Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mommy Slash Writer's X-Mas List

SPLATTER NOTICE:  For the first time since I began blogging almost eleven months ago, I have decided to unplug--no personal blogging or posts--from December 24th until January 3rd. I will miss you all terribly. My GUT tells me (& the awesomeest Shannon Whitney Messenger knows what I mean), that the new year will bring a new and busy adventure for me where I won't be able to spend as much time with my family. You'll probably get sick of me. LOL

My family and I celebrate Christmas in the true Reason for the Season. It's one of the most grounding times during our year. We come together, eat (& yes, drink), sit by the fire, share our thoughts of the past year and our hopes and dreams for new one before us. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Have a safe and joyous HOLIDAY with yours and yours alike. You are in my thoughts. I appreciate each one of you. Thank you for sharing yourselves with me.

I plan on sharing a post-Christmas story with you about our decorations, traditions, and of course tons of photos!

So in my true skin, I've chosen to share a bit of SherriE humor, from the motherly perspective. BY ALL MEANS, Moms out there, add to my declaration.

"All I want to Christmas is..."

I'm sure you have as many realistic ending phrases for that song as far fetched ones. I know I do. So in a Merry'ole gesture of Tis'the Season, I thought I'd share a few of my motherly desires to increase my writing time.

~ A Laundry Machine: you read that correctly. A laundry machine, not a washer and dryer. I want the whole kit-kat-and coboodle. I want a machine that sorts, washes--and softens, of course--dries, and folds. But not only that! I want it to walk each kid's piles of clothing into their rooms and put the stinking stuff away! In every draw, shelf, and on every hanger. (This would not only afford me an extra three hours a day for writing, but save on glasses of wine at the end of said day.) 

~ An Instant Snack Generator: sure, like the one the Jetsons had. Why not? Picture the little food gorgers piling off the bus, now. Sweet! No more handmade pb&j crackers (at least not by these hands), or cut up fresh fruit. No, their most coveted snacks to appease their grumbling bellies would be at the simple tip of their grubby fingers. 'Course, in my house, they'd break the off button on the machine which would create the never-ending food line, not to mention a sticky mess. But at least I wouldn't run out of food to supply the neighborhood kids who seem to think our kitchen is a grocery store.

~ eReader embedded in my head while I'm beta reading or critiquing others' work. Now there's a real reason for an eReader. Heck, yeah. My eyes tend to be crossing all the time, seeing how I read so much. This could come with an automatic backup, frequent word finder, and maybe even stimulate the coffee maker to perk on its own. (Side effects may include frequent eye blinking, nausea, piercing migraines, as well as forgetfulness when device is not in use. Due to the large amount of energy needed to run said device, all other aspects of your life may be inhibited to the point of death...but said device may be extracted and re-implanted in a family member with the same blood type.)

Psst...DON'T read the fine print. Really, who does that??

~ Self-gassed-up vehicle: no more stops at the gas station? This would eliminate the extra writing hour a week I waste listening to at least one of the kids hymn and haw how they 'Need a drink RIGHT NOW!' only because I don't have a water faucet with me. Grr...there goes MOM, into the store to buy water, Gatorade, soda, whatever it will take to keep that kid quiet.

~ Email comptroller: OMGosh...I am the worst at controlling my emails. I probably spend 4 to 6 hours weekly, answering or just reading emails filled with response-needs, articles (which I asked for), or messages from the kids teachers/coaches about scheduling, homework, etc... I want a little dude living in MY cyberspace who reads, collates, and answers emails for me but relays all info directly into my brain. There. An invisible personal assistance who doesn't get paid or fed, and mostly DOESN'T COMPLAIN!

Now please, my precious', can you add to my list?? Dad's are included, too!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Lil'Devil Turns 14

He crawls on hands and knees, quietly casing the room. The door closes behind him, left just ajar...just in case. Slowly, he stalks the crib, knowing what lies inside. The smell, the softness, the lull of each baby breath lures him nearer. A plush stuffed elephant catches his eyes. The gray color is just as he remembers it, one ear flapping over. Reaching for it, he flicks the trunk and grunts, irritated. It's all too familiar. He presses on.

The wood of the crib is solid. A stable place for a babe to lay her would think. His stubby fingers cling to one post. He pulls himself to stand just enough to see the snuggled image before him. The wave off his eyelashes is faint, but his blue eyes sparkle, deviously ready to strike. His thick lips pull into a grin. His tongue rolls out like a shade, draping over his bottom lip. He sputters. Saliva pools in his mouth. Speckles of spit pepper his cheeks and outstretched arm. Excited, he accidentally shakes the crib. The teeny lump under the blanket stirs. He squawks. And to his delight, the baby cries.

Out of nowhere, long slender fingers attached to strong hands lift him off the carpet. His chubby legs dangle in midair, the scintillating blue of his eyes now fading to a pale fear as they peer into the unexpected abyss of Mommy's big, scary, and angry blue eyes.

Oops, she caught me waking up baby sissy, Kate. Crud, Jake thinks as Mommy's lips flutter up and down, saying words he doesn't understand...but he just heard earlier this morning.

Did I get'chya???

Summer '10
We celebrated child #2's 14th Birthday yesterday. It's still amazing to me that he's grown so old. He came into this world at 2:02 in the morning like a lion and has never stopped roaring. He's full of life and ambition, and has a loyal heart just like his dad. As much as he's tested me, he's made me laugh...and made me proud.

So here's a flashback of my devious little boy.

Can U C it in his eyes?
Big brother Josh giving advice, "Mom said
'No touch, Jakie.'"

Caught again...
OH, yes, she see's me...I'm
touching it anyway.
Does she see me?
Did mommy say to stop jumping
on this book that makes noise or 

jump more?? I'll go for more...

IT's hard to make his b-day special. 
Always feels like we rush it, being six
days before Christmas.

I wanted him to know that every moment
he's given us has been noticed, and yes...
ARCHIVED! *Mom winks, thinking of
senior video material in five years because
he's given Mom plenty.*

HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY to my Magical, Mystical, Mischievous boy who lights up everyday with his grin cocked to the side, his challenging glares, and his teasing taunts. Oh yeah, and thanks for all my gray hairs!

Love Mom.

So tell me. Do any of you have children or close relations with birthdays close to a holiday? How do you manage to make it special?
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Greedy Little Writers

I don't know about you, but I can official mark this holiday pre-season with the seal of FAIL. I am usually totally prepared. Honestly, Thanksgiving weekend is my Christmas decorating and wrapping time. This year I've been late with both.
My kids are getting older. I'm not sure if their age is what's robbing the spunk out of gift giving this season or the fact that one of their wanted items ranges anywhere from $200 to $1,000. Yeah, we're talking iPods, iPads, laptops, xBox360, PS3, small flat screens, and don't get me started on clothes. A pair of jeans for my seven year old should not cost $36 bucks. I'm sorry. He'll outgrow the stupid denim in two months.

AND my seventeen year old wears men's sizes, which is a great feat when it comes to new hockey skates. The model youth size he wore costs about $250 a pair. That same model in men's sizes costs $600. Then it's $200 for a new hockey stick--and in high school they break them...A LOT.  For you with little ones, just more reasons to bottle them up and keep them sweet and innocent.

So--and today is...what's the date???--the hubs and I still have no idea what we're getting the older three (Josh 17, Jake 14, Kate 12). CJ (7yr) is easier, not easy though. Having older siblings gives him an older mentality. He wants two xbox games at $70 a pop, a new bike, a laptop, and yeah, his own TV in his room. (NOT)

But all this got me to thinking about writing, like pretty much everything else in my life now. What about writer's gifts?? Well, I've put together a little list of Writer Have Want Gifts and Places That Have Them for you.

1) New laptop - Just Google that one. There were a million different sites and they are so user friendly. Plus, this cybertard got dizzy.

2) Magnets for inspiration. You can pick up with one at CafePress.

3) Mugs are great gifts. Like this one. It reads: WRITER ~ someone who gets paid to sit around all day drinking coffee and make stuff up.

4) What about a thinking cap?

5) There's always the mind-scrambling notepad to jot down your fantabulastic idea.

I hope this was helpful. Hey, why don't you print it out and give it to those wondering what a writer would like.

Even better, give it to your non-writer friends. HO-HO-HO-BACKSPACE....

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Crazy Holiday Blogfest!!

If any of you visited me on Monday you discovered I'd screwed up. Yup, mom/wife/taxi driver/cook/maid/laundry service/teacher....aren't any of you going to stop me???

Yeah, I wouldn't either. Let me stew in my own broth while you get a chuckle. You're welcome for the laugh.

Well, at the beginning of the month, the wonderful Christine over on Christine's Journey came up with a fabulous idea for a blogfest. Each participant was to post around 250ish words dealing with a season/holiday. I'm late to the party but I'm now bucking up and posting.

The segment I've chosen is actually from MARKED BEAUTY. It's the opening of a scene. Pretty self-explanatory.

It came down in fluff balls. White, creamy, scatters of frozen water coated the earth’s outer layer like New York cheesecake, not to mention every warm body scuttling the grounds.

“Snowball fight!”

Students stormed the center of campus stuffing their pockets, backpacks, and even wide-mouthed, soda bottles with snow. Warmed by hands, it transformed into the best buckshot slush ever. By the end of the war games, most of the snow was packed to the pavement. A family of snowmen had been butchered, and a gang of snow dudes had been stabbed to death with icicles. The campus had snow bomb splatter on every bench, tree, brick building, and car; there were a few ticked off drivers.

Masses lined inside the dining hall waiting for hot chocolate. The gang and I headed for the cozier and more hip atmosphere of McGregor’s Lounge, where lights flashed and music cranked. For the weekends, a DJ mixed up the tunes in hopes to keep us on campus; on occasion, a live band played. Weekday nights, a student ran the musical montage for a few hours. Bar tables in all shapes sketched a scattered pattern over the floor with a cushioned seating area by the back windows. Oak tabletops lined the outer walls with backless stools tucked underneath. Foosball and ping-pong tables were to the right of the wooden dance floor; those got plenty of use.

Viktor’s group sat in the corner by a large window. The sun’s glare off the newly-fallen snow tinted their auras lighter shades, except for his which seemed to glow. I chastised myself and tried to tame my eyes, but he wore those darned sunglasses, looking like some bad boy detective hunting his criminal.

Finn moaned as Sara’s warm hands cupped his face and melted away his chill. "Can't believe it snowed this early. We'll probably be buried by Christmas."

Thanks for reading, guys. AND if you already haven't, please take a gander back over to Christine's blog and check out the other wonderful writers who participated...yes, two days ago, I know. Mark this as just another one for Sher's record books. LOL

Monday, December 13, 2010


FRAZZLED MOM ALERT: Due to 4 kids, the holiday season rush, and ice hockey season--which has completely frozen the brain cells of this ratty mom, said mom/writer accidently scheduled two posts for the same day. Yikes. Wanting to give both their just due, the Crazy Holiday Post for the fabulous Christina Danek will be plastered here on Wendesday. Chris, you are a gem. Thank you for including me and I hope all will return to read. CHEESE!)

I've been reviewing books for a little while now. And each time I approach a review I think, How will I come up with something interesting for the reader? How can I highlight the author's strengths?

It wasn't hard with this review. I'm exstatic to have been a part of this amazing Book Blog Tour. Seriously. Back in August, my good man Simon Larter wrote a plea to his followers saying he'd been asked to review a book but was unable to do so. He'd love to pass on the pleasure to one of us. I emailed him and voila!! I was put in contact with Tamara and I became part of the blog tour.

Um...yeah, did I mention how wonderful she is?? Whoa!

So have you heard about her book PERILOUS? Come now, you must have.

Author: Tamara Hart Heiner
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: WiDo Publishing (Nov. 2010)
Pages: 265

I was provided an electronic copy of this manuscript by the author.

Description: Jaci Rivera has plans for her sophomore year-- to make the honor roll and eat too much pizza with her best friends, Callie and Sara. Her biggest concern is Amanda, the pushy girl who just moved into town. What Jaci doesn't plan for is catching a notorious robber red-handed, or being kidnapped. The desperate thief drags her and her friends 2,000 miles across the Canadian border. Then Jaci finds something out about her family. Something which irrevocably connects her to their kidnapper, and makes her question their chances of escape.


MY SPLATS: Creative, racy, and driven, PERILOUS captivated me from the onset.

Initially, there is a homey feel to it: descriptions of family life, school, and typical teen attitudes that surround these lead characters. But soon, and very soon the story takes off on a raceway with twists, turns, and troubled roadblocks. The characters are real and believable, as they struggle with their unexpected reality and ponder how to fix it.

With the exception of a few 'too convenient' subplots and scenes, the story is one of strength and survival. The girls, along with two other teens they pick up, travel endless hours and miles on foot, braving Mother Nature's elements and those hunting them, all while trying to make a connection home. (Although I loved most of the scenes, a few I would have liked to have more of a twist to make me say 'Wow, I didn't expect that.')

Overall, the writing was clear and concise, yet descriptive enough to paint a backdrop of mystery and intrigue. Seeing the story from two points-of-view heightens the suspense and makes the reader yearn for more as the story climbs to the climax and answers are exposed. I would definitely recommend it, and I look forward to Tamara's next project.

PERILOUS is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and in your local bookstore. And please come back next Monday, when I release my interview with Tamara!

Here's a virtual sneak peek:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Supporting an Author: Lindsay Below

Please give a warm Alleyway welcome to Author Lindsay Below as she celebrates the debut of her YA novel HEAD OVER HAND-BOUGHT HEELS. It's tentative release is scheduled for December 13th, published by Etopia Press.
When Katie meets Courtney, everything starts to change…
When I marched into Vivian’s Boutique for my first shift, I didn’t expect to walk into a screaming match — or to make three new fiercely loyal friends just for comforting Courtney after her breakup. But I did, and now they’re set on coaxing me out of my temple of nerdery and onto their fashion-forward rollercoaster of social involvement.
And now, after all the time we’ve been spending together, I think I might be falling for Courtney…

Well-Meaning Peer Pressure
By Lindsay Below

Friends are pillars when you need support. They brighten the dourest of days and are always ready to stand by your side. But what if they ask you to something you don’t feel comfortable doing?

I don’t even mean anything necessarily “bad.” Sometimes, friends just ask you to do something you’d rather not do. Have you ever felt as though you had to do something a friend asked you, or else risk driving a wedge between you? I’ll admit, I have.

So has Katie, my main character from Head Over Hand-Bought Heels. When she meets Tia, Courtney, and Jane, Katie finally feels that she has a supportive group of friends to fall back on. While deep down, she’s still the awkward bookworm she always was, her friends do their best to coax her out of her shell.

So when Courtney asks her on a date -- a real date, not one of the fake “dates” they’d been out on to fool Courtney’s ex-girlfriend -- even though Katie hasn’t had time to examine her feelings towards Courtney, she immediately says yes. After growing dependent on her friends, she doesn’t want to lose them by rejecting her.

Want to know how Katie works out the situation? Comment here (or on any other stop on my blog tour) for your chance to win an ebook copy of Head Over Hand-Bought Heels. The itinerary can be found at my website. The contest lasts until December 17th at 11:59PM EST. The winner will be announced on my site after that date.

Feel free visit Lindsay on Twitter, Facebook, and her blog - Lindsay's Ramblings

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Have you ever noticed how much we writers discuss what inspires us? I read post after post, as I'm sure you do. Inspiration can be found anywhere ~ while at a stop light or in the grocery store, in music and nature, or in the genuine smile of a child.
But are you an inspiration? Do you inspire others? I want to share a personal experience I recently had with my newly-turned seven-year-old son, CJ.

(Yeah, that was him this past Halloween. He was originally supposed to be a zombie, but everywhere he went people kept calling him Edward. Hah... He was like, "Ma, who's Edward?" Oh my little Cullen boy.)

The hubs and I went to CJ's parent/teacher's conference. Granted, we were LATE...Uh-hum...a week late. Yup, I completely spaced out the Wednesday we were originally scheduled. His teacher is wonderful, and let us reschedule. For the sake of this little story, let's call her Mrs. P.

When we first arrived for the conference, Mrs. P. looks at me and says, "Man, is he a reader! And wow, we have quite the little writer on our hands."

I acted a bit surprised, but not fully. He'd recently been using more paper in our house than usually, and had been asking me how to spell this word and that word. Of course, he seemed to always ask while I was writing, so I'd answer him but never inquired what he was doing.

Mrs. P. proceeded to tell us about a conversation she recently had with CJ.

Mrs. P. said, "CJ, I just found out something about your mom."

"What?" CJ asked.

"Your mom's a writer."

A bright smile broke through his blush. He said, "Yup."

"Is that why you like to write so much during class?" Mrs. P. asked.

He nodded his little head, and said, "Ah-huh, want to see?"

CJ then rushed to his cubby and pulled out his backpack. He ambled back to Mrs. P's desk with a handful of papers, which he laid out for her to see. He'd been writing little stories and lots of them. One or two sentences, but to him they were the world.

Here's a few:

Giraffes - by CJ Giraffes have long necks. They eat leaves off the trees.

The Monkey - by CJ The monkey likes bananas because they are yummy.

The Cat - by CJ The cat was licking his paws because his paws were dirty.

Seals - by CJ The seals go to get food. It takes over 3 months.

The Cows - by CJ The cow helps people survive because they produce milk.

The Fox - by CJ Where is the Fox? He is in the cave. (Illustration)

Now by reading those, you can tell he's a reader. (I typed them just how he wrote them.) I have no idea how he's such a good reader. I used to sit with my older three kids and read every night. I'm lucky to get two times a week to read with CJ, and one of those times is probably off the cereal box. 

BUT...this one did me in. Mrs. P. displayed this story on the wall of his classroom. It made me cry.
Yeah, Mom writes about werewolves.

I hadn't even noticed how my time, energy, and hard work had been noticed by my seven year old. I only new my older three kids noticed my work when it interfered with taking them to a practice or running around for project supplies - (or when I forgot to buy more school snacks - Bad Mom). 

I surely didn't realize how deeply I was influencing my youngest guy. (Yeah, I'm crying right now.)

It's all good. I am so blessed. AND a quick 'SHOUT-OUT' to my new followers!! Thank you!

Have you paid attention to how your writing might inspire others around you? Share with me, so I'm not the only sap out here. ";-D 

Monday, December 6, 2010

GRAFFITI WALL: Lisa & Laura Roecker, authors of LIAR SOCIETY

The Graffiti Wall has been on hiatus. So many wonderful authors were splattering their journeys on the wall, I needed some clean-up time.

But that time is least for this week.

I'm thrilled to be featuring two amazing writers, mothers, wives, and all around great blogoteers!! Their blog posts share snippets about their writing experiences, some awesome fashion tips--our should I say FASHION DON'TS--and great food suggestions that can boost the average brain power of a writer. But my favorite is their  snark ~ some of the best I've ever read. If you're not following them, it's not too late! YOU can start today.
Lisa & Laura Roecker, authors of THE LIAR'S SOCIETY (due out March 1, 2011) 

When you made the decision to pair your writing, what did you initially write? Was there one writing moment that convinced you that you could do this together?

Honestly, the moment we determined that we could actually do this together came the morning after our late-night conversation where we decided we would try writing. We called each other and said, “Do you still want to do this?” “Yeah?” “Yeah.” and that was it!

We had the totally innovative idea (along with a million other writers) to modernize the classics. We began with THE NORTH SHORE, based loosely on PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. As the rejections began rolling in and some agents were kind enough to provide a bit of feedback, we learned that we nailed the voice, but our plot was broken.

You have a unique relationship...and you're lucky to have it. What team-strength do you bring to your love of writing? 

It’s funny because although we are sisters, and extremely similar, we bring very different strengths to writing. Because of this, we could never do it alone! Lisa is extremely witty and gifted with dialogue. Laura’s strength is in the details and setting. Lisa is also a marketing genius as well as the brains behind the bulk of our ideas. But as the younger sister, Laura appreciates being told what to do!

I know you've developed a system for writing together. Ever have any glitches?

When we are outlining together, Lisa loves to plot out chapters, spewing ideas left and right. She absolutely hates when Laura pokes holes in her plot. Laura loves it.

Hah! I bet she does.

I hear there's a frog fetish among you. Care to elaborate? Oh, please...

Lisa collects frog paraphernalia, she has since we were little. Her house is absolutely covered with frog stuff! She just can’t get enough! EDITORIAL COMMENT FROM LISA: This is the LAST time I let Laura answer our interview questions.

'K, major excitement about The Liar Society! Tell us a bit about the book. 

LIAR SOCIETY features Kate Lowry whose best friend Grace died the year before. On the anniversary of Grace’s death, Kate receives the following email from her:
I'm here…
sort of. 
Find Cameron.
He knows.
I shouldn't be writing.
Don't tell.
They'll hurt you.

Kate has no choice but to play detective and prove once and for all that Grace’s death was more than just a tragic accident. The emails continue and Kate is forced to confront the school's resident druggie, a sketchy administrator and even her own demons. 

As she moves closer and closer to the truth, she teams up with a couple of knights-in-(not so)shining armor--the dangerously attractive, bad boy, Liam and her love-struck neighbor, Seth.

The three uncover an ancient secret lurking in the halls of their elite private school with the power to destroy them all.  

But the truth doesn’t always set you free. Sometimes it’s only the beginning.

Is Kate more like Lisa or Laura? 

Kate is definitely more like Lisa. She’s confident, witty and independent. Kate is super-brave though and we’re both afraid of the dark.  EDITORIAL NOTE FROM LISA: Ok, this answer totally makes me forgive Laura for that crap about the frogs.

Pluggy from me: You all have to check out their Liar Society website. It's way cool and you can even download the first chapter!!

Your blog posts always sound off the cuff and real. How do you decide who does what, when, and topics to cover? Any advice for writers just starting to blog? 

Lisa always, always, always wanted an excuse to blog. When we began writing that was one of the first things she did: start a blog! We usually discuss the week ahead and try to come up with topics we’d like to write about. We usually create posts the night before, unless we have an interview or giveaway scheduled. It seems a bit more timely that way. Our advice for newbie bloggers? Use the blog as a way to find your voice. 

Perfect advice, and a great exercise.

We represent ourselves as writers every time we tap the keyboard, write a piece or comment on a blog. What do you believe are the most important elements to creating a writer's platform? 

We have worked really hard to build a network of writers and readers online. Because there are two of us, we try to work as a team as much as possible—have even gone so far as to not sign our emails because we’re kind of a unit. It’s also incredible what can be done these days with social networking. For us, the biggest elements that have helped us build a platform have been blogging, vlogging and social networking. 

Sniggers. You mention Brenda Walsh on your website. Who's more like her?

Lisa all the way. She’s snarky just like B. Walsh. Laura is so Kelly. She loves culottes and unflattering haircuts.

Now this is spoken directly to YOU, MY FANGTASTIC FOLLOWERS! These lovely ladies are offering up a FIRST FIVE PAGES CRITIQUE! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and on December 20th, I'll announce the winner, chosen by a random generator.

The lucky winner will also receive a package of these.

And a six pack of this.

Feel free to blog(+5) about this, sidebar post (+3) tweet it(+2 each time), or Facebook(+2 each time), or any other media (+2 each time) for extra entries. Just leave me the links with your comment. 

So yeah...I don't think I need to tell you how amazing this pair is. You can find them on their Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Teenfire, and Goodreads. AND please give them some support and pick up THE LIAR SOCIETY  it's released in March.

Have a question for the girls? Leave it in the comments.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Picture Book Ideas

I mentioned at the beginning of November that I was participating in Tara Lazar's PiBoIdMo. It's been an awesome month!! We had to come up with one new picture book idea each day, no outlining or writing, just an idea. It's been way fun, and I'm here to share them with YOU.

Now remember, they are skeletal ideas. I do, however, have a few outlined.

Here are my thirty-three: (We were asked to do thirty, but I couldn't help myself.)
  • The Hockey Player with Pink Pigtails
  • Snowflake Stars
  • Will I Ever Be Big?
  • The Grasshopper and the Butterfly
  • Leapin' Lizards Plus One
  • My Daddy the Vet
  • The Magic Yellow Balloon
  • Bellyflies ( get them, too?)
  • Tamara the Topsy Triceritops
  • Switching Days - (lesson on days of the week)
  • The Traveling Pencil
  • Where Do the Socks Really Go?
  • Super Shot (about a hockey puck and playing fair)
  • Before I Was Your Series (Mommy, Daddy, Sister, Brother)
  • Lionel the Lazy Lizard  
  • The Tangled Wig (about combing hair)
  • Tappin' Toes
  • Alex's Sock Adventure
  • Puzzles, Oh Puzzles
  • My Dollie
  • I Am a Superhero
  • Danny and His Magical Bed
  • Boo-Boo the Mangy Cat
  • My Favorite Words (Pre-K)
  • Kenny's Kickin' Soccer Game
  • On My Toes (Dance classes)
  • Grandpa's Christmas Story
  • Picture ME in a Picture Book (includes special cut-outs for the kiddos to put their faces.)
  • Where the Prize in the Cereal Box Took Me
  • The Angry Snowball
  • Sand in My Pants
  • The Inchy Crab and the Crabby Inchworm
  • My Mom Makes the Bestest PB & J Sandwitch-ees
  • Ms. Itchy-Witchy's Magical Book Store
HEE....and check out what I got:
Isn't this badge like the cutest badge you've ever seen?!

Even if PBs aren't your thing, have you ever thought of a story you think just might make a good picture book?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Taking Amazon By Storm: Author Talli Roland

There is so much to be excited for today. It's the start of December!! Wow! Another holiday season is upon us. Geez, feels just like yesterday I was giving my parents a wishlist for Santa. Now I am Santa.

But just as exciting is my next news. I've enlisted along with a group of other bloggers to help Talli Roland's book THE HATING GAMES hit the Bestseller's List on Amazon!! Talli is a wonderful writer and a very supportive blogger. Come on. Give her some love and support her work. At the very least, check it out. Thanks!!


When man-eater Mattie Johns agrees to star on a dating game show to save her ailing recruitment business, she's confident she'll sail through to the end without letting down the perma-guard she's perfected from years of her love 'em and leave 'em dating strategy. After all, what can go wrong with dating a few losers and hanging out long enough to pick up a juicy £2000,000 prize? Plenty, Mattie discovers, when it's revealed that the contestants are four of her very unhappy exes. Can Mattie confront her past to get the prize money she so desperately needs, or will her exes finally wreak their long-awaited revenge? And what about the ambitious TV producer whose career depends on stopping her from making it to the end?

Yeah, so doesn't that sound amazingly AWESOMESAUSOME?!!!

Help Talli Roland's debut novel THE HATING GAME hit the Kindle bestseller list at and by spreading the word today. Even a few sales in a short period of time on Amazon helps push the book up the rankings, making it more visible to other readers.

No Kindle? Download a free app at Amazon for Mac, iPhone, PC, Android and more.

Coming soon in paperback.  Keep up with the latest

And make sure to come back for my interview with Talli TBP sometimes in February!!

While your at it, check out Shannon Whitney Messenger's fantastic MG book giveaway. She's holding it open until Dec. 4th.


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