout the group as many fellow writers can relate. Feel free to JOIN in anytime.

Did any of you fellow writers worry or stress over creating a newsletter? Tell us. Are you a member of Group A or Group B?
 photo Sheri2.png


  1. I love the banner Sheri!! Thank you for spreading the positivity!! I am definitely part of group A.
    Wishing you a fantastic year filled with success! Your website looks great!

    1. Thanks so much on all counts, Nicola! And back at you about a fabulous 2016!

      All the best,

  2. Congrats on your upcoming releases! And I love the banner. I still haven't created a newsletter but I have given it some thought. If and when I do finally create it, there'll definitely be a motivational/reading/writing quote section. And it'll be sent out at least 4x a year. Happy New Year and thanks for co-hosting!

  3. Sounds like you've had a busy year last year! I am fearful of writing newsletters too. I have my author website up and running but fear the "newsletter." At least you only have a couple scheduled for now:) Hope you have a great year!

  4. Happy New Year, Sherrie!

    Congrats on your debuting novels!!! What a great way to start the new year. I heard a newsletter is all the rage. And I'd definitely stress over it. I'm wishing you luck and success in 2016!

  5. I had a newsletter for my series The Circle of Friends. It was fun. I always featured another author and that seemed to be everyone's favorite part.

    1. Great idea! I was thinking of having a simple section that highlighted my Graffiti Promotions section from here on Writer's Alley. Basically it's a similar idea, featuring authors and their books. But I wasn't sure if that was 'okay' to put into a newsletter. Not sure where I think the newsletter police are coming from, though??? Haha!

  6. Congratulations on all levels, Sheri. Thanks for co-hosting. Thanks for your support. Remember we are your friends. Have fun writing your newsletter. You've already got a dashing banner. You go, girl!

    1. I love your enthusiasm. Thanks so much and I appreciate you dropping by. All the best to you this year!

  7. This will be a big year for you! Love the new rebel writer banner. And I'm a B; I almost never make New Year resolutions. I just keep on doing what I'm doing but try to do it better!

    1. Exactly! I think I'm a B, too. Although, in the rest of my life I seem to be a list maker. Drives myself nuts.

      Here's to a fantastic 2016!

  8. Hello and Happy New Year!
    Thank you so much for co-hosting. So you've got releases coming out this year. I find that fantastic. All the best land I sincerely hope you have a great 2016.

  9. You are going to have a fantastic year!
    I never started a newsletter. No idea what I would say.
    Thanks again for co-hosting today.

    1. I often have no idea what to say while blogging now. Weird feeling. Kind of want to avoid that feeling in a newsletter. I'm sure I'll figure it out. And no problem co-hosting. I really enjoy it!

  10. I wrote a guest post for Tara Tyler years ago about Newsletters. They don't scare me. See, I've been writing them since 2006, although they were designed for family and friends we left behind when moving across country. Regardless, the principal is the same. (And author news letters are less work, I promise.) Speaking of which, I really need to get back to releasing newsletters post baby, now that I have a couple releases to shout about.

    Hey, I'm super SUPER stoked about your debuts. You totally need to hit me up for a Writerly Wednesday when your big day comes. Got it?

    1. A newsletter for family and friends you left behind after your move is such a wonderful act. I really love that! I did a newsletter a few times around Christmas time instead of sending out cards. People seemed to like those. I'll have to revisit how I wrote those. Thanks for the reminder!

      I'll definitely be in touch the closer my release days get. Thanks for offering!

  11. I'm still debating the 'if you have a regular blog, do you need a newsletter' thingy. I post weekly to my blog. The newsletter would be a repeat of that. And we are restricted in Canada: it is against the law to email someone with promotional material if they haven't given you consent to do so. Consent you can prove. So you have to keep all those consents.
    Still deliberating...
    Good question!

    1. Great point, and another reason I've waited to do a newsletter. I didn't want to be a repeat. The whole restrictions issue is another one I know very little about, so I hesitated here too. The way I look at it is that I'm only going to release information a few times a year. I'll highlight the best news and a few authors I either read, met, or interviewed. I'll share like school visits and similar stuff. At least, I think so. :) See, still figuring it out.

      Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a wonderful 2016!

  12. It's not ridiculous to worry about your newsletter. I had a half-hearted sign up and got about 13 subscribers, but haven't put out a letter and took down the sign up blurb. I'm waiting till I have something "important" to say and something free to give away, since I feel no one will be interested in little ole me unless I give them free stuff - and I just don't have enough good freebies to give yet... But I signed up for your newsletter and am cheering you on! I also freaked the year my first book came out. I basically became paralyzed and unable to write a single thing - which is why it took so long to get a second book going (and lets not talk about the one that I half wrote and then trunked when I fired my agent.) So you're pretty normal if you ask me. Don't worry - it's gets better. I promise. :)

  13. Happy New Year and Happy IWSG Day! The banner is gorgeous! I'm trying to now psych myself out on pitching and querying this year. Cross your fingers for me.

  14. Congratulations on having 2 novels come out this year. I'm sure your newsletter will be really fun to read. As long as there is value to writers, and it sounds like there will be, you will do fine. Good luck in 2016!

  15. Wow, TWO novels! Congratulations. The New Year is starting out with a bang, rather like fireworks! I'm definitely a Group B person.

  16. I'm part of group A. I'm also currently contemplating starting a newsletter and chewing my nails over the same insecurities--will I be able to keep it up? What if I don't have enough content? Will people even sign up for it?! I'm thinking I should just take a deep breath and go for it.

  17. Is there a group C? Knowing it's a waste of time but not actually already doing anything you set out to do? lol

    Thanks for co-hosting.

  18. Thank you for hosting this month, Sheri! Congrats on your coming releases. It sounds like you have a fantastic 2016 lined up. I've been toying with writing a Newsletter for some time...this may be the year! Thanks for the Writing Rebel Banner - it's awesome!

  19. Love the banner!! Thanks for making it for us. And I'm so excited for you with all that is coming in 2016. I know you will rock it!

    1. I'm glad you like it. I figured we all can use a reminder now and again. All the best to you in 2016!

  20. I remember when I was,afraid to start up a newsletter. I got amazing support from the IWSG and know you will too. I'm working on getting more subscribers though. I like the number I have, but after hearing how many some have, I feel like I need more. You know I'll sign up for yours. :)

  21. I remember when I was,afraid to start up a newsletter. I got amazing support from the IWSG and know you will too. I'm working on getting more subscribers though. I like the number I have, but after hearing how many some have, I feel like I need more. You know I'll sign up for yours. :)

  22. Hi Sheri, Love your banner and congrats on the forthcoming novels. I'm mostly group A, sometimes group B - could I be A/B? Or C?

  23. Excited for your awesome year coming up. Just signed up for your newsletter too!

    1. Aw, wow! Thank you, Natalie! I'm sure it's going to be a ride. I created my first swag the other day. I'm part of the #WO2016 collective and a few of them are going to RT and asked if we'd like to chip in on a basket of swag and such. I designed a postcard with all my upcoming release info and added an offer for a free ebook when either book is released. I'll probably be offering those up here later on this year. :)

      I want to specifically thank you for all your support and encouragement. You are always there and it means a lot.

  24. Thanks for cohosting and sharing! I, personally, stress over everything, including posting in a blog hop!

  25. Your new site looks great. I find writing newsletters difficult and daunting as well. I just started working on mine (I just recently set up the automation sequence). I need to work on selling myself and my work...not my strongest suit. Best of luck with your upcoming releases!

  26. Great work on the new site and on the upcoming releases. Haven't taken the newsletter step yet.

    1. Thanks. The site was a forever work-in-progress. Really wish I could have hired someone. You know, to take all the guess work out of it. I'm sure I'll still change things. *A writer is never done editing*

  27. I love the new look here. It's very exciting and so is all your other news! This is going to be a super year for you. Happy 2016 and happy co-hosting of the first IWSG in this new year.

  28. I love your creative idea with the banner. It is a really great graphic too! Congratulations on all of your successes coming up. You deserve it 😊

  29. Congratulations on your release and I agree with the A group - time to plan anew!
    Wishing you all the best in 2016!

  30. Hey S.A. what a way to start 2016! Newsletters aren't in my comfort zone . . . yet. More "cringey" than anything else I dare to write. Thanks for co-hosting and good luck with the book releases.

  31. Newsletters really aren't that bad once you get used to them. :)

    I had a tough time writing goals for this year because this year will be very different for me. Editing is taking over my writing life, and while I love editing, I miss writing. I need to find balance. That's really my top goal this year.

  32. It's called marketing and its more than a necessary evil. Enjoy the adventure. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  33. I agree, it doesn't matter what group you fall into so long as you're changing. I hope your newsletter goes well!

  34. Great post. Loved your banners. Signed up for your newsletter-very elegant design. Thanks for co-hosting too.
    Happy New Year and Much Success
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  35. Congratulations on your new website! It looks great!
    Two debuts in one year is going to make for a very exciting 2016!

  36. Congratulations, SAL! You are definitely looking forward to an exciting 2016! I tend to reflect at the beginning of the new year and consider what I might take on in it. But resolutions usually set me up for failure ~ at least that's what it feels like. So I try to fly under the radar, hoping the Universe doesn't notice and try to derail me! I am exciting about all 2016 may bring! Wishing you well in your new adventures, and thanks for co-hosting the IWSG today!

  37. Thank you for hosting today's IWSG blog post. Best of luck with some wonderful projects, especially the two publications and the newsletter. Happy New Year! (Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!)

  38. Thanks for hosting, Sheri! This looks to be a banner year for you in so many ways. Congrats! And thanks for the awesome banner to remind us of who and what we are.

  39. Congratulations on your forth coming books, Sheri. And thank you for co-hosting this month. Will take a look at your new website and also sign up for your newsletter. I've been wanting to start one, but haven't yet. Maybe one day. Saving your new banner, too. Happy New Year and best wishes in 2016.

  40. I'm an A, I think though I do assess stuff and make changes throughout the year, so I'm a little bit B too.

    Basically I'm indecisive.

    I think.

  41. So glad for the great things to come for you this year! Your debuts will be awesome. Let me make sure I'm on your newsletter and things.

  42. Thanks for the banner Shari. You are so creative. It is nerve wracking to put yourself out there for the world to see. Wishing you all the best in the year to come.

  43. Hi, Sheri,

    First, let me wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Second, you look great! WE can truly see the happiness in your eyes. Third, CONGRATS on you two, new books. Awesome! And finally, I'd be more than happy to sign up for your newsletter. And thank you so much for all you give us throughout the year at your blog!

    The best always....

    1. You are WAY too nice to me, Michael. But I do appreciate the kind words. Thanks so much for signing up! After all these comments I've let go of some of my newsletter stress. I'll look at it as another way for me to be more of me - Well, if I ever figure out who that is. lol

      Have a fabulous year! And can I say again how much I LOVE your home renovations!!! Gosh, they are amazing.

  44. Hi Sheri. Cute banner! I wish you every success in the debuting this year! So exciting for you! And thanks for sharing the co-hosting!

    1. And you, too! Thanks for co-hosting! It's fun, isn't it? This is my second time and I really love meeting new writers.

      Wishing you much success during 2016!

  45. Thanks for co-hosting this month. I belong to Group A, definitely a list-maker. Best wishes on starting a newsletter. I did last year (despite nerves & insecurities).

  46. Sheri, thanks for commenting on my blog. I belong to the group B - I hate resolutions.
    My best wishes to your 2016, especially your book launches. Many sales to you.

  47. Thanks for co-hosting! Good luck on the new releases and I hope all the new experiences ushered in go smoothly.

  48. I signed up for the newsletter. I'd be willing to take advice from someone who has two published novels coming out this year. Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month.

  49. 2016 will be an exciting year for you, Sheri! I do like to think of ways to improve myself in the new year.
    I've never developed a newsletter myself thinking people would just delete it without reading it! (there's my insecurity for today! :)

  50. Cool banner!

    Congrats on the new books coming out. Please keep me in mind when you need some blog space. (Seriously. Start a list w/ people's names that want to help you do PR.) :)

    I've done 2 newsletters and I guess they were okay. No one has complained yet. It's always hard talking about ourselves, but I look at it like a mini blog post.

    Thank you for co-hosting!


  51. Congrats on the website-it's gorgeous! And 2 debuts in one year is amazing. I signed up for the newsletter and can't wait to hear more about everything this year.

  52. Since I am publishing my first book this spring, I haven't even thought ahead to a newsletter but I'm glad you brought it up. I don't know what I would even put in it for the first book, and I share your insecurity: who would want to know all this stuff about me and my writing? However, I just signed up for yours because I love knowing things before others (and I write YA also) so...maybe that just answered my own question :-)

  53. I've been on a blogging hiatus for the last few months, so I haven't been around in a while. I must say I LOVE what you've done with the place, Sheri. I'm so excited for you. TWO books this fall? I'd die. Do you know if they'll be in audio?

  54. 2016 is going to be such a wonderful year for you, Sheri!! And I'm sure it'll continue right into 2017. :) Looking forward to your books!!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words, Laura! I'll bottle them up and use them when times get really stressed.

      All the best to you!

  55. Welcome to a new world of insecurities. lol I've got cookies to share with you. Sit back and 'enjoy'.

    But also enjoy every step of the process. It's scary and fun!

  56. Wow, two books being released around the same time!! Eeeeek!!! You'll do really well. I have no doubts.

    1. I'll cling to your no doubts. :) I know two books around the same time. We wait forever and then WHAM! I get two around the same time. Don't get me wrong. I am tremendously grateful, but I still can't help thinking about this fall and how nuts I'm going to be. Oh, and this fall while also be my third child's senior year in high school. Bawww!

      Thanks for dropping by, Lynda. Hope all is good. All the best to you during 2016!

  57. Looks like 2016 is shaping up to be a breakthrough year for you. May it be the best to date until 2017 which will be even better.

  58. I was unreasonably stressed about the newsletter thing and delayed doing it forever, which was probably a mistake. I'm working on building that list now. The newsletter itself though, wasn't as rough as I thought it would be. I just thought of it as a letter to friends about what I'm up to. I don't send one unless there's something to announce (like a publication, sale or guest appearance), which avoids that whole "sending a newsletter just to send a newsletter" thing.

  59. I think being anxious about writing a newsletter is perfectly justified. It's become another "thing" authors feel they need to do to succeed. Whether this is true or not is anyone's guess. Good luck with it.

    1. Thanks for your kind and stable words. It's true. Writing a newsletter is really just yet another 'thang' writers feel they have to do. I guess if that act keeps us connected and encouraged with our readers than it's a win. After writing this post, I'm definitely less stressed about it.

      Thanks for dropping by!

  60. Hiya! We already follow e/o on twitter and you commented on my IWSG blog that you're a First Five Pages mentor. Me too! We will surely cross more paths. My debut is also this year and I have building a website on my To Do. Curious, did you use a Wordpress theme for yours?

  61. What a wonderful year this will be for you. Congratulations on the two upcoming books. I'm definitely in Group B. I started my newsletter early and send information on my works-in-progress. I've sent character interviews and additional things that are not in the actual books. I treat my newsletter as a place to share the behind the scenes.

  62. Hi Sheri! I'm a day late, but I made it here! I LOVE the new look of your blog, and I absolutely love your website! You've been busy, girl! I signed up for your newsletter, and of course, I will ALWAYS be a Writing Rebel. :) I think your newsletter will be outstanding! And of course we want to read about your news and updates! I can't wait! You're living the dream, Sheri, and I couldn't be more happy for you! :)

  63. Great banner! Thank you. Hugs and chocolate!

  64. Congratulations on your author debut, your website and your upcoming newsletter. You've accomplished quite a bit this year and must be very proud. It's writers like you that give people like me the hope and determination to carry on. 2015, was certainly your year and I wish you a very happy 2016, and hope you can top it. I love your, "I am a Writing Rebel" banner. Thanks for co-hosting and for the most inspirational IWSG post.

  65. Congrats on your new releases coming out this year! You will definitely have a lot of news to share. I signed up for the newsletter. No I've never been ambitious enough...yet.. to send one out. Best wishes for success! It's been fun co-hosting with you.

  66. Sheri- sorry to comment twice, but I sent you an email a few days ago (and another about 9 months ago) and didn't get a reply. Perhaps your gmail addy changed since the days of YALitChat or maybe I'm caught in Spam?

    1. Oh no! It's this stupid gmail multi-tab thing. For some reason it will sift through people, sometimes putting them under one tab and other times another. You're probably buried under a Victoria Secret or Olympia Sports promotional email. Not sure what's going on with it and I haven't had time to figure it out. Extremely sorry!!! I'm at an ice rink tight now. I'll find The emails you sent me when I get to my laptop and I promise to respond.

  67. I'm mostly B and a little bit of A. I always have to-do lists and doable goals, but want to try new things when the year begins. Happy debut year. I can't wait to read the books.

    1. Ah, the struggle of a list-maker (ME!) to try new things. If only the new things didn't mess up my schedule. lol I hear you. My flexibility with a list or schedule is WAY better after raising (surviving) four kids. I had to give some of that up or I would have gone mad.

      And here's to your releases this year, too! I can't wait to read either.

  68. Good luck on the newsletter! I've been told a few times it may be a good idea, but I have no idea how to go about doing it and right now it would just be very boring haha

    As for new years resolutions? I'm typically B. :)

  69. Good luck with the newsletter.

    And I'm a type B.

  70. I signed up! I'm sure your newsletter will be great and the free book is appreciated. It seems it's the big thing. I aim to start a newsletter this year - frequency of mailing and what sort of content to include would be exactly the kind of things I'd stress over. I need a plan.

    1. Aw, thank you! I'm sure you'll do great with a newsletter. You always have something interesting to say on your site. I think the collective theme in these comments is simply to be me and share my journey, adding in a little humor and giveaway now and then. :)

      Have a fantastic new year, Nick!

  71. Hey co-host, I'm 6 days late but I made it here...! *phew*
    Congrats on the newsletter! Seems like lots of writers are going the newsletter route...and a quarterly release sounds manageable.
    I love the banner and the Writer's Rebel Creed.
    Two book debuts? Congrats!
    Lots of awesomeness here at your place, Sheri!

  72. Wow, you outlook and attitude about a newsletter is awesome! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your views with me. I really appreciate it. I've decided I'm not going to stress over it and that this is a chance to be me. I'm always saying I want to be me and not be dictated by what the worlds wants. :)

    All the best to you during 2016!

  73. Good luck with both releases AND the newsletter!

  74. Yes, this is something I've been considering for some time now. Do I start a newsletter? Will anyone be interested? What can I offer in my newsletter?
    Good questions.
    Yes, 2016 is a new year and a new set of goals. I'm proud to say the goal I set in this months IWSG entry has already been met. Perhaps I need to start declaring my goals in my posts to keep up the motivation.
    I signed up for your newsletter. I seriously need to keep in contact of other writers, especially other YA writers.

  75. congrats on your upcoming releases! let me know if you'd like me to give you a shout at release time(s).
    and kudos for diving into a newsletter!
    i'm not sold on the value of a newsletter yet, but i put it out there quarterly... maybe i need to take a class to figure out the best way to use one cause i know they work well for some.
    here's to a bright 2016!


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