Monday, January 10, 2011


I'm a rebel at heart. Yeah, a closet rebel for most of my first XYZ years--didn't think I was going to tell you my true age now, did ya?--but none the less, a rebel.

REBEL - when used as a noun (according to
1. a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his/her country. 2. a person who resists any authority, control, or tradition.

When I see myself now, I see a person (Mom, writer, wife...) who respects authority & tradition but wants to forge her own path--her way.

Last Monday while surfing the web, I read a ton of posts declaring this year to be 'The Year'. Or lists upon lists of goals that 'I may or may not meet'

I've decided to approach the New Year of 2011 a little differently. Hope you'll join me.

~The REBEL Writer's Pledge~ 

I pledge: 

1~ to be ME in all that I write during this new year, to be true to myself, and write from that hidden place within me, scourging the pages with a blazing prism of light. 

2~ to write for ME and know the market will be there, my agent and book deal are there in the wings just waiting to jump on my rails and take this journey with me.

3~ to help others, reading and line editing and encouraging. ~ What is given is always repaid ten fold ~ I will be that truth.

4~ to blog earnestly and post with passion, addressing everyday aspects of writing and the publishing world. 

5~ to include all of you.

6~ lastly, to be a writer who leaves his/her mark wherever she goes, touching the lives of those who choose to read my written words. I will feel their blessing and pass it on.

YOU may be wondering why the RED DRESS? Firstly, everyone knows the little black dress is a must for any lady's wardrobe. So I have a red one. *winky-see rebel* The other three photos represent: 

- the spiral - the adversity and hurdles we'll each go through this year. 
- the glass - how we reflect ourselves and our individual lives in our writing. It's also a reminder to remain 'true to ourselves'.  
- bottles of champaign - to celebrate each of our successes for 2011!

Are you ready to take this pledge? I know you're ready. I believe in you. 

I've resized that photo for your convenience. If you want to take this pledge with me, cut and past the badge to your website, linking it to this post. (You could even post about it. That would be great.) Come December of this year. I will post a new blogfest where we'll share how we lived out our pledge. You don't have to keep track of anything. This photo is to connect us all and remind you, everyday, that you DO have what it takes no matter what road you decide to travel. 

Looking forward to hearing all of your successes this coming year!! 

Remember...I believe in you!


  1. I like your resolutions--because they are all within your control. I wince a bit when I see people who say that this is the year they will get a book deal or an agent--things that are beyond themselves. Nice goals!

  2. I'll take the pledge in spirit since I don't have a blog. I agree with Heather that it's great to keep goals we can control. I'm a rebel at heart too, though my crazy life makes me forget that a lot. Thanks for reminding me.

  3. I'll take the pledge in spirit too! :o) I've got so much on my plate this year that I think I'll be doing all this stuff anyway :o) great post!

  4. Ooohhhh, I like this pledge and I think I'll add it to my blog NOW! ;-)

  5. What a great idea, Sheri! Of course I'm on baord (and a total rebel at heart too .. altho now I prefer the term conformist-challenged) lol

    I'll be honored to display your badge on my blog! Cheers to a fantastic year ahead!

  6. I love the pledge too. Very clever idea, Sheri. :D

  7. I'm so taking this pledge. Great idea! I will put this on my sidebar. :)

  8. awesome awesome pledge! Good luck, rebel girl. Leave your mark~ :o) <3

  9. This is exactly how I live right now, so I'll totally take this pledge with you!

    I've always been a closet rebel, too. No one really knew about it, and most people wouldn't guess that when they first meet me (even now), but it's always been there. :)

  10. Wow, Sheri! I love this whole idea - count me in! (And glad you're feeling better!)

  11. Those are all great ways to go about it. Good for you Sheri!

  12. that's great! I want to take the pledge but can I also raise my three middle fingers and add 'On my honor I do swear to live my the writing rebel law'? It always made me feel very 'pledgy' in girlscouts.

  13. Very good idea! I love the pledge and all things it represents. Hope all if comes true for you.

  14. I love this post, Sheri! I especially love the way you worded #1. I pledge to do my best, too. :-)

  15. AWWW Well aren't you all spiffy! I love love love this *wheels spinning now* I'll be back!

  16. That's a great pledge. Shows a lot of heart and passion.

  17. Here, here! What a great pledge! :D

  18. And I believe in YOU! I know you have what it takes to "make it" and I will be cheering you all the way. (plus I'm partial to rebels) :)

  19. I'm pledging too! Wonderful pledge!

  20. What a great idea! And can I just say, I love the shoes in your picture. They are so cute!

  21. I love a rebel, and I love this pledge. Brilliant. I'm in all the way!!

  22. Very interesting pledge! Another thing to make note of, which I'm always very careful of:
    Don't let your writing be affected by what people expect of you.
    Meaning, just because society frowns on what you may write, (like romance, swearing, etc.) don't change your writing because of what may happen to you.

  23. @Riv Re - great point!! Well stated.

    Everyone - I'm so excited you like the idea! I did something similar to this last year but did it more personally. I figured why not include all of you. Hey, we're in this together.

    Heart you!

  24. Yay! A pledge to be me. I can do that. The rest are also really doable. Thanks for believing, Sheri.

  25. Awesome pledge!!! Can I wear orange instead of red? I love the orange. =)

  26. This is a great idea! I'm putting your badge up. Thanks for telling me!

  27. That's a pledge I can take!! Great idea! :)

  28. Hi- I found your link through PK Hrezo's blog. I love your pledge and am inspired by your courage and conviction. I look forward to following your blog. Thanks!


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