Wednesday, March 2, 2016

IWSG~Winter Blues Making You Crazy?

More Participants Found HERE & a special
'thank you' to this meme's hosts 
Christine RainsC. Lee McKenzie, and Tara Tyler. 
We all suffer from the winter blahs. The months of February and March drag on like a lame dog doing the dead-man's crawl across the Sahara Desert uphill both ways. 

Here in Maine, it's like endless gray. Lifeless. Dull. Wet. Gloomy. Filthy. And there's sand. And salt. 

Did I mention salt? The stuff that eats your car, scratches your interior floors, and stains everything white! Like we don't have enough white with the snow.

So what's a person to do? 

  • Look on the bright side - close your eyes and picture a candle ... lit.
  • Find the rainbow in the clouds - buy a colorful skein of yard, cut pieces into strands, and braid. Shoelaces work, too.
  • See the glass half full - fill a tall glass halfway with water and then pour that into a smaller glass. If you use wine ... drink.
  • Just smile - use red lipstick and a cutout of the Joker's mouth. Trace and bare it. No lipstick? See #3 above, only use a large rimmed glass and milk ... drink. Honestly, this one will probably make you laugh. 
  • Count your blessings - collect all the out-of-place belongings others who live in your house NEVER take care of (plates, silverware, socks, underwear included), stuff into garbage bags, and store in a private place only you know about. When they discover their missing items, go to your private place, stare at the bags and laugh. I honestly have done this and it made me feel better.
If all that fails move to St Martin or someplace warmer. 

Any good cliches to add to my list of snark?
The purpose of the IWSG is to share and encourage, posting on the first Wednesday of each month. You'll find writer doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Support and a common understanding spread throughout the group as many fellow writers can relate. Feel free to JOIN in anytime.
 photo Sheri2.png


  1. Great ways to look at the blah times of winter. At least it is almost over and here, there are days when the temperature creeps into the 50's.

    1. Yeah, the 50's are a good sign. The cold is annoying, of course. But it's the blah of the days that starts to wear on me this time of year every year. We're almost to more sun, though!

  2. I hate winter. But I do love rain and fog and clouds. Weird, I know. But as long as there isn't any snow, I'm good. Here's to spring!!

  3. For me this year discovering skiing worked. In fact, it worked so well and I loved it so much that I seriously cannot see living somewhere that ONLY snows three months out of the year. But the rainy winters, I have no love for those, in any way, shape, or form. Love your suggestions!

  4. This winter hasn't bothered me as much thanks to the warmer temps and less snow. And it's almost over :)

  5. If you use wine, drink. LOL! We can always find the positive if we look for it.

    1. Positive is the way to go, especially right now with what's going on in the world. I try! Sometimes I succeed. Other times, not so much. But either way, a positive tweak in the attitude is always good.

  6. I'll skip the lipstick and just smile instead!

    1. LOL. Come on. Where's your sense of adventure. I believe that's the way of the selfie today. #bah...

  7. I like Florida. =)

    Of course, figuratively speaking, we all have seasons of life that are like that, eh?

    1. That's very true. No matter the weather patterns surrounding us, we all have seasonal blues now and again.

  8. I know I'm in the minority but I actually like winter. But I like spring too so it's all good.
    The joker idea cracked me up. :D

  9. Ha! A cutout of the joker's mouth. I need to get one of those. ;) I also like winter but that's because I live in Florida and hate the summer.

  10. I'm already laughing thinking about doing these things. Thanks for sharing!

  11. We've had a pretty mild winter here in Pennsylvania. The plants are confused. Dogwood trees tried to bloom in December. Daffodils have been peeking out of the ground since January.

    Of course, this is just making up for the last two horrendous winters we had!

    1. Yeah, some of our plants and trees are like, "What?" They start to sprout something green and then freeze again. And I hear you about the last two winters we had. Just awful!

  12. Counting your blessings always works!

  13. That taking the out-of-place items and laughing when their owners are wandering around clueless is just evil -- and hilarious! Thanks for a great list on how to entertain yourself when the weather gets bad. :)

  14. Choose carefully whose stuff you grab. Some people can wig out hard. Being positive is important and I'm glad to live in sunny Jamaica. Snow and salt? No thanks.

    1. Ooh, Jamaica is beautiful! I've been a few times, but just to visit. I think people in warmer climates live with a little casual edge to their steps. Not saying anyone is lazy or anything like that. I just think we snow people tend to be a little more tightly wound, like we can't relax. Well, that's because we're shivering! LOL JK

      You're correct about being cautious. But it was my kiddos, so it wasn't like they had much of a choice. They live in our house. My husband and I provide all they have, so we'd like a little respect. :)

  15. ok, you've taken memes a step further and enlisted active participation! how cool is that!
    thanks for playing and giving us fun, encouraging stuff to do! here's to sunny days in our future!

  16. What fantastic ways to bed the blues. You made me smile. :) Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

    1. You're welcome! When I saw the hop sign up on C.Lee's site I thought it would be a great opportunity to find some humor in the cold.

  17. "If you use wine ... drink" Giggle. I'm in favor of that one. And I laughed out loud with your "count your blessings" example.

    1. Aw, thanks! Glad a few made you smile. Now let's hope we can carry that into this week.

  18. Hi Shelley - sometimes it's wonderful .. but I do like it when Spring properly turns up .. nearly there now - but a cold weekend ahead ... smiles, appreciation as the buds start popping out ... cheers Hilary

    1. Yes, seeing a few buds start sprouting out of the ground is a great sight!

  19. You just described Buffalo, NY, as I look outside into the dreary gray sky!!!

    Great Post!!!!! I need wine...

  20. Your mention of salt reminds me I should get a car wash :) I'm lucky to be able to work from home most of the time, but that means when I do go out in wintery conditions with road salt, the gunk stays on my car longer as it sits in the garage.

    When I feel down about winter I imagine wearing my favorite boots or building a snowman -- imagine building because actual building sounds too cold ;) -- things that only winter offers. Also hot chocolate is a great motivator through blah months.

    I also realize I'm lucky that I can turn off winter blahs. Many people cannot and the depression lingers.

  21. I'll try #3 first with wine, of course. Then I'll tackle the rest. Life is always lovely after a sip or two of pinot! Thanks for the winter blah lift.

  22. I am soo ready for spring!! Winter blahs is so right. LOL on the garbage bag technique. Cute idea <3 XO Sunshine is almost her <3

  23. Ha! Actually, winter hasn't been so bad for me this year, maybe because it's been mild, and I'm enjoying wearing boots and cuddling up with good books. I'm not sure I'm ready for spring. :)

  24. Replies
    1. LOL. Right???

      Hope all is going well with you! Have a great week.

  25. Good tips for enduring winter. I actually love it, maybe because I was a January baby. Though no skiing for me.

  26. Words to live by! These are great ideas.


  27. Nah, that doesn't sound weird at all. And I'm with you: winter is awesome during the months of November - January. After that, it's hard to see the point of all the cold. Snow I'm okay with. We snowmobile, but the single digit temps...brrrrr!

    You have Fibromyalgia? Aw, so sorry. I know how tough that can be. I have secondary Raynauds & Sjogren's Disease. I love that you've given yourself permission to move more slowly during the colder months. I need to do the same. I'm just not there yet. I always feel so guilty if I'm not on screech. Like right now - I had a goal to complete draft 1 of book II of my MG series by March 13th. Not going to happen. The winter makes my Sjogren's so much worse, which means I'm exhausted. Sometimes I can't even keep my eyes open, let alone think. But once again, I have to find that silver lining in it all.

    Take care and here's to warmer weather soon!

  28. We've been lucky this year in my city. It hasn't been too bad a winter. :)


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