Tuesday, March 30, 2010

GRAFFITI WALL: Marcy Hatch, a Writer's Story

Welcome, Marcy. And thank you for being the first to brave the Graffiti Wall. Let's start by telling the readers something quirky about yourself.

When I was younger my sister and I used to tell each other stories at bedtime. The game was this: come up with three titles and let the other person pick the story she wanted to hear, and tell the story. I used to make one title sound more interesting than the others because it was the one I had an idea for. Usually, this worked; my sister would pick the correct title and get a half-way decent off-the-cuff story made up by a 12 year old. But sometimes she'd pick the wrong title, the one I had no clue what it was about. Then I'd have to exercise my imagination to work, which made it grow.
So I guess I've always wanted to tell stories.

What a nice childhood memory, plus a great writing exercise. 
What made you start writing? 

Reading was what got me started. I remember reading horse stories in 6th grade and then deciding I could write one. In high school I had some fabulous English teachers who complimented me on my writing, gave me tips, and told me not to stop. But I didn't get serious about writing, ie, sending stuff out, until the last 10 years.  

 Any special way you approach your writing?

Coffee is good, definitely. Usually I re-read what I wrote the last time to get back into wherever I was. But I'm almost always thinking about what I'm writing, either at work or while I'm driving or walking with my dog.  

 What do you enjoy writing about most and why?

I enjoy writing something with a magical element because real life is just too dull, in my opinion. And not dull in the sense that nothing happens but dull in the sense that nothing magical and wonderful happens. But I also enjoy writing romance, which was what I actually started writing when I first got serious.

Any current projects? In the past?

I've written two fantasies (three if you count book one of a trilogy), and a paranormal historical romance that is currently making the rounds on Inkwell. Now, I am working on a story about a high school senior, Arlen, who happens to be a witch. In this world witches exist but keep quiet among themselves. The setting is where I used to live on Cape Cod and Arlen goes to my old High School. 

It's always nice to talk to a writer who's been writing as long as you. What has been your biggest lesson learned since you started?

I don't let rejections get to me. Sooner or later my writing is going to come to the attention of someone who is going to love it. I just have to be patient and keep writing, because that's how I'll get better. As my son says, 'practice makes pretty good - because there is no perfect.' 

Wow. I like that quote. Nice.
So, bacon or sausage? Just mixing it up. 

Bacon. I love a good BLT :) 

Social networking is huge, right now. What's your take?

Networking is so important. I started a blog last summer which I've been having a lot of fun with, I made contact with you through the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance blog--which I have recently volunteered to upkeep--and I've joined two writing sites, Inwell and YALITCHAT. It does takes up time I might spend writing but it also might help get me published which would give me more time to write.

This has been great, Marcy. One last question: any advice for the novice out there reading this and thinking ‘Man, that sounds like too much work’?

It doesn't feel like work to me. I love writing and everything to do with it. Yes, somedays I struggle to write a paragraph or two but my worst day writing is always better than my best day at my regular job, no offense intended to those I work with or the job itself. I write. It's what I do.

Marcy, thank you for sharing yourself with us. Want to see more of Marcy? Check out her blog and her profile forever here on the GRAFFITI WALL. 

(Interested in an interview? I'd love to have you. Email me: salarsen71@gmail.com.)


  1. Great interview! And i love the new grafitti wall:)

  2. Thanks, Candyland. I'm still not sure about the facelift for the blog. Hey, maybe I'll put it to a vote... I can't wait to do your interview. It's up next. ";-)

  3. Great interview. I so agree that coffee is essential to writing. It's inspiring to see that you write, blog, and write.

  4. Thanks Natalie. I sooooo agree with coffee thing. Appreciate you stopping by!!

  5. Sheri, great interview! (Marcy, I totally love bacon too. Mmmmm).

    btw Sheri, I'm giving you an award on my blog tomorrow! =)

  6. Wow, Carolyn! I'm honored and humbled. Love your blog!!

  7. Marcy--I love your practice makes pretty good quote too--so wonderful! Thanks for sharing with us!

    Sheri--thanks for the interview--nicely done!


!SPLAT Your Awesomeness! I'd love to hear from you!


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