Monday, January 6, 2014

A Writer's CREED for 2014

This is my official first post of 2014. I've had a fantastic break ~ spending time with family, baking, relaxing, and catching up on some reading. I also typed THE END on my three and a half month journey writing my middle grade novel, and I did it just under the wire - 12/31/2013. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and new year's break, and are as excited as I am to take 2014 by the horns.

But life is life and we can all use a little encouragement now and again. 

As I explained in this POST, for the past two years I've offered up a Writer's Rebel CREED with brief reminders and support for the writing life. Basically, I dubbed it Sheriisms. In December, I asked for your ideas on important focuses for writers and the writing life in general, instead of me simply coming up with my own. This is a unified writing community, so I felt that was a better way to go. As expected, you did not fail. 

Today's the day I reveal the top five suggestions plus two extra ones that pertain solely to our writing community--both were extremely popular among the suggestions I received.

Here's your official Writer's Rebel CREED 2014.
I would be honored for you to join me in committing to this CREED. All you have to do is add your name to the linky list below. There are two optional committments you can also make:
  1. Copy the CREED Badge and paste it on your site, encouraging others to join us. I've included a smaller size for your convenience. Or you can copy and paste the larger image and size to you're liking.
  2. Write one post a month somehow related to your journey in following the CREED. Choose a day and time to your liking. Just include the badge in your post, linking back to this post so others can join in. Share your post via Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or however!
Remember - neither of those are required, only suggested. Best of luck with the CREED and keep in touch! Last year we had 99 writers commit. Let's see if we can double that or even more, this year! 

 photo Sheri2.png


  1. Awesome! I'm glad you're continuing the Writer's Creed.

  2. Awesome creed, Sheri. I'll definitely be following it and trying to work on writing regularly more.

  3. Oh, I'm definitely in. I'm going to need a creed, and any other form of motivation I can find to start fresh this year and get down to bi-niz. Happy 2014!

  4. Love the Creed. It covers all the avenues of writing.

    1. I was hoping it would. That's why I wanted to ask others for their suggestions.

      Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Fantastic new creed, I love it! And congrats on finishing your book last year! Woo hoo!!!

  6. So glad you're doing this again. I'm all in! :)

  7. Ahh--The Creed!!! I LOVE it! And whoot! Congrats on the middle grade novel! That's amazing! Here's to 2014! I'm looking forward to seeing what it brings myself~ ((huge hugs)) <3

    1. Yay! Glad you're joining me. And thanks about my MG. After my agent started subbing MB is summer, I started writing the sequel. Got approximately 29,000 words into it, and she suggested I write an MG; some of those pubs asked if I write MG. Uh...sounded like I probably should. lol

      Hoping for the best for all of us!

  8. Awesome CREED! I'll be committing, that's for sure. Hope you have a wonderful new year!

  9. Oh! I love it, Sheri! I just took down last years creed and need to pop this one into its space.

    1. Perfect timing, then. (That would be a first for me. lol)

  10. Love it! And I love you sought out other's ideas. And hurray for writing "The End." Such a great feeling!

  11. Thanks for doing this again, Sheri. Some of these are easy for me, like writing everyday. Others, like believing in myself and revisions, are harder. I love the idea of giving back!

  12. That's a great creed for a writer! I love how optimistic you are, Sheri, and I wish you nothing but success in 2014!

    I have my own boogey-monsters that are keeping me from writing, and nothing seems to be working marketing-wise, so I'll just do what I do every year and plod along at my usual glacial pace.

    1. Haha! Glacial pace. That's awesome.

      I know. At times, it feels like we're banging our heads against a wall. Got to keep forging forward, though. What else would I do? Sit and watch TV? Bluck....

  13. Awesome creed for 2014, Sheri! Thanks

  14. This sounds like fun, so I joined. Maybe it will encourage me to keep going. Thanks.

    1. Yay! So glad you decided to sign up! It serves as a simple and easy reminder all year through; at least it has for the over the last two years.

      Happy New Year, Beverly!

  15. Thanks for this, Sheri. I like the idea of posting once a month for accountability. Congrats on completing the MG. You've been working so very hard!

  16. Love this idea, but I'm already doing a similar post every month for my own bloghop. I'll spread the word, though. :-)

  17. You're awesome and I could really use this! I'm totally in!

  18. Is it that time again already?? I love this creed. Perfectly stated.

  19. Way cool. I love it. I am going to print off a copy to take to tomorrow night's first ever meeting of our newly formed writer's group.

  20. Great creed for the new year! Count me in : )

  21. I'm in!!! I've seen the creed on other blog I follow over the past year but never knew what it was. So glad that's been remedied!

    1. Haha! That's awesome, Beverly. I'm thrilled you've taken the pledge and are joining us! We truly have an amazing writing community. Thanks for being a part of it.

  22. Had to stop by. I feel the NEED for the CREED.

  23. Fabulous Creed -- I've signed up and will proudly display the badge! if I can just live up to the creed. Ummm... Exactly how often is "regular" writing? And if I believe my writing is pure crap, that still counts as "belief in my abilities," right? ;)

  24. I'm happy to join and (try to) live up to the creed. This year I hope to get my first novel reviewed and revised for publication so this post comes at a very good time for me. Many thanks for Cate of CommuniCATE for writing about it on her blog :)

    1. I'm thrilled you're joining in! More power to you with revising your first novel. Revisions can be taxing, but in the end are always worth it. And a big THX to Cate, too. She's been such a doll with spreading the word. Hoping the CREED helps all.

      Looking forward to keeping in touch!

  25. I'm so totally in on this. I can't wait.

  26. It's great to meet you. Thrilled you signed up and took the pledge! Aw, and Beverly...she's so awesome. I truly hope this helps us all focus and remain positive. 2014 will be big for all!

  27. I found my way here via Marie Ann Bailey and must admit you had me at the word “rebel.” I’ll be joining in. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  28. I love this, Sheri! I will gladly display the Writer's Creed on my blog, where it can keep me going on my new goals of 2014. Yay! Thanks for a great idea!

    1. You're welcome, Karen! I'm thrilled you've decided to join in.

  29. Thanks for the Creed! I found you through Deniz at The Griddle of Melian

    1. Hi Zan!

      It's wonderful to have you join the Creed. I truly hope you find it a reminder of encouragement and support. Looking forward to hearing your about your progress.

  30. Diggin' the whole Rebel thing, Sheri. Sign me up!

  31. Hi Sheri -- Paula's trying to sell a stand alone for me right now. I love her to death.

  32. This sounds great! I'll be back to join when TV season is over. I write so many recaps, but there are only three or four episodes left this year for each one I write about, and I'll be changing things up. :)

  33. I just joined! I'm so excited :)

  34. August 7th, 2014
    Where's the linky?

  35. Saturday August 9th, 2014, 2.45 A.M.
    Dear Sheri,
    Thanks for helping me link up!

  36. Это пиз... а по короче квестов нет...?


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