Modern and independent seventeen year old Morgan Westbrook thought she had seen all there was to her home town of Scarlet, Georgia, but one day while walking in the woods behind her house she discovers a

time that takes her back to the year 1863 during the days of the Civil War in Scarlet.
Without knowing that she had traveled back in time, she stumbles upon Danny Carson, an attractive young man who is appalled to see that Morgan is wearing skimpy modern clothes instead of a nineteenth
century dress. Although they find each other completely different than anyone they’ve ever known, they cannot help but feel drawn to one another. After spending time in another century, she discovers that
she's time traveled back to the year 1863 and that the door took her there. For months she and Danny journey back and forth through the door to experience the joys of traveling to both of their centuries.
When dilemmas of unwanted marriage, slavery, and war are thrown at them, they must face the perils that time travel has delivered them in both the future and the past.
Now, meet Morgan Westbrook from Scarlet Woods.
Morgan, thanks for putting aside some of your time traveling to answer some questions for this interview.
I’m happy to do it, besides Danny was the one time traveling to see me in the future today so I didn’t miss out on anything really.
So, how exactly do you time travel to the year 1863?
I found out about time travel accidentally one day. I came upon this door in the woods behind my house and had no idea that walking through it would take me back to another century. It was a crazy experience and I still don’t know how that door is a portal through time, but hey it works so I take full advantage of time traveling every day.
Is there anyone who knows that you time travel?
Just Danny, no one else knows our secret. We can’t risk telling anyone about the door and have people think we’re crazy.
Now Danny Carson is the boy you met back in 1863 correct?
Yeah, he lives here in Scarlet but I live in the future while he lives in 1863. It’s weird that we both live in the same town but since we live in different centuries it’s like we live on two different planets since our time periods are so opposite.
So speaking of Danny, he is engaged right?
And I’m guessing that you don’t get along with his fiancée?
I would rather jump off a cliff if it meant avoiding her.
What’s the best thing about time traveling back to the nineteenth century?
Oh gosh it’s so much fun! I can’t even describe how incredible it is to be able to time travel. There are so many things I love about it that it’s so hard to choose what’s best. Even though sometimes I don’t like all the layers to the undergarments in the nineteenth century, I really do enjoy parading around in all the luxurious dresses I have. Also, men are much more gentlemanly to women during this time.
What’s the worst thing about the nineteenth century?
I freakin hate slavery. End of story. I could go on and on. Thanks to time travel, I have met this boy named Sam who is a slave and I just hate what all he has to go through at his plantation. Some slaves aren’t treated as bad as him, but still I don’t like it.
Do you have any people in your life right now that you don’t care for?
Well there’s Danny’s fiancée Evelyn Walker, who hates my guts, and then there’s her brother Roy Walker, who also hates my guts. I can’t stand the sight of him. He’s such a douche. The Walkers are the ones who own Sam. Roy is the main one who treats Sam bad. Every time I see Roy I want to punch him in the face.
Is the Civil War a big problem during this time for you and Danny?
The war hasn’t come to Scarlet yet. It will though eventually in 1864. I’ve told Danny about how the Union will come through Scarlet and practically destroy our town to the ground. He is scared of what is to happen to his home.
All this time travel sounds so interesting. It's been great chatting with you, Morgan. Let's meet your creator, Brooke Passmore.
probably will never fully grow up. As a kid I played with Polly Pockets, swam in my swimming pool practically every day during the summer, and went on vacations to Disney World with my family (favorite days of my life). I loved telling stories as a kid by playing with my Polly’s and dressing up like princesses with my friends. Eventually everything that went on in my busy imagination I wrote down on paper
in the late hours of the night.
When I was in sixth grade I moved into a new house with woods directly
behind my backyard. I’d walk about the woods and loved trampling through the creek or getting lost in the trees. These trips through the woods gave me my inspiration for my book trilogy Scarlet Woods. My main character in my book is Morgan who lives in a house where the woods are right behind her backyard. My love for trees and anything woodsy definitely shows in my book and I hope I painted a pretty picture in readers’ heads about what Scarlet Woods looks like.
My favorite candies are Skittles and M&M’s. I put ketchup on practically anything with meat (even with chicken quesadillas). I’m a great fan of Florence and the Machine, The Beatles, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Birdie, and recently The Civil Wars. My favorite books are The Hunger Games, Shiver, and Wither. My favorite movies are Titanic and Gone with the Wind. The Vampire Diaries is the wonderful TV show I’m obsessed with (I’m a Delena lover!!). I hate ads on youtube that I repeatedly have to skip every single time I want to listen to the newest song from Glee. I love to smile, laugh, and purposefully sing loud and off key whenever my brother is around just to pester him. I have a cat named Phoebe who we named after Phoebe from Friends, a yorkie named Coco who we named because he likes to eat Cocoa Puffs, and a shih tzu maltese we named Indy after Indiana Jones. My favorite princess is Cinderella but I think my personality is a tie between Ariel and Belle so they’re all my ultimate faves. If I could choose a century to time travel to I’d probably choose the Victorian age, the roaring 20’s, the 1950’s, or the 1940’s. I think the Victorian age and the 1940’s were probably the most romantic eras in history and the 20’s and 50’s would probably the most fun! Check Brooke on her Blog, Twitter, and Goodreads.
SPLAT!! I didn't want you Alleywalkers to think I forgot about all the giveaways I've held, lately. I'll announce them all next week!
This sounds like a great book. Loved the character interview. And my cousins live in Broken Arrow like Brooke. Good luck to Brooke with her book.
ReplyDeleteI always love getting to know the characters more personally.
DeleteI used to want to find a doorway like that! Congrats to Brooke :)
ReplyDeleteYes, Marcy!! It reminded me of your story. Seriously. I totally thought of you!!
DeleteI always enjoy character interviews. They lure me in more than almost any other kind of author post. Thanks for this one.
ReplyDeleteOoo! I love the cover and that gorgeously RED dress! I love time travel books, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. :)
ReplyDeleteThe book really sounds interesting. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHugs and chocolate,
Thanks everyone for the comments and thanks to SA Larsen for being apart of the tour and for posting everything!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a pleasure, Brooke! So glad to meet you. Love the cover and premise of your story.
DeleteGorgeous cover! Best of luck to Brooke-
ReplyDeleteTime travel always captivates me. Since I haven't figured out how to do it in real life yet, I should check out this book.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy time travel stories and that cover is gorgeous. I'm glad I found the author and her book.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I'm intrigued by the concept of time travel in YA. Thanks for stopping by!!
Deleteoh, I love the premise of the book! I love any kind of time travel type stories.